I have a "friend" who is either ESI or EII. What might be an easy way of telling for sure?

She's a perfectionist who is very concerned about doing things the "right" way. She's fond of making lists, nay, even spreadsheets, and color-coding things into categories. She's a micro-manager and never seems quite comfortable in her own skin (which I realize isn't type-related). She's had the same hairstyle for 20+ years. Beautiful nails but never paints them. Doesn't show off with her clothes and seems unsure about fashion and style (which tends to make me think not ESI). Loves to garden and has a quite beautiful one. Her car is a mess. Her house is perfect when guests come but behind closed doors, is a big mess. Constantly harps on family members to pick up their stuff. Unhappy marriage to SLE. Doesn't have many friends, keeps herself pretty closed off toward people and comes off as snobbish/cold at first. Has a sort of fake warmth that she uses in public with people she knows. Being at parties totally drains her and she often goes home early. She has good posture and is very careful to maintain a 100% natural diet. Enjoys cooking and baking (I know, not type-related necessarily).

Is this enough info to make a distinction? I have no photos.