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Thread: New German Medicine (split from EnxP)

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    Question New German Medicine (split from EnxP)

    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post

    My latest fascinating alternative health discovery is - amazing new paradigm. You will never be afraid of cancer again.

    Sorry that i abuse this thread for that but i have to say it:"be cautious with new german medicin!"
    I don't want to be rude with you but german medicin doesn't help at all against cancer. A relative of a friend thought she could cure it with non school medicin she's dead now. Two relatives of mine went trough chemotherapy they both live.
    To be honest in my opinion practicioners of stuff like new german medicine should be imprisoned for instigation to suicide.

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    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daft21 View Post
    Sorry that i abuse this thread for that but i have to say it:"be cautious with New german medicin!"
    I don't want to be rude with you but German New Medicine doesn't help at all against cancer. A relative of a friend thought she could cure it with non school medicin she's dead now. Two relatives of mine went trough chemotherapy they both live.
    To be honest in my opinion practitioners of stuff like New German Medicine should be imprisoned for instigation to suicide.
    I am sorry for your friends relative. I am not in a position to have to rely on it as I don't have cancer. I would very much hesitate to share that theory with anyone just diagnosed. One is in a panic mode and wants to obey those who say they are the experts and know just what to do.

    But it is something I am glad to know of - I am convinced its the better and the truer approach to cancer. This is after finding personally over the years implementing many alternate ways to cure many things. I should be on so many meds if I have followed doctors orders but I have found natural cures for root causes of everything and I my health improved rather than deteriorated. German New Medicine sounds true in light of all the other things I have found to be true that are non-traditional. The bonus is its all backed by real science. So I recommend its reading to anyone who leans toward the natural non-pharmaceutical approach already, or has a fear of getting cancer someday.

    As far as those personal testimonies, its just not enough info for me to make a judgement. Many, many people with cancer die. The person who tried German New Medicine and died - how far along was in her cancer before she discovered it? That matters. And did she first try chemo? You can die from that, you know. The slow-death way. I am not asking you to go obtain details of your friend's relative's case. I am just saying, these are huge unanswered questions, and without those answers, you cannot say that's this is a case against that theory. Other questions are, did she have a practitioner supervising her case, or was she on-her-own just ignoring her cancer? Because in German New Medicine, there is sometimes need for intervention, like if you have tumors blocking arteries or major organs: you need to have them removed, not just wait for them to shrink.

    As to the people who are alive now after radiation and chemo, lots of people are alive after cancer treatments. What German New Medicine says is that the cancer is part of the natural healing process from havoc wrecked on the body after the previous emotional trauma, and if you try to circumvent that process, you can succeed, but your body needs to complete the healing process - and that's why the cancer later comes back.

    Quote Originally Posted by Daft21 View Post
    To be honest in my opinion practitioners of stuff like New German Medicine should be imprisoned for instigation to suicide.
    Believe me, there is a lot of big money behind anyone who wants to get rid of German New Medicine or anyone who says there is an inexpensive way to deal with cancer or heart problems or anything chronic that generates millions and millions of dollars into the pharmaceutical industry. This cancer stuff is real business, there really aren't that many altruistic people out there who are concerned if you live or die. Don't think those pink ribbon people care about getting rid of cancer. There are cures out there and they fight them off. But no one can say that because your pink ribbon donations pay for the big-bucks lawyers to defend their real goal: stay in business and keep making money!

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    I think natural medicine can be something of a touchy subject, particularly in regard to life-threatening diseases. Ultimately, the choice to pursue a purely natural approach is a personal thing. That can be incredibly frustrating to friends and family who think conventional medicine should be sought. On the flipside, a patient's commitment to conventional medicine can worry and frustrate those who distrust it and prefer a natural approach.

    I have a condition that involves constant infections in my body, specifically my armpit/upper arm; conventional medicine currently has no cure for the disease. (No, it's not HIV.) I have to be on antibiotics all the time. It sucks, and conventional drugs are not preferable; if I could find a naturopath in the area who could work with my dermatologist on achieving some kind of balance between the two approaches, that would be awesome. But I'm not going to quit my meds cold turkey in hopes that natural alternatives will keep the infection in check. Even my father, who is really big on natural medicine and has been very against much of conventional medicine in the past (though he seems to have improved), does not tell me to go off of antibiotics but rather reminds me to use natural cures along with them. I'm currently recovering from a badly-infected lymph node, a complication of this disease. I had actually considered and researched natural cures for it; once I saw it was turning red, I decided I'd better just see a doctor instead. And I'm glad I did (though I'm still less than thrilled with the first doctor, whose prescription was expensive, not the best choice for my kind of infection, and ultimately ineffective, and who therefore cost me a lot of unnecessary money). I also believe prayer helped a lot. Ultimately, the point is that conventional medicine is not all bad, and sometimes it's incredibly useful. Are there some incredibly harmful meds out there? Are there corporations who care more about taking your money than curing you? Sure. Be an educated consumer. Is there a guarantee that natural medicine alone will cure you? No. Again, be an educated consumer. (Especially make sure that the natural cures you are attempting don't interfere with your conventional meds.)

    "Tell someone you love them today, because life is short; shout it at them in German, because life is also terrifying."

    Fruit, the fluffy kitty.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Daft21 View Post
    Sorry that i abuse this thread for that but i have to say it:"be cautious with new german medicin!"
    I don't want to be rude with you but german medicin doesn't help at all against cancer. A relative of a friend thought she could cure it with non school medicin she's dead now. Two relatives of mine went trough chemotherapy they both live.
    It really isn't fair (or particularly good practice in general) to say that an entire field is bullshit/useless because you know of one person who died while trying it. You'd have to look at the overall statistics and consider the various factors that led to patients' deaths. If you don't think/feel that it's a particularly effective approach, you're well within your rights to believe that way, but that's very different from stating your opinion as fact.

    To be honest in my opinion practicioners of stuff like new german medicine should be imprisoned for instigation to suicide.
    Why? They aren't intentionally leading or pushing anyone to their deaths. If you want to make a case for state or federal charges (which I still will not support), it seems like "malpractice" would be closer.

    "Tell someone you love them today, because life is short; shout it at them in German, because life is also terrifying."

    Fruit, the fluffy kitty.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    I am sorry for your friends relative. I am not in a position to have to rely on it as I don't have cancer. I would very much hesitate to share that theory with anyone just diagnosed. One is in a panic mode and wants to obey those who say they are the experts and know just what to do.
    Well my aunt wasn't in panic when she made a decision. She works as a Shiatsu-Therapist(i like shiatsu a lot!) and is into "natural medicine" and first didn't want to go trough chemotherapy in the end someone gave her the advice she should chooses the way she'd wanted for her husband if he had cancer. She took chemo.

    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    But it is something I am glad to know of - I am convinced its the better and the truer approach to cancer. This is after finding personally over the years implementing many alternate ways to cure many things. I should be on so many meds if I have followed doctors orders but I have found natural cures for root causes of everything and I my health improved rather than deteriorated. German New Medicine sounds true in light of all the other things I have found to be true that are non-traditional. The bonus is its all backed by real science. So I recommend its reading to anyone who leans toward the natural non-pharmaceutical approach already, or has a fear of getting cancer someday.
    It's not backed by real science it's as backed as MBTI (probably not even that). Real supervised controlled science is at the university(state or established private) though i dont say there's nothing good outside of the universitys. My mother worked as a nurse and works now as a practicioner for alternative medizin yet she doesn't see a way to cure cancer with alternative medizin.

    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    As far as those personal testimonies, its just not enough info for me to make a judgement. Many, many people with cancer die. The person who tried German New Medicine and died - how far along was in her cancer before she discovered it? That matters. And did she first try chemo? You can die from that, you know. The slow-death way. I am not asking you to go obtain details of your friend's relative's case. I am just saying, these are huge unanswered questions, and without those answers, you cannot say that's this is a case against that theory. Other questions are, did she have a practitioner supervising her case, or was she on-her-own just ignoring her cancer? Because in German New Medicine, there is sometimes need for intervention, like if you have tumors blocking arteries or major organs: you need to have them removed, not just wait for them to shrink.
    I don't know much about the procedure she went trough.

    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    As to the people who are alive now after radiation and chemo, lots of people are alive after cancer treatments. What German New Medicine says is that the cancer is part of the natural healing process from havoc wrecked on the body after the previous emotional trauma, and if you try to circumvent that process, you can succeed, but your body needs to complete the healing process - and that's why the cancer later comes back.
    Pure ungrounded speculation. At least school medicine doesn't claim stuff like that. Do you really believe that???

    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    Believe me, there is a lot of big money behind anyone who wants to get rid of German New Medicine or anyone who says there is an inexpensive way to deal with cancer or heart problems or anything chronic that generates millions and millions of dollars into the pharmaceutical industry. This cancer stuff is real business, there really aren't that many altruistic people out there who are concerned if you live or die. Don't think those pink ribbon people care about getting rid of cancer. There are cures out there and they fight them off. But no one can say that because your pink ribbon donations pay for the big-bucks lawyers to defend their real goal: stay in business and keep making money!
    I see the pharma industry critical but i am not a conspiracy theorist.
    Btw. Mr. Hammer lost his licence 1986 he is also known as a antisemit and a conspiracy theorist. I recommend you to google the case Olivia Pilhar the state took the education authority from her parents away because they wanted her to be treated by mr. hammer luckily she lives. Also every serious news paper wrote negative about mr. hammer and new germand medicine.
    Your only argument for new german medicin are your subjective feelings and conspiracy theories the facts are on my side. If you want to have blood on your hands go on spreading this charlatanery.
    Last edited by DaftPunk; 06-11-2013 at 10:23 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryene Astraelis View Post
    It really isn't fair (or particularly good practice in general) to say that an entire field is bullshit/useless because you know of one person who died while trying it. You'd have to look at the overall statistics and consider the various factors that led to patients' deaths. If you don't think/feel that it's a particularly effective approach, you're well within your rights to believe that way, but that's very different from stating your opinion as fact.
    I know that one person is not representive. When all sources ,like viewed serious newspapers real universitys, i trust say New german Medicin is bullshit i am going to believe it. I think that makes me less naiv than conspiracy theorists.
    She made an objective statement about New German Medicin (Quote: You'll never be afraid of cancer) it's her right to speak free about it as it's my right to say what I think about it. It's also my right to do it in a objective way

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryene Astraelis View Post
    Why? They aren't intentionally leading or pushing anyone to their deaths. If you want to make a case for state or federal charges (which I still will not support), it seems like "malpractice" would be closer.
    You're right Mr. Hamer got 19 Months for malpractice i.a. but in my opinion he should be sentenced for instigation to sucide. I know that in German Law it's almost impossible to sentence him for that i think its because of the subjective side of the facts of the case.(legaly spoken, don't know how good my translation is)

    Let me end the post with a quote of mr and not anymore dr. Hamer

    Die jüdische Religion teilt bekanntlich alles ein in gutartig u. bösartig, so auch in der jüdischen sog. Schulmedizin. Wir Nichtjuden werden gezwungen, weiterhin die jüdische Schulmedizin zu praktizieren. […] 15 Millionen Eurer Mitbürger aus Eurem Volke sind in den letzten 20 Jahren [durch diese] umgebracht worden […].
    – Hamer [SUP][35]

    Translation: Everyone knows that The Jewisch Religion separets everything in good and bad. they also do that in school-medicin. We who are not Jewisch are forced to apply the jewisch Schoolmedizin [...] 15 Million of your fellow citizens were killed by that in the last 20 years [...]

    Seems to be a nice fellow like the small creap with the characteristic walrus i mean what are 15 millions against 7 millions (or were it even 7 no probably it's a conspiracy like everything in the world) really nice hidden comparison.

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    The mods are able to do thread splits, if the OP would prefer that the tangent be moved.

    "Tell someone you love them today, because life is short; shout it at them in German, because life is also terrifying."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryene Astraelis View Post
    The mods are able to do thread splits, if the OP would prefer that the tangent be moved.
    Might be better. HKKMR is a mod right?

    After reading my posts do you understand why I despise New German Medicin so much?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Daft21 View Post
    Might be better. HKKMR is a mod right?
    Hkkmr's the admin, but I think he had mod powers.

    After reading my posts do you understand why I despise New German Medicin so much?
    I'll have to get back to you on this. I have that post mostly-written at the moment.

    "Tell someone you love them today, because life is short; shout it at them in German, because life is also terrifying."

    Fruit, the fluffy kitty.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Daft21 View Post
    Well my aunt wasn't in panic when she made a decision. She works as a Shiatsu-Therapist(i like shiatsu a lot!) and is into "natural medicine" and first didn't want to go trough chemotherapy in the end someone gave her the advice she should chooses the way she'd wanted for her husband if he had cancer. She took chemo.
    I'm glad it turned out well for her!

    Quote Originally Posted by Daft21 View Post
    ... Real supervised controlled science is at the university(state or established private) though i don't say there's nothing good outside of the universitys.
    Real studies that anyone will publish rely on funding from the pharmeceutical companies to get off the ground! And if you can't patent your remedy and claim exclusive profit for its sale because its God-made, not man-made, NO ONE will fund you!

    Quote Originally Posted by Daft21 View Post
    My mother worked as a nurse and works now as a practicioner for alternative medizin yet she doesn't see a way to cure cancer with alternative medizin.
    That's cool about your Mom. I have always thought alternative med works for everything but if I ever got cancer I'd have to get drugged up like everyone else. Now I don't think so. My Naturapath does healing for cancer particularly along the lines of GNM but he doesn't just let it go, he treats it naturally.

    Quote Originally Posted by Daft21 View Post
    Pure ungrounded speculation. At least school medicine doesn't claim stuff like that. Do you really believe that???
    I cannot say I believe it, but I can say it strikes me as more true than the chemo theory. Yes, you are right, it is not what established medicine says.

    Quote Originally Posted by Daft21 View Post
    I see the pharma industry critical but i am not a conspiracy theorist.
    Me neither. But I believe in the reality of greed to drive the market.

    Quote Originally Posted by Daft21 View Post
    . Mr. Hammer lost his licence 1986 he is also known as a antisemit and a conspiracy theorist. I recommend you to google the case Olivia Pilhar the state took the education authority from her parents away because they wanted her to be treated by mr. hammer luckily she lives. Also every serious news paper wrote negative about mr. hammer and New German Medicine.
    Anyone who takes on the established medical industry is going to take real hard hit, that's the reality. Maybe sometime I will read the dirt they dug up or fabricated, and study it for my own conclusions. But that they "exposed" dirt is not any surprise. What woudl be truly shocking is if they hadn't yet. You don't threaten the livelihood of a giant monopoly without expecting to take a fall.

    Quote Originally Posted by Daft21 View Post
    Your only argument for New German Medicine are your subjective feelings and conspiracy theories the facts are on my side. If you want to have blood on your hands go on spreading this charlatanery.
    Its not my only argument, but you can call it subjective. Conspiracies do not exist! Of course thats true. I do believe however in people acting and living on greed though, and I don't believe the FDA is concerned with my good health.

    I don't need anyone to take an interest in this. If you think its so bad - and I disagree - then that is fine. And you can be very glad that you have had the chance to express that here and tell people why you think its bad, and warn them off maybe..

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    @bg @Fireyed @Kim

    Could one of you split the thread, please? That way we can continue this conversation without clogging Opeth's thread.

    "Tell someone you love them today, because life is short; shout it at them in German, because life is also terrifying."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    I'm glad it turned out well for her!
    Thank you me too!

    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    Real studies that anyone will publish rely on funding from the pharmeceutical companies to get off the ground! And if you can't patent your remedy and claim exclusive profit for its sale because its God-made, not man-made, NO ONE will fund you!
    There were and are big law cases against the biggest of the pharma industry e.g. the Yasmin pill case against BAYER. I don't say there's no corruption etc. But it's also not that companys can do what they want

    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    That's cool about your Mom. I have always thought alternative med works for everything but if I ever got cancer I'd have to get drugged up like everyone else. Now I don't think so. My Naturapath does healing for cancer particularly along the lines of GNM but he doesn't just let it go, he treats it naturally.
    How can you treat it naturally?

    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    I cannot say I believe it, but I can say it strikes me as more true than the chemo theory. Yes, you are right, it is not what established medicine says.
    I have the feeling you're just looking for an answer badly. Maybe there is non besides predisposition, environmental influence nutrition. Not everythin makes sense in life.

    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    Me neither. But I believe in the reality of greed to drive the market.

    Anyone who takes on the established medical industry is going to take real hard hit, that's the reality. Maybe sometime I will read the dirt they dug up or fabricated, and study it for my own conclusions. But that they "exposed" dirt is not any surprise. What woudl be truly shocking is if they hadn't yet. You don't threaten the livelihood of a giant monopoly without expecting to take a fall.

    Its not my only argument, but you can call it subjective. Conspiracies do not exist! Of course thats true. I do believe however in people acting and living on greed though, and I don't believe the FDA is concerned with my good health.
    I also think that greed is the mainfactor but still we are not entirely governed by the big companys. E.g. tobacco companys loose more and more costumers in the western world trough restrective law, taxes, prevention campaigns that comes all mostly from the government. Actually Pharma and Tobacco- Industry should make a good jointventure because smoking makes people sick. So can you explain me the development of cutting down on smoking?

    So you think he's a justice victim->conspiracy theory because no one thinks he is except from his disciples. He's a sentenced criminal and a charlatan like the guy who claims you can life from light. What do you say about his antisemitic statements?
    I provide you with facts and real world examples and your answer to everything is conspiracy. It's like talking to a holocaust denier(don't say you are one) who says everything is conspiracy you don't play the ball back you catch it and throw it in the bushes. I mean there were many liability lawsuits against big companys where the companys had to pay a lot e.g. asbest cases. Actually i am giving you a Te as IEE you're supposed to like that

    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    I don't need anyone to take an interest in this. If you think its so bad - and I disagree - then that is fine. And you can be very glad that you have had the chance to express that here and tell people why you think its bad, and warn them off maybe..
    I will

    Let me end the post with a quote of mr and not anymore dr. Hamer

    Die jüdische Religion teilt bekanntlich alles ein in gutartig u. bösartig, so auch in der jüdischen sog. Schulmedizin. Wir Nichtjuden werden gezwungen, weiterhin die jüdische Schulmedizin zu praktizieren. […] 15 Millionen Eurer Mitbürger aus Eurem Volke sind in den letzten 20 Jahren [durch diese] umgebracht worden […].
    – Hamer [SUP][35]

    You really want to have medical advice by a guy who says so abominable things?

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    I'm splitting this into two posts in hopes of avoiding a tl;dr scenario. Daft21, I recommend reading both before replying.


    Quote Originally Posted by Daft21 View Post
    I know that one person is not representive. When all sources ,like viewed serious newspapers real universitys, i trust say New german Medicin is bullshit i am going to believe it. I think that makes me less naiv than conspiracy theorists.
    Alright. Whether we agree on it or not, I'm glad you have more basis for your opinion than originally indicated.

    She made an objective statement about New German Medicin (Quote: You'll never be afraid of cancer) it's her right to speak free about it as it's my right to say what I think about it. It's also my right to do it in a objective way
    You’re right, she did. I don't agree with her statement either.

    Yes, there is no rule that bars you from stating anything as fact; but if you do it without basis, you risk coming off as a fool.

    You're right Mr. Hamer got 19 Months for malpractice i.a. but in my opinion he should be sentenced for instigation to sucide. I know that in German Law it's almost impossible to sentence him for that i think its because of the subjective side of the facts of the case.(legaly spoken, don't know how good my translation is)
    Yeah, we’re not going to agree on this particular aspect. Probably best to leave it at that.

    Let me end the post with a quote of mr and not anymore dr. Hamer

    Die jüdische Religion teilt bekanntlich alles ein in gutartig u. bösartig, so auch in der jüdischen sog. Schulmedizin. Wir Nichtjuden werden gezwungen, weiterhin die jüdische Schulmedizin zu praktizieren. […] 15 Millionen Eurer Mitbürger aus Eurem Volke sind in den letzten 20 Jahren [durch diese] umgebracht worden […].
    – Hamer [35]

    Translation: Everyone knows that The Jewisch Religion separets everything in good and bad. they also do that in school-medicin. We who are not Jewisch are forced to apply the jewisch Schoolmedizin [...] 15 Million of your fellow citizens were killed by that in the last 20 years [...]
    The quote isn't particularly helpful without context. The rest below.

    "Tell someone you love them today, because life is short; shout it at them in German, because life is also terrifying."

    Fruit, the fluffy kitty.

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    As mentioned, I’m looking into New German Medicine. There’s a lot of medical terminology and concepts in the overview, the majority of which mean little or nothing to me. I’m tempted to pass this off to my stepdad, who is a med tech and would better understand what this guy’s getting at.

    That aside, my reaction thus far: some of what he says isn’t bad; studies have found links between stress and various diseases, and he’s not the only person to talk about giving the body the means to heal itself. However, I disagree with his specific interpretation of that concept. He identifies one factor in illness (stress related to a particular incident, a “conflict-shock”) and claims it is the only cause. That is very problematic and really just not true. Many factors have been identified for many illnesses. One of my older brothers contracted leukemia many years ago; from what I recall, there was something bad in the water where he lived, and he and others received a settlement for it later.

    From what I see, the treatment involves identifying the emotional trigger that caused the disease and resolving it, which should allow the body to heal itself. He also promotes a healthy diet, which is good. The idea of eliminating controllable stress from one’s life is not bad, and it’s generally very beneficial; more people could stand to do it. My problem here is where he is so very against the use of conventional medicine. Drugs can have problematic side effects (my current antibiotics have a laundry list of them), but sometimes they are necessary. Sometimes surgery is necessary.

    My father/stepfather (same person) works in a cancer hospital and has done so for at least 20 years now. They have a psychologist on staff, and they work to provide food made with good ingredients. They have at least one naturopathic doctor on staff, if not more. They have vitamins in their gift shop. The hospital as a whole very much believes in mind-body medicine – eating properly, dealing with emotional issues and stress, etc. Not every patient will take advantage of these services, but they are offered. Yet the hospital also uses chemo. It uses surgery. It uses conventional drugs. It supports and offers a balanced regimen in treating cancer. This man does not, which is where his treatment fails.

    I haven’t gone as in-depth with this as I could have, but I’ve seen enough to formulate an opinion. Ultimately, I think that he has a handle on a few good concepts but has taken them in rather unfortunate directions. That’s looking at the practice itself. Looking at the man behind the practice…

    (begin quote)

    Official Statement
    For the hearing scheduled in Chambéry (in the first instance) to the textual pattern "exhortation against the school / state and incitement to New Medicine for the purpose of exercising medicine."
    Was cited seven people (about 300 survivors) who have died (after many chemo) and finally were still trying to understand the New Medicine. I do not know any of these patients, not even by name, to the reading of the indictment, much less their medical records.
    The crime had been committed from Germany, ie from abroad, because apart from a few exceptions 3 hours for 9 years, I have not been in France.
    The basic assumption is the "knowledge" of the court, ignorant in the medical field, so that the New Medicine is false.

    On 31 January 2000 there have been, in the first instance, a hearing which lasted until 30 pm 0 February 1, 2000. My two French co-accused were sentenced to short terms of imprisonment, myself one year and a half. Farms 9 months, 9 months suspended Even before the hearing, the public prosecutor had issued a warrant against me Executable international arrest warrant through Interpol. Until this first hearing at which I was by mistake called with two days late, I could not see any folder page (including 7 files). To date, I have not yet checked the page file. To my co-accused, Andrée Sixt Chambery, the French justice has allowed only 10% consult the documents (nothing negative). In October 2000, the conviction in the first instance of two co-accused was confirmed in the second instance. Due to the late notice, hearing first instance was declared invalid for me, but the international arrest warrant has been maintained, so that at each airport I could be kidnapped and brought to France by Interpol (= private police boxes). The French court wrote to the Spanish authorities that extradition was planned so I did not bother with the hearing on 18 May 2001. Comment my German lawyer W. Mendel: "By this notice this obvious show trial, the French justice is excluded from the community of states of European culture." What does that mean? As we learned in the meantime, Israelis and especially Chassidim, practice secretly New Medicine for over 20 years, and that with the greatest success, that is to say 98% . This has just been confirmed recently by an associate of a hospital in Tel Aviv. With the help of the "Israeli" media - and this is almost 99% of the media in Europe, America, etc.. Israelis advocate chemotherapy and morphine-like so-called "therapy" of cancer for non-Jews, with the result that 98% of them die (according to the German research center against cancer of Heidelberg, Prof. . Abel). So since then, 2 billion of non-Jews, that is to say, a quarter of the world population, were killed in the most horrible manner using chemo and morphine . Now I'm the one who called things to light. Punishment: the arrest (as has happened to me) and even the assassination was predicted to me and which has already threatened me x times since (my lawyer himself has made me share ). This is the B'nai Brith, the Jewish upper houses of all the lodges has already made several attempts (I've already survived ten assassination attempts.) When you know like me, as a theologian, that all religion-Jewish and foremost Jewish Orthodox is essentially based on the hatred of non-Jews (Talmud), the total destruction is almost regarded as a prerequisite to the messianic kingdom of the Jews , we begin to understand all the desirability to destroy me-and the New Medicine-This is what has been happening for years through emissions fueling endless defamation, this in all media. For my opponents, it would be ideal to reach me away in a mental structure, where I'd first declared insane and subsequently "died." This is the real reason why the French authorities are so eager to me, they even manage to ridicule by making "elements of crime" from scratch. Their only goal is just to keep their power this dangerous Dr. Hamer. The Israeli press then bear the responsibility of why and how, as it has done for 20 years. But I am very aware of this danger. Each of my days may be the last release. This is why we need everyone to know that if one day that Dr. Hamer has killed himself is said, (suicide) this will be true. In this case, I have certainly been murdered on the orders of the superior Israeli B'nai B'rith lodge.For me, the prospect of being murdered is less terrible than to see New Medicine - which until now is perhaps the most amazing discovery in the history of mankind - this sickening backdoor way by Israel (the rabbis that I wrote did not say otherwise) ... and see that for 20 years Rabbis block for non-Jews that blessed discovery and thereby have made the worst and most horrible crime in the history of our world: 2,000,000,000 patients killed by chemo and morphine That is why you will understand Now, for me, my duty incorruptible tribune, with respect to my patients suffers no discussion. Although a large, large number of doctors and other therapists around the world who already know the New Medicine and use it for work, still silent out of fear and attend the massacre without doing anything, there will be at least one our people (the people of writers, thinkers, musicians, explorers and inventors) who will be a role model for his people and for all non-Jews of the world! But how does the total enslavement of humanity ? Every Masonic lodge ("free masons" = old Spanish Jews) works "temple of Solomon" according to its statutes. Therefore naturally, the priest of this box can not be a Jew. But each cell is formed on the principle of the Pope or dictatorship. The Israeli only has the floor. Each member of a lodge has taken an oath that binds him. That is why all the companions of the master box are "corrupt" and "rewarded" with the selected positions, but have nothing to say. By their oath to the lodge they are required to "absolute and unconditional obedience" under penalty of being liquidated. The result is that after a while, all the brothers lodges tremble in fear of having committed an act of disobedience, knowing what to expect. This may explain why I was kicked out of 50 clinics which I wanted to exercise (when I still had the right), after the chief doctor has obviously received a call from his chief of houses. In exchange, the chief medical officer, judge, lawyer or politician is sure that nothing will happen to him, he is telling the truth or not, or that he will commit an unlawful act, or even if a judge settles a lawsuit so that it is the innocent who is condemned.Anyway the rest is then supported by the press, including the editor, even if he is not a Jew himself, must in any case belong to a lodge and thus obey orders. Lodges are secret ... Apparently the assassins have no reason ... And the victims have no lobby. Like cattle, they go freely to the slaughterhouse. And those brothers who understood that lodges in the meantime, can not get out of this mafia, because all have already sold their souls by their "allegiance to the lodge ". The oath to the lodge takes precedence over the Hippocratic Oath or state official. Although many people now believe qu'HAMER should not write this, it's too dangerous for him, I think and I have nothing to lose - still need someone eventually say! On 14 May 2001 Dr. RG Hamer

    (end quote)

    …he’s kind of a freaking crackpot. My Literature of Paranoia professor would have a field day with this guy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Daft21 View Post
    There were and are big law cases against the biggest of the pharma industry e.g. the Yasmin pill case against BAYER. I don't say there's no corruption etc. But it's also not that companys can do what they want
    That Yasmin makes me sick. That and their artificial birth control will quickly up your chances of breast cancer and they know it. They keep pushing it anyway because they can afford to pay off the ensuing lawsuits - because everyone who gets cancer will need to spend even bigger bucks on more of their drugs!

    Quote Originally Posted by Daft21 View Post
    How can you treat it naturally?
    Not an expert as I have not researched it much. But what I have read about Essiac herbs is convincing to me. Also Medical Miracle Supplement. Both are cheap and readily available. Both have proponents who have taken a huge hit for offering non-drug remedies which threaten the multi-billion dollar industry. My Naturapath uses the latter and has "drawn" out tumors - right through the skin, slowly, naturally, with things like a black drawing salve (not Ichthammol), at least he has told me so and I believe him.

    Quote Originally Posted by Daft21 View Post
    I have the feeling you're just looking for an answer badly. Maybe there is non besides predisposition, environmental influence nutrition. Not everything makes sense in life.
    Maybe. And I do believe there is redemption in suffering. But I woudl like to avoid it wherever possible! And I am not in need of looking for an answer, its just always something I am open to learning about and have always figured there was something better to know on it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Daft21 View Post
    I also think that greed is the mainfactor but still we are not entirely governed by the big companys. E.g. tobacco companys loose more and more costumers in the western world trough restrective law, taxes, prevention campaigns that comes all mostly from the government

    Actually Pharma and Tobacco- Industry should make a good jointventure because smoking makes people sick..
    probably already are connected. I know the head of the FDA is always an ex or current CEO of a drug company.

    Quote Originally Posted by Daft21 View Post
    So can you explain me the development of cutting down on smoking?.
    I wonder if tobacco chew has gone up? The cutting down on smoking likely has something to do with the peoples fight against it having lost loved ones, teaching it in the schools, and particularly restricting advertising and its presence in movies.

    Quote Originally Posted by Daft21 View Post
    So you think he's a justice victim->conspiracy theory because no one thinks he is except from his disciples..
    Well again, while I don't discount a conspiracy; I don't know of one. I only know for sure of human greed as a powerful motivator, and once it becomes a part of your make-up because you let it in it has a life of its own and grows worse and worse.

    Quote Originally Posted by Daft21 View Post
    He's a sentenced criminal and a charlatan like the guy who claims you can life from light. What do you say about his antisemitic statements?
    I provide you with facts and real world examples and your answer to everything is conspiracy.
    Not sure where you get that conspiracy idea. Confusing me with someone else? And the justice system is not always just and there is motive for foul play here. I have not studied his case at all though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Daft21 View Post
    It's like talking to a holocaust denier(don't say you are one)
    Noo, no relation to Holocaust-denier. Though I do understand that dynamic. Those in touch with evil and responsible for evil only want the evil done in the dark. When it comes to light they just deny it. Narcissists (and pathological Narcissists are responsible for much evil) tend to believe they can altar reality by saying it doesn't exists.

    Quote Originally Posted by Daft21 View Post
    . Actually i am giving you a Te as IEE you're supposed to like that
    Yeah, its not threatening to me like Ti!

    Quote Originally Posted by Daft21 View Post
    Let me end the post with a quote of mr and not anymore dr. Hamer

    Die jüdische Religion teilt bekanntlich alles ein in gutartig u. bösartig, so auch in der jüdischen sog. Schulmedizin. Wir Nichtjuden werden gezwungen, weiterhin die jüdische Schulmedizin zu praktizieren. […] 15 Millionen Eurer Mitbürger aus Eurem Volke sind in den letzten 20 Jahren [durch diese] umgebracht worden […].
    – Hamer [SUP][35]

    You really want to have medical advice by a guy who says so abominable things?
    From your previous post, that means:
    Translation: Everyone knows that The Jewisch Religion separets everything in good and bad. they also do that in school-medicin. We who are not Jewisch are forced to apply the Jewish Schoolmedizin [...] 15 Million of your fellow citizens were killed by that in the last 20 years [...]

    Like Ryene says, the context would help. As to separates all into good or bad: Who could be an atheist, not liking religion in general. I don't get what he is saying about the Jewish School of Medicine and relating it to Nazi camps. Could be he is saying the same sort of ideology that persecuted Jews is trapping us into modern medicine?

    I don't know! I just would not be quick to call someone anti-Jewish unless I had more to go on. Not something out of context.


    You and Ryene have interesting things to say on this topic and I would like to say more but I need to turn in and get a good sleep. Just a little over a week of craziness and I have a break for the summer and a better pace and I can't wait!

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    Thank you, oh great mods of the forum -16types.

    The monthly sacrifice is over there. Hope you like cookies.

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    Anyone that over-promises in medicine I tend to find to be hucksters.

    Historically, this is called snake oil and it probably is.

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    This reminds me of German/Aryan physics. This "science" was invented because regular physics became too difficult (and therefore jewish)...
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    @Ryene Astraelis @Eliza Thomason

    Hamer was also charged for Volksverhetzung(rabble-rousing) He never denied to be an antisemit. If you would tell him he's not he'd probably insulted

    I found a good page it has links to governmental organisation and the State TV of Germany(ARD and ZDF) it's in german but maybe google translator helps.

    I myself can remember the Hamer case because it was also everywhere in the newspaper. No serious source defended him. I trust the german legal system even though it's far from flawless. In Germany it was even a scandal that the likely chancelor candidat from the SPD earned a lot of money with lectures for the private economy.

    I agree that the mental factor plays an important role in beating cancer. The theory that cancer is caused by shocks is completely unfounded. He came to this judgement because he had cancer after is son was killed by gun-shots. After that he claimed he had done a scientifical investigation with many patients. Though there was never a real study within scientifical bases about it.

    By claiming Mr. Hamer is not guilty you question the legal system of Germany and put it below a charlatan, thank you .

    There are kinds of cancers who were years ago very fatal and nowadays it's unlikely to die by this kind of cancer. It's a fact School-medicin improved the treatening of cancer.

    I am not able to talk anymore about the subject because i have to prepare for my year-exams but to be honest i also don't want to. It's tiresome to talk to people who are stucked in a unfounded belief even though all facts speak against it and explain it by conspiracy-theories.
    @eliza, Ryene i hope you too get never cancer because your probability to survive it is significant lower than that of more reasonable persons.

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    Why not use both conventional medicine and new german medicine simultaneously? o_O Putting all of your eggs in one basket doesn't seem like the safest thing to do regardless of what it is.
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    Giving people false hope is wrong.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Daft21 View Post
    By claiming Mr. Hamer is not guilty you question the legal system of Germany and put it below a charlatan, thank you .
    No, that's just you getting pissy that I don't support the particular legal charge that you want brought against him.

    I am not able to talk anymore about the subject because i have to prepare for my year-exams but to be honest i also don't want to. It's tiresome to talk to people who are stucked in a unfounded belief even though all facts speak against it and explain it by conspiracy-theories.
    Point to anywhere in my most recent posts where I said I supported his specific interpretation and treatment of disease. Anywhere. I presented a balanced view of his work, saying where I think he was onto something and where I think he got it wrong. For that, I am "stuck in an unfounded belief though all facts speak against it"? You know, it's tiresome to talk with a person whose reading comprehension skills prevent him from grasping the message being presented. Or, perhaps, are you letting your hatred of this guy and everything he stands for blind you to the possibility that someone can actually hold a balanced view on the subject?

    @eliza, Ryene i hope you too get never cancer because your probability to survive it is significant lower than that of more reasonable persons.
    This doesn't dignify an answer of any substance.

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    true i hate him. and in my opinion everything sucks that has something to do with him. i can only recommend to search trough german sources abouthim

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    Quote Originally Posted by Daft21 View Post
    true i hate him. and in my opinion everything sucks that has something to do with him. i can only recommend to search trough german sources abouthim
    If you can only view this as an "all or nothing", "totally for or totally against" kind of situation, then you are just as stuck in an irrational belief as you claim that we are.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
    Why not use both conventional medicine and new german medicine simultaneously? o_O Putting all of your eggs in one basket doesn't seem like the safest thing to do regardless of what it is.
    I don't think the two really mix, myself. Granted, perhaps some NGM practitioners aren't as adamant about conventional medicine being the devil and would go for a more balanced treatment. The philosophy behind it, though, flies more in the face of conventional medicine than others I've seen. If you want to add a mental component to your treatment (which, IMO, is much of what NGM aims for), you could just as easily do yoga, see a spiritualist, talk to a non-fatalist religious leader, etc.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryene Astraelis View Post
    I don't think the two really mix, myself. Granted, perhaps some NGM practitioners aren't as adamant about conventional medicine being the devil and would go for a more balanced treatment. The philosophy behind it, though, flies more in the face of conventional medicine than others I've seen. If you want to add a mental component to your treatment (which, IMO, is much of what NGM aims for), you could just as easily do yoga, see a spiritualist, talk to a non-fatalist religious leader, etc.
    Yeah, and you could easily mix in a healthy diet and exercise as well to conventional medicine.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
    Yeah, and you could easily mix in a healthy diet and exercise as well to conventional medicine.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryene Astraelis View Post
    If you can only view this as an "all or nothing", "totally for or totally against" kind of situation, then you are just as stuck in an irrational belief as you claim that we are.
    look in general i am not a person who sees things all or nothing.

    I am not against alternative medicine at all my mother and my aunt both work in this field.

    1. How much do you know about him? In Europe every person who reads the newspaper knows he is a antisemit. Do you still deny it?
    2. Case Olivia Pilhar. Whats your opinion about that?
    3. Do you have any facts to underlay your position?
    4. The whole NGM is based on the principle that cancer is caused by heavy shocks. You think that's true?
    5. The whole NGM is based on the principle that cancer is caused by heavy shocks so it is the starting point. This thesis is unfounded when you deny the starting point of a theory you also can judge the rest as bullshit because everything is built on that starting point.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryene Astraelis View Post
    If you want to add a mental component to your treatment (which, IMO, is much of what NGM aims for)

    The inventor hated school medicin. He said school medicin killed 15 million people and your opinion is that it's about adding a mental component are you kidding me? How did you came to this opinion? Mr. Hamer
    IS NGM.

    In the German speaking part of Europe alle national associations refuse NGM!
    @FDG i know your from germany you want to say somethin about it?

    Last edited by DaftPunk; 06-14-2013 at 05:08 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Daft21 View Post
    look in general i am not a person who sees things all or nothing.
    Didn't say you were. That doesn't negate my criticism.

    I am not against alternative medicine at all my mother and my aunt both work in this field.
    Again, I didn't say you were.

    1. How much do you know about him? In Europe every person who reads the newspaper knows he is a antisemit. Do you still deny it?
    2. Case Olivia Pilhar. Whats your opinion about that?
    3. Do you have any facts to underlay your position?
    4. The whole NGM is based on the principle that cancer is caused by heavy shocks. You think that's true?
    5. The whole NGM is based on the principle that cancer is caused by heavy shocks so it is the starting point. This thesis is unfounded when you deny the starting point of a theory you also can judge the rest as bullshit because everything is built on that starting point.
    Every point here but the second is addressed in the two long posts I wrote. Go back and read them. Carefully this time.

    The inventor hated school medicin. He said school medicin killed 15 million people and your opinion is that it's about adding a mental component are you kidding me? How did you came to this opinion? Mr. Hamer IS[COLOR=#333333] NGM.
    Also answered in those posts.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryene Astraelis View Post
    Didn't say you were. That doesn't negate my criticism.
    Didin't say you think that way just wanted to make it clear.

    I will reread the posts... carefully.

    In the meantime you could tell me what you think about the Olivia Pilhar case

    Edit: ok i read it again i overlooked your statemen after his quote
    In europe people who practice NGM have a certain closeness to Mr. Hammer. Maybe that's not the case across the atlantic

    . @Eliza Thomason she doesn't see it the way you see it. On her example you can also see the danger of NGM

    I think NGM is Mr. Hammer and vice versa. I think that what you find good in NGM is very far away from actual NGM how it's practiced in Europe.

    But i see where our problems are i am to attached to the term of NGM and what it represents in general and Mr. Hamer while you're more focused on the NGM you experienced and the stuff you like and don't like about it .
    It might not be the case in the US but in Europa the word Neue deutsche Medizin has not just the aftertaste of Nationalsozialismus

    But still i think when you write If you want to add a mental component to your treatment (which, IMO, is much of what NGM aims for) you take NGM out of its core content. Because it's not ment to be an add to school medicine neither it's its aim. That's a fact
    Instead you should have written i think it's good to mix some NGM with school medicin.

    Last edited by DaftPunk; 06-14-2013 at 06:30 AM.

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    I live in Germany but I do not originally come from here, perhaps Pa3s knows more about it since he's always lived here...

    anyhow this NGM seems like some weird crock of shit? And the fact that Eliza loves it kind of cements my impression...
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    I have to admit that I never heard of Hamer or NGM before and I didn't read very much about it. But it is something which I, personally, wouldn't trust at all. This is just my opinion, but the fact that he believes in several conspiracies and thinks that jews rule the planet is enough for me to dismiss whatever medicine he developed.
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    He does not believe that viruses exist or that cancer cells metastasize. He also believes that Jews use conventional medicine on non-Jews to kill them and his holocaust denial has been mentioned already.

    But back to cancer, how can a doctor even be remotely credible if he doesn't believe that viruses exist or that cancer metastasizes? He does not advocate a combination of treatment because he outright says conventional medicine is dangerous (rather than saying it's ineffective, which is a big difference).

    And his assumption that the psyche greatly influences our health is not all that original either. I have had numerous doctors (including oncologists) who were eager to discuss psychological health, healthy eating and generally healthy living). It's fine to advocate alternative medicine, but it's not ok to villify proven treatments (chemotherapy has helped many many many people). Hamer does not have credible evidence. In fact, he has falsified evidence and used x-rays of people already dead to support his theory.

    To tell someone with cancer that only your method will cure them and presenting bogus evidence is effectively murder.
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    You'll never be afraid of cancer
    Trust me, no matter who you are and what you think now, you will be pretty damn scared and your best bet is a doctor who lays out all the options (including alternative treatments), not some quack who demonizes all treatments but his own.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    He does not believe that viruses exist or that cancer cells metastasize. He also believes that Jews use conventional medicine on non-Jews to kill them and his holocaust denial has been mentioned already.

    But back to cancer, how can a doctor even be remotely credible if he doesn't believe that viruses exist or that cancer metastasizes? He does not advocate a combination of treatment because he outright says conventional medicine is dangerous (rather than saying it's ineffective, which is a big difference).

    And his assumption that the psyche greatly influences our health is not all that original either. I have had numerous doctors (including oncologists) who were eager to discuss psychological health, healthy eating and generally healthy living). It's fine to advocate alternative medicine, but it's not ok to villify proven treatments (chemotherapy has helped many many many people). Hamer does not have credible evidence. In fact, he has falsified evidence and used x-rays of people already dead to support his theory.

    To tell someone with cancer that only your method will cure them and presenting bogus evidence is effectively murder.
    His best is that he claims that many patients of him who died carried microchips from jewisch doctors in them with whom the jewish doctors can kill the patients with a remote.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Daft21 View Post
    His best is that he claims that many patients of him who died carried microchips from jewisch doctors in them with whom the jewish doctors can kill the patients with a remote.

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