Haven't put a whole lot of thought into these yet, but I'm wondering what others think. I'd get pictures but I'm busy

  • Michelle Bachman - INFp? Beta, at any rate, I believe
  • Herman Cain - C-ENTp, haven't ruled out ENFp but his whole shtick seems Alpha to me. ESTp not impossible.
  • Newt Gingrich - N-ESTp. His pictures even smell ESTp. I don't know what that means other than that I'm confident in that typing. Strongly reminds me of other Beta ST politicians in the way he openly flaunts his talent for political calculus.
  • John Hunstman - ENFj?
  • Ron Paul - N-INTp. Made up statistic: 2/3 of all followers of Austrian Economics are INTp
  • Rick Perry - C-ESTj. Don't blame me; I voted for Kinky Friedman.
  • Mitt Romney - D-ESTj. Definitely conveys that ESTj-ish control vibe to me
  • Rick Santorum - ISTp?

Blah go argue