I have sensor envy. I don't mind being an introvert, I love being a feeler, and being a perceiver is cool - like 'chill man just going with the flow!' but my intuition annoys me at times. It's always on and it's always so strong. I look at my mom and how sensor her eyes are, they are so innocent in ways, it's like she's more caring than me in many ways. When something needs to be done SHE JUST FUCKING DOES IT. She may not want to but she doesn't have to analyze in her head about it or see it w/insight. well that's kinda a combination of her extroversion AND her sensing.

and being around sensing people is relaxing to me in a way like balancing, they aren't really judging me so critically in their brains and instead they just are trying to enjoy me. An intuitive person can be nice, enfps are nice but even they have the prickly insight thing going on. It's like this sort of disconnection from raw tactile tangible processes. And it's like one time this person tried to help me and a sensor was really nice about it and this another intuitive person came in and wanted me to sociopathically make fun of the person with them. I actually enjoy doing this but I thought at that time they were being too harsh, it's like intuitive types have this sociopathic disconnect too often. SENSING FOR THE WIN.

((yeah I'm mbti-izing things or whatever but you know I'm right))