Big insight into his personality at 2:07 in this video, which has changed my mind on his sociotype: "One of the things I dedicated myself to in doing this show was to commit to a process rather than a build from first principles a consistent and coherent explanation and prediction of power for the world...all of that means you don't wed your identity to any particular conclusion, which is why when people come with counter-data I'm happy to re-examine, I'm happy to overturn prior conclusions because I'm not ego-identified with conclusions. You could say I'm ego-identified with the process of thinking, but that's a very fluid and responsive and reactive thing that's easy to adapt to new data; in fact it really insists you adapt to new data. So that's my focus." Logical/irrational/process-orientated/farsighted personality. He then goes on to bash rational thinking. Conclusion: mix of Ni/Te in irrational form: ILI (INTp), probably Te-subtype. If I'm wrong on the farsighted aspect, he could also be ILE (ENTp) Ti subtype.