Hi! I've just joined this site and I figured I'd make my first post a challenge for u guys. I know my enneagram type,my socionics and my mbti type ,no matter how many tests I take I always end up with the same types. But I want to see how much people tend to put you into frames, to judge you based on the type you are, so I will not reveal my enneagram type,socionics, nor my mbti type, that's what I expect you to do. I think this might be fun.I want to see how people tend to perceive me based on the way I think and express myself, and you can see how good psychologist you'd make. Fell free to ask me any kind of questions you think might help guess my type. I'll give you a small hint referring to my enneagram type-I have a very strong wing. Yup, that's about it. I hope someone is up for the challenge