Lately I've been making myself get out and meet more people. Some are easy to type; others not so much. Some are interesting (and thus worth typing); others not so much.

Here's one interesting person I've met lately who I wouldn't mind having some input from you guys on typing. Like in many of my other typing threads, I'll just list some observations and notes, probably adding more later. (I might edit this later, so minimal quoting would be good.)

- Organizes his company/group's lunches. He says they decide, get supplies, cook, and eat in one hour. They have a kitchen in their office and a supermarket downstairs. He'll usually send a couple of people to get what's needed and then have the rest help where he sees fit. He's the one who tells people what to do and when and how.

- Likes to cook. And will make yummy things to distract from unpleasantness. He appears to know the approximate amount of effort it would take to make any given dish (something I'd be woefully unable to guess unless I was already familiar with the recipe). That's probably just a matter of experience, though.

- Enjoys sports and considered becoming a sports trainer. Stays physically active on purpose and for fun.

- Likes to keep things fairly clean and organized, though he's ok if life happens. But when he gets a good chance he'll clean.

- He seems to look down on unmotivated people. His brother, for example, who has a "whatever" attitude and who will let the rooms of the house degenerate into messes.

- I told him my answer to the question of what I'd like to see invented (a transporter) and he began talking about research people had done into just that and how it would work. Or, rather, how it would not work. "Every molecule in your body would have to be taken apart, then put back together exactly as it had been before. Do you know how much information that is?" Etc.

- He told me that he tends to say what he thinks, though it gets him in trouble sometimes. He can soften if he needs to, but too much and it feels like lying.

- He calls himself a practical person, and I believe him more or less. (Sometimes people call themselves different things, but from an objective standpoint they're not.) It appears that when a question comes up he tends to look at the pragmatic side, be it concrete or more abstract.

- Likes to look different from other people. He wears different yet not too outrageous clothing and hair color. For example, white clothing in places where it's slightly impractical to do so, where it has the potential of getting stained. "White versus black, do you get it?"

- Is mechanically oriented; likes to work with his hands. He has his own soldering equipment, for example. And he talked in detail about how he created and set up these LED lights in his living room. He made it so he can change their colors with his computer. He could have simply bought some lights from a store, but then they would have been static colors and he couldn't decide which he'd like better. So he just made it himself so he could choose whenever he wanted. (Though he says usually he likes them to be a warm orange/red/yellow color.)

- Seemed relatively adept at understanding people, though I got the feeling that was through study not necessarily... instinctive? As in, he showed signs of breaking down behavior into tangible and describable bits. Kind of like he had found practical ways of understanding people. Once he asked me to look around and tell him what I thought of the people, what they were thinking, based on body language. I looked around and decided not to analyze but to simply go on basic feelings, like I naturally do. I soaked up the vibes and then put them into words as best I could. He said something like, "very good," and agreed with me, but we got interrupted before it could go further.

- Study aside, he did seem naturally interested in people, their well-being and how they think and feel.

- Wasn't pushy about much, though when I or someone else (especially me, though, because that's how I am) asked for preference he would usually have one. Perfectly amenable to someone else having a preference, but if a direction was needed he seemed fine with providing one.

- Speaking of pushy, there are certain people who make me uncomfortable, who put me on edge, where I don't know how to react to them all the time. They tend to be... well, pushier, louder, more insistent... or they like those things. Yes, I know, I'm venturing into stereotypes, but over time I've begun to associate these kinds of people with Beta and Gamma. Anyway, this guy didn't give me those negative vibes.

Right now I'm thinking Delta or Alpha and probably rational. Does anything jump out at you from my observations?