While watching movies, have you noticed any particular types of scenes that regularly cause you to engage in some avoidant reaction (like frequently pausing the movie, looking away, or distracting yourself in some manner)? What types of scenes? How do you react?

For myself, they're F type scenes (I'll expand on this later, once I've figured out how to word it [or someone else does]), and I react by frequently pausing (usually with some laughter to release what is probably stress/tension produced by the scene) and often doing something else for a really short period of time (eg, a short walk to one room or another and back) during the pause (or in this case, typing up this post [which is a longer break than normal]). (As a note, the reactions are only this strong when watching by myself - when others are around, I don't pause the movie frequently [of course], and kind of force myself through the scene)