• People actually think they can explain everything into types as a way to explain their failed relationships and justify blowing someone off before giving them a fair chance
  • Everything is a perspective, so the more you think about socionics, the more it consumes your mind. But it's always wrong and you spend more time trying to make it fit reality rather than let reality fit you. There are no real benefits.
  • Other aspects of psychology don't matter at all in socionics land. Personality disorders, psychiatric illnesses, and simple things like giving someone the benefit of the doubt or finding ways to appreciate kinds of people that conflict with your supposed type are a no-no because there's a relationship chart and it can't be wrong or that would make this all pointless.
  • In socionics simple things like trust, humor, patience, benevolence, and good-will towards others have nothing to do with your relationships with other people, but only type has anything to do with your relationships with other people (unless one actually believes this to be some kind of major distinction, which makes me want to fart)
  • There is no such thing as simple bad luck or simple misunderstandings. If something can't be explained by socionics Jungian functions, it's because you're too stupid to understand it.
  • Everyone has strong opinions about how to understand and apply socionics and can't really agree on anything. :redflag:
  • The functional elements are way too general to accurately diagnose causal relationships between types, let alone diagnose the types themselves that would cause such phenomenon.
  • For this to be useful, your type shouldn't change, except because everything is so general, it can and does, because you're not a robot and you have free will.

#kicks dirt in your eyes#

what else did i forget?