(or at least I think this idea is Tcaud's. Maybe not; I can't find it on wikisocion to be sure).

Have you ever noticed that your concept of transcendent vs. immanent map rather neatly onto Yeats' concept of the double gyre? I'm too lazy/busy to link to a picture of the double gyre (if you google 'yeats double gyre' it comes right up), but the idea is that there's one thing that looks like a diamond---the maximum diameter is reached in the middle (which can be conceived of as the meeting place of the two halves of the diamond. The minimum diameter occurs at the extremes. Then there's another thing (superimposed on the first, but that's not important), which looks like an hourglass---the maximum diameter is reached at the extremes (when the two halves are farthest apart), and the minimum occurs at the center.

This fits with the concept of transcendent vs. immanent (which I've long thought to be the most interesting part of the rather convoluted theory of supersocionics). A transcendent personality is one which favors reconciliation of opposing viewpoints---it reaches its maximum at the center between two opposing principles. Yeats aligns this with the sun---objectivity, reason, Apollo, collectivity, etc. An immanent personality is one which favors the extreme of either side of a dichotomy---it reaches it's maximum at the extreme distance from its opposing principle. Yeats aligns this with the moon---subjectivity, individuality, creativity, Dionysus.

So then, the subjective, creative, solipsistic individual is the one that seeks to go as far as he can in his own direction. The more broad-based, delineating, group-focused individual is the one that seeks to reconcile opposing viewpoints and principles. Each is strongest when pursuing his own method, but the immanent is almost certainly more harmful... and yet more creative.

Also, this can be simplified to an opposition between Ti and Fe, or perhaps even an opposition between internal functions and external ones.

So there you go: Yeats' spirit guides and Tcaud's are in alignment. Who woulda thunk it!