Maritsa's brought my type into question and I'm not sure what to think, I just don't know what my type is anymore. I need an outside perspective.

[3:13 PM] maritsa333: so crazed
[3:13 PM] maritsa333: what type are you?
[3:13 PM] maritsa333: lol
[3:13 PM] crazedrat1: you tell me
[3:13 PM] crazedrat1: you're the one who does socionics
[3:14 PM] maritsa333: I find that many LSE type themselves as Ni base types
[3:14 PM] crazedrat1: i see
[3:14 PM] maritsa333: because they confuse having emotions and being emotional
[3:14 PM] maritsa333: with Fe
[3:14 PM] maritsa333: and time watching as Ni
[3:14 PM] crazedrat1: it all makes sense now
[3:14 PM] crazedrat1: i have understood it all
[3:14 PM] maritsa333: they also confuse introversion for introverted
[3:15 PM] maritsa333: and think they are introverts
[3:15 PM] maritsa333: lol
[3:15 PM] crazedrat1: so what you're say is
[3:15 PM] crazedrat1: an INFp often times is actually
[3:15 PM] crazedrat1: ESTj
[3:15 PM] maritsa333: yes
[3:15 PM] crazedrat1: alright im gona have to write this down
[3:15 PM] maritsa333: lol