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Thread: Best Type Profiles Ever

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    Default Best Type Profiles Ever

    Originally from:

    Balzac (Bal, Balck)

    Lazy autistic cynics living alone in his dismal hovel and earning a living speculation. Slouch, and always wash their hands. Fairly common type in the virtual space.

    Their duals (Napoleon) and some other part of the community socionic baldeyut from their charming coolness, of what they pusi, paws, on with the serious kind of clever ideas they present and how funny and cute they are angry when they are nibbling at it for side. The rest are boring besyat its inhibition and inhibited tediousness, and that always pretend to understand everything in this world. This kind they manage to make even the Internet.

    Many socionic forums, with the help of their duals, promoted the cult of Balzac, in which they styled the crown of creation, and other pretentious phrases. Balzac deny themselves and victimization tell what they really are terrible people.

    Warning: sometimes men Socionics, who consider themselves Balzac - it's actually disguised Esenins or Dyumy who really want to be a logic.

    Napoleon (Nap, NACP)

    Absolutely uncontrollable giant creatures, but the stupid punch force. Constantly prove to everyone that they are cooler and smarter and pay them more, and pipiska longer and thicker.

    In virtual space, this type is represented mainly by the female sex. Part of this effect is due to the fact that Napoleon is almost always male tipiruyutsya in Beetles.

    Part socionic community (which may occasionally found their duals - Balzac) treat them with reverence for his ability to get out and pull out any crap, and for the absolutely unwavering and permanent neunyvaemost ready to go.

    The rest are self-confident besyat their stupidity, inescapable desire to climb without Vaseline gag in each barrel, compelling everyone exclusive knowledge of life and will never fade raspaltsovkoy.

    The forums NACP in the same proportion of their duals Balzacs praise and asks advice on overcoming balzachey awful. At gladly malomalskoy capabilities prove your sharp wit and deep knowledge of life.

    Stirlitz (Styria, Shtirka)

    Ever-something with a head-employed people, irrepressible and concentrated, producing an impression as if they set out to remake the evening before all the affairs of the world. Where and by whom they were not working, their jobs and working hours crammed with things like bag ladies riding at the resort - clothes. Refresher courses for which they are arguments hyping the bosses at least once every six months, the courses feature vystrugivaniya stools, cleaning vegetables, creative, design, plumbing pipes, plus the constant self-development, but still have to buy food at the weekend, and, of course, you need to get together with friends every week, for example, on Wednesdays at 7 pm, and another family birthdays, anniversaries, birthdays, Eighth of March, the first Mai, and nobody but them is not able to organize everything so that everything just enough to make everyone happy, so that all started on time and on time is over, be sure that something unfinished, confuse, forget it, but still ... And it all together so that the work they have eternal Abraham, though, and seems to have started before everyone else, and not lazy, but with all the finishing touches and rework ...

    Needless to say, that with such a busy Shtirletsu, as a rule, is not up to the Internet. Well, there, to report on its activities and acquired skills - still all right, but to sit all day in the forums and talk about abstractions - not for them. Therefore, in the virtual space is extremely small Stirlitz both sexes, and those that have - or not at all Shtirletsy, or is very unconventional and completely nesrednestatistichnye Shtirletsy, and build on them an idea of ​​the type, at least, is incorrect.

    Their duals, Dost, and, in a slightly less pronounced degree, activators Huxley valued and respected for their Stirlitz commitment, reliability, straightness, inexhaustible enthusiasm to making and arrangement for self-confidence and others, and for that, finally, that they always find what you need, on all occasions. Remember the story about the fisherman who took with him on a fishing trip Tuyev huchu things, including "boots, a blanket and a dog, so that all protected." Such prudence can not help but impress. (Although the verse is certainly not about Shtirletsa as a mountain-fisher boat sank, and Shtirlets would definitely provided a reliable roomy boat that would withstand all of these things. Yes, and fishing Shtirlets not go to, because so many things not done, once to sit with a fishing rod and stupidly wait for anything to her trailer.)

    Well, not love and fear for their eternal Stirlitz kipezh, in which they try to pull all fallen under the hand of others, because they can only stop the shot in the ass with a dart horse dose of sleeping pills, and stand in the way of their activities and at all dangerous because they ... No, do not break away ... pripashut. Well, most certainly, horrible - it Shtirlitsevsky precession repair, they are always something to glue, shift, repainted, demanding that the active participation of everyone in the house. Few save the situation is that before the next phase of acute repair them carefully and with great pleasure that plan and minimize the costs to be incurred, and the phase is almost harmless to others.

    The forums are Shtirletsy who still, for whatever reason, are ready to any part of his precious time to devote to the Internet, mostly tedious fray with sufficient and Dreiser such vital issues as the admissibility or inadmissibility of sex before marriage, how to increase the percentage of the stored loyalty among population and so on in the same spirit. Since these conversations, few people can master, not asleep and fell off his chair, as it specifically refers to is known only by Shtirletsam and Ven. Sometimes Shtirletsy sharply activated, usually when someone tries to zatipirovat in their quadrupole villain, and for a long time and has consistently proved unfortunate tipirovschiku as that is not right. But this is rare. So the Internet Stirlitz, unable to get everyone to help him glue the wallpaper, it is very peaceful and safe being, of course, if it is not the admin of the forum.

    Stirlitz have a unique ability, being dressed in white pants and canvas shoes, to overcome a couple of miles on razvezennym rains shit, and do not put a single blemish on any shoes, no pants on.

    Dostoevsky (Dost, Doska, Dostochka)

    Incredibly polite adherents of world peace, with eyes full of sorrow for neizyasnmoy all lost mankind.

    In virtual space are found in considerable quantities and ravnopredstavleny both sexes.

    In his passionate love for Dostoevsky representatives socionic community is beginning to recognize exactly once fairly groaning and potopchut Dostov, and suddenly caught on to them (or simply present) were killed, reproachful look, "Come on people-that-is-you-so- you-as-fact-men, "one of the members of this type. Then it becomes a great shame offenders, and they suddenly break out lush dithyramb Dostoevsky.

    Thus, Dostoevsky loved and appreciated for their kindness and impenetrable, even with a hammer on the fingers of manners, infinitely understanding and forgiveness, acceptance of all things, ready at any moment to uphold the moral, as well as for the fact that if they ask about the service, they have sleep- will not, tear ass myself, but will do its best. And they derive from myself and just scared besyat that breeding them looks like a cloying zhopolizstvo, goodwill completely offset by the fact that the same is issued in response to both the outstretched hand, and on a spit in the face of the fact that the words seem to be forgiving, they, as it turns out, did not forget and will remember for years hurt, and those that provide a service in great detail how they will tell you for not sleeping, not eating, or even to confirm his words demonstrate a torn ass, so that the applicant will feel the last cattle and swear never in my life did not ask for this remarkable man. As well as a habit to hang quite feasible solution of his own problems on others, putting others before this agonizing choice: die right now, straight out of shame, that to deny such a small polite and pleasant person, or is it a request to fulfill and podnapryachsya. And, of course - the inhumane habit for three hours in circles and zigzags to approach the heart of the matter, falling into extreme ornateness, and asking periodically, allowed himself too much, and not much they strain, while categorically refusing to answer directly - that in fact they needed.

    The forums Dostoevsky wait until all peresrutsya to appear at the hottest time, when people have to despair gnawing his fists, wishing that it's just Virtual, and up to companions did not get well - and all begin to reconcile and make recommendations on how to easily just accept the fact depressing fact that the world is not perfect. What is most surprising - their speeches and in fact have a huge effect conciliatory, as the debaters suddenly forget their quarrels and to hurt, so to unite and jointly explain Dost, they are out of place and wrong time, and therefore where they should go.

    Warning: Sometimes it's Dostoevsky actually Dons Robes or who are too categorical reasoning about the morality / immorality, that is indelibly shocked tipirovschikov and affected their ability to think clearly

    Yesenin (ect, seanmcsean)

    Absolutely air being consistently produce the impression that in just about break under the pressure of life's circumstances. But in fact, Yesenin more tenacious than the lath of a cat.

    In virtual space Esey quite a lot, both male and female. However, Esi-men often tipiruyut themselves Balzacs long and sincerely believe in it, which blurs the picture somewhat. Esi male - is often more enthusiastic boys, showing that the fatigue of this languid Sick of life, the touchingly depicting brutal macho, straight right now, ready for the lady of his heart to climb to the 12th floor with only one tooth, contemptuously with his hands behind his back . Woman Eskov - it is usually 35-40 years old lady, wandering the earth halfway-realized suddenly that the man, then it turns out, life was Stirlitz, and therein lies the cause of all her troubles. However, Well all is not lost, for the same haunting somewhere restless dual-Zhukov, stern and silent, and all that he has, only he can not relax.

    Part socionic community (consisting of not only their Yesenin DW) Esyami admired for the elegance of the inner world, charming plastic soul, daydreaming, eminence, and for that, finally, that none but they can not feel such a deep and sincere gratitude for their help in the most insignificant in light of the problem, and so gently and tenderly express this gratitude. The rest, except all of the above, do not like their Esey failure to adapt to life's insistence to sit down with your feet and all his problems on his neck, a veiled incitement to aggression and provocation sracha general, as well as the inimitable ability to let the river of tears and mucus in response to the mildest comment on their work, and indeed, any activity.
    Esi on the forums, mostly concerned with what language worthy of the greatest poets, describe their small troubles of life, with persistent exhibitionism expose their beautiful inner world and just gossip.

    Don Quixote (Don, Donka)

    Incredibly touchy individuals prone to social phobia. They live in an impenetrable mess, dressed in tattered clothing, always cut into the corners and falling into open manholes. Eat what will, or sandwiches. Virtual space just teeming with them, and ravnopredstavleny both sexes.

    Some of the socionic community (mainly Douala (activators) neophytes who failed to fully realize what a blessing it brings to Socionics, and some socionic mother, who has managed her child zatipirovat Dons) love Dons for their isolation from touching the ground, neprobivaemo idealistic view of the world and a constant willingness to enter into an unequal battle with evil. And also because they seem nevebenno clever, as they say a lot of unintelligible words, the total essence of which is unclear and mysterious.

    The rest all of the above Dons terribly annoying. As well as infantile capriciousness of the sacred belief that they should love and cherish these as they are telepathically guess and fulfill their innermost desires, and evil long grudges, which implies that failure of these desires. As an aggressive propaganda torn clothes, sandwiches and low-paid work oklonauchnoy as the only acceptable way of life.

    Dons in the forums usually bred endless debate over pseudo Socionics, dull theorize at every opportunity and an awkward case, try to "glue" duals (Dyumov) solely for your kind Don and complain about the endless insoluble problems that cause them to tipnaya asocial. And when the representatives of socionic community (mainly, of course, NACP) began to give them advice on solving problems - inflated and pose as misunderstood heroes.

    Warning: Dons male may in fact be a Huxley or Hamlet. Sometimes the Dons tipiruyutsya Dost, who somehow find themselves unworthy of the type of Dostoevsky and evil in general

    Donkey female firmly believe that all men want them.

    Dumas (Dyum, Dyumka)

    As in the virtual space Dyumov quite a bit, and those that have, zatipleny anywhere, but not in Dyumy, integral to their way of socionic community part is based on descriptions and part - to the idealized representations of the Dons their second halves, which strongly confuses beginners. Ideal Dumas in a vacuum - it's soft body and the nature of being, radiating positive unobtrusive, constant, or make room vases, napkins and curtains, or stir into saucepan something very appetizing. It is infinite love Dons in all their appearances, which is reflected in the mood for Don verbiage hanging ears and trying to fill Don food other than sandwiches.

    In fact, Dyumy - a rather gloomy people who are inclined in any form the world to see the worst, and do not consider it necessary to conceal it.

    Accordingly, part socionic community consisting of not disappointed in her fate socionic Dons (and partially Robov) dearly love for their relentless Dyumov desire to feed, warm, caress, understand, maintain, and also for his willingness at any time to demonstrate all the charm of touch sex. Others can not stand behind their Dyumov slonnost to completely empty and meaningless conversations viscous, which reduces the permanent teeth of whining and complaints about the heartbreaking cruelty and evil that cursed the world. As well as enthusiasm to shamelessly overtones strange appearance, clothing, interior and trapped them in a tooth eating.

    Caution: Most of Dyumki tipyat heaver, not evil and brutal, to fit into the stereotype. Dyumy male often tipiruyut themselves in Balzac and Gabin

    Hugo (Hugues, Hugues)

    Spraying silly enthusiasm elektroveniki. They use 70% of all smiles, 80% of the diminutive endings, and 90% of all interjections nematernyh, used in Socionics forums.

    In cyberspace there is a considerable amount of Hugues-women, but male gyugov can be counted on the fingers. And then, they do not look quite Gyugami and not men.

    Their duals, and some activators, and possibly even a small part of the community socionic dragged from their inexhaustible Gyugov high jinks, the constant readiness to organize a festival for "amplification syusi-foot-suns-as-well-I-want-you- All-fed "for regular bombings" as-is-me-you-all-love-and-even-so-sad-of-uncle-in-the-corner-come-here-we-have fun, "for their indefatigable neunyvaemost and the inimitable ability nakovyryat positive from every situation like a raisin from the rolls.

    Needless to say, that's just that all of the above the rest of the community sotsioncheskogo Gyugi much strain. As well as unstoppable balabolstvom, lusciously pink frill in snot and ineradicable desire from time to time to dissolve in each and every detail and, in fact, has no result, explanation, and so obvious. And, of course, that just Gyugi attract all sorts of disasters and forsmozhory and, therefore, can not be with them for anything really agree - at the last moment will meteorite rain, earthquake happens, the land grab by aliens ... in general no matter what happens exactly, but rest assured - all the plans will lay a large copper star.

    The forums Gyugi usually struggling, as it can possibly bring to the virtual world more real world - with gusto describe buns, salads, dumplings, are trying to organize a masquerade ball virtually every subject and, of course, frantically dragging all in real hang out.

    Practically non-existent male Gyugi, among other things, the sly move the theory of gender equality in the sense that it would be nice to finally feel the women that have such wonderful men who prefer to work activities khalyavnykh unbearably heavy household. What of course everyone, and especially Napov, terribly annoying.

    Robespierre (Rob timidly)

    Gloomy creatures with an intense (sometimes simply insane) eyes and picture a perfect world in my head, to which they are trying to pull a very superprotsessionno reality. Men often wear Robespierres mustache, to dissociate itself from the outside world.

    In virtual space Robespierres are basically just the male sex. Perhaps because women rarely tipiruyut in so grotesque a Boolean.

    Part socionic community, mainly consisting of their enthusiastic dualok-Hugues (DW-Hugues, as we recall, in socionic community is almost nonexistent), admire Robami for their ability to decompose in a strictly hierarchical shelves any very intricate theory to explain on the fingers of the most complex entity, with never having called his interlocutor a fool, and not even hinting at it, as well as for their idealism and neproshibaemy fascinating ability to follow through quite adamantly thorns to absolutely unattainable goal.

    The remaining (and yes, particularly Napa) downright can not stand their boring Robespierres fundamentalism, perfectly reasonable in theory greed, absolute deafness attempts to open their eyes to the real situation in the real world and the stubborn unwillingness to recognize themselves losers despite the obvious facts.

    Robes in the forums, usually in vain call for theorizing on the topic okolosotsionicheskie (their twisted theories are not even osilivayut Dons), complaining about the lack of interest to them from the opposite sex and encourage the public to embark on journey to the ideal world.

    Huxley (Huck, Gechka)

    Do not be disheartened, terribly curious and get involved in all of creation. Most of all they love to talk. Ghosn them like a raving schizophrenic man - it is fast, without stammering, but each time it is impossible to escape the feeling that it is incoherent jumble of words, in extreme cases - sentences, so they are with each other are not correlated, and so it does not follow . Work, usually in the social sphere, but, in principle, it is not necessary.

    In virtual space are mostly female gender, and the few men Geki often demonstrate a variety, but always strange rolls of consciousness that casts a shadow over this worthy type. Statistics strongly distorts the fact that many of Huxley, and, in particular, male Huxley, desperately want to be a logic, and therefore love a typed Dons, Gabin and other logical types.

    Their duals Gabeny, and Balzac and Huxley Stirlitz sympathize for their easy temperament, always positive attitude, ready at any moment to listen, understand, support, comfort, and it is possible that give useful advice, keen interest in everything and everyone, and also for the fact that Huxley ready to listen to her chin infinitely pen, thinking about where and how to save a ruble, and even occasionally nodding gravely.

    Others strongly dislike Gekseley for their intolerable affectation, a smack, "basswood" sympathy and empathy for the extreme variability of turbidity and suspicious attitudes, for persistently and corrosive. And especially do not like them for that climb into the soul, picks without a twinge of conscience in the most secret corners, and any objection to the owner of the soul understands the voice said:
    - A. I saw, I touched your nerve.
    And they continue to dig in that direction with twice the zeal. A dig in plenty, with the words "I-know-in-your-than-the problem of" trying something completely vparim podpytochnomu left, of course, with recommendations to address and respect because

    On the forums, but to provide free counseling to all who ask and not ask a lot of Huxley theorize the philosophical, socionic and other abstract topics. At the same time they write, as they say - productive, a lot, but not connected, without assumptions, without findings, without beginning, end and even without paragraphs. Read, and even more so - to penetrate into these funky in content and form pieces of music can only be of great sympathy for them. If you succeed, be assured - for the reward Huxley not stand up, and in a short time to roll next opus. Enjoy.

    Dreiser (Dry, Drayka, Drayzerka)

    Integral image is composed of these creatures, to a greater extent, unfortunately, based on descriptions of Dons (and Robov) their nightmarish moms who need a directive to establish order in the room, constantly nagging to detail in their behavior, give in to the collapse of the mind is a daze for five minutes linger somewhere beyond the statutory time, or not to call and, of course, just that they begin to read the heartfelt moral relationship with people. Also, part-based descriptions of Zhukov, which for some reason all the time take for heaver dualok-Esek and marry them, and then ... Beetles continue to become very indistinct in the story, but the selection of terms describing the situation, one can guess that Zhukov is very frustrating this turn of events.
    As a result, the image formed several specific Dreiser. And those who still dare zatipirovatsya in this type of good people are constantly trying to peretipirovat, argue his insistence the words "No, but you can not be so ...".

    Dreiser in the virtual space is not so much, but they are there, and both sexes. It is likely that they would have been higher if the most enjoyable of them, typed in at least causing types.

    Some of the socionic community respects and appreciates Dreiser for their highly moral, unwavering honesty and integrity, for his willingness to lie the bones of a loved one, as well as the ability to contain the world around them in order and clean.

    Others do not like Dreiser, for their immorality, hypocrisy, for his willingness to cut the throat for some people, whom they consider friends, and for the boundless paranoia, in which Dreiser in each counter suspected enemy, in every field mushrooms - a pale toadstool, and in each millimeter of space - the trillions of plague and cholera bacilli, ready at any moment to take over their body.

    Dreiser on the forums, mostly discussing the household and attitudinal problems and their solutions. Especially advanced quietly rejoice with the fact that Dreiser believe socionic evil and scare a novice.

    Women Dreiser considered many types of men an ideal of brutal sexuality, and are associated with black leather whip and absolutely straight seams on stockings.

    Hamlet (Hamburg, GABA)

    Always ready for an emotional explosion and ball of shocking expression. Dress up in an incredible combination of colors and styles of clothing, some things look as if they were found in a garbage and wash. However, in any of the toilet is always present, albeit hidden, and understandable only to Hamlet, but meaning. Contrary to popular stereotype, work anywhere, but not in the theater.

    In virtual space inhabited by many Hamlets of both sexes, but in the Hamlet of tipiruyut rare. Remember - any type of verification can be no Hamlet. And when he was that any type of Hamlet is so convincing that understand what is what is very difficult. The easiest way to calculate the Hamlet on the frequency with which he peretipiruetsya. If a person today Huxley tomorrow Dreiser, and the day after Zhukov, and if every time there are people who honestly believe in it, and almost no foaming at the mouth, prove the correctness of ordinary typing - with 99% confidence we can say - before you Hamlet. However, sometimes Hamlets choose their favorite type, and a hold on him all the legs. Of Hamlet can be calculated only over time, with more intimate contact.

    And so if someone tipiruet himself in Hamlet, then, with 99% probability that Hamlet is, just resigned, and sometimes even imbued with their own fate. For in this type of community socionic somehow (and quite, in my opinion, unjustly) considered the limit of socionic fall, and no one but Hamlet is not there to drag any gingerbread.

    Some of the socionic community, mainly consisting of their dual Maxim, and admire the incredibly beautiful Hamlet, like the moon in a cemetery, dark, tragic pose of life, and for the ability to so juicy and with a sense retell the most banal event, such as - in the quest for booze store receipt or send by mail that the entire spectrum of emotions, from hope to facilitate, "please-stop-me-scary" the listener is assured. As well as guaranteed non-interference in another's inner world, as Hamlet so thoroughly and consistently zamorochen themselves and their feelings, that no matter what other spiritual forces he no longer remains.

    Well, not like all the rest socionic Hamlets community for their cowardly, from behind, rudeness, and for sklochnost scandal, with the ingrained habit to seek his or hysteria, or an image of a dying swan, and, again, hysteria, and even for that all their problems before they inflate the universal scale disasters and these disasters are a cause for endless pathos of suffering. And for that, finally, that Hamlet is not totally able to take responsibility for anything happening in their lives for themselves, all is always to blame someone else. And believe me, accusations and demonstrations in the spirit: "Look what you did to me and my life!" perpetrator in abundance enough for all my life.

    On socionic forums Hamlets usually busy that tipiruyutsya and zatipirovavshis once type, try to maximize this type of match.
    The rare Hamlets, which has zatipirovany in Hamlet, or with maniacal persistence in moving mass value quadra Beta (squares belong to Hamlet), or tragedy in every letter describe all their sorrows and troubles, so that the reading in my ears for a long time is rasping sound of strained nerves.

    Young boys often under the guise of Hamlet trying to "glue" the girl on his ability to feel deeply and strongly, to weary contemptuous view of this bitter hateful world. And that, as a rule, they are able.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    The forums Dostoevsky wait until all peresrutsya to appear at the hottest time
    This is good.

  3. #3
    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    but what does it mean

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    Quote Originally Posted by Galen View Post
    but what does it mean
    It means EIIs are hot.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    The easiest way to calculate the Hamlet on the frequency with which he peretipiruetsya. If a person today Huxley tomorrow Dreiser, and the day after Zhukov, and if every time there are people who honestly believe in it, and almost no foaming at the mouth, prove the correctness of ordinary typing - with 99% confidence we can say - before you Hamlet. However, sometimes Hamlets choose their favorite type, and a hold on him all the legs.

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    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    and for the boundless paranoia, in which Dreiser in each counter suspected enemy, in every field mushrooms - a pale toadstool, and in each millimeter of space - the trillions of plague and cholera bacilli, ready at any moment to take over their body.

    Women Dreiser considered many types of men an ideal of brutal sexuality, and are associated with black leather whip and absolutely straight seams on stockings.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    Breaking stereotypes Suz's Avatar
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    where's the rest of em??
    Enneagram: 9w1 6w5 2w3 so/sx

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    Coldest of the Socion EyeSeeCold's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    Best Type Ever

    Balzac (Bal, Balck)
    I concur.

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    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    lol @ Hamlet description.

    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  11. #11
    <something> Wynch's Avatar
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    Donkey female firmly believe that all men want them.
    Fucking right, bitches. The Y chromosome worships my donkey ass.
    7w8 so/sp

    Very busy with work. Only kind of around.

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    hah These descriptions are awesome.. and I might actually be an esenin who wants to be logical. I dont even know anymore; this system is so convoluted.

  13. #13


    Hugos alone use 70% of the smilies on forums? whaaaaaatttttt

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    stubborn unwillingness to recognize themselves losers despite the obvious facts.

    Hahahahaha Ashton found a Russian Socionics Detox website (similiar to a WoW Detox site)
    Last edited by Crispy; 06-30-2011 at 11:41 PM.

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    These are very hard to read.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Jesus is the cruel sausage consentingadult's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post
    These are very hard to read.
    You are not kidding, are you?

    “I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that.” --- Pippi Longstocking

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    Professional Turtle Taknamay's Avatar
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    You know, this is sort of unrelated, but after reading this quote on Robespierre's Wikipedia article...

    Louis was a king, and our republic is established; the critical question concerning you must be decided by these words alone. Louis was dethroned by his crimes; Louis denounced the French people as rebels; he appealed to chains, to the armies of tyrants who are his brothers; the victory of the people established that Louis alone was a rebel; Louis cannot therefore be judged; he already is judged. He is condemned, or the republic cannot be absolved. To propose to have a trial of Louis XVI, in whatever manner one may, is to retrogress to royal despotism and constitutionality; it is a counter-revolutionary idea because it places the revolution itself in litigation. In effect, if Louis may still be given a trial, he may be absolved, and innocent. What am I to say? He is presumed to be so until he is judged. But if Louis is absolved, if he may be presumed innocent, what becomes of the revolution? If Louis is innocent, all the defenders of liberty become slanderers. Our enemies have been friends of the people and of truth and defenders of innocence oppressed; all the declarations of foreign courts are nothing more than the legitimate claims against an illegal faction. Even the detention that Louis has endured is, then, an unjust vexation; the fédérés, the people of Paris, all the patriots of the French Empire are guilty; and this great trial in the court of nature judging between crime and virtue, liberty and tyranny, is at last decided in favor of crime and tyranny. Citizens, take warning; you are being fooled by false notions; you confuse positive, civil rights with the principles of the rights of mankind; you confuse the relationships of citizens amongst themselves with the connections between nations and an enemy that conspires against it; you confuse the situation of a people in revolution with that of a people whose government is affirmed; you confuse a nation which punishes a public functionary to conserve its form of government, and one which destroys the government itself. We are falling back upon ideas familiar to us, in an extraordinary case that depends upon principles we've never yet applied.
    Everything he is saying sounds like something I would say.
    What is a utopia? A dream unrealized, but not unrealizable. -- Joseph Dejacque
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    Part of this effect is due to the fact that Napoleon is almost always male tipiruyutsya in Beetles.
    This is my favorite part. But it would be nice to have a decent translation and know what these really mean.

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    Memory of Tomorrow Reuben's Avatar
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    Hamlet description sounds like me.

    *Smothers squark*
    She is wise
    beyond words
    beautiful within
    her soul
    brighter than
    the sun
    lovelier than
    dreams larger
    than life
    and does not
    understand the
    meaning of no.
    Because everything
    through her, and in her, is
    "Yes, it will be done."

    Why I love LSEs:
    Quote Originally Posted by Abbie
    A couple years ago I was put in charge of decorating the college for Valentine's Day. I made some gorgeous, fancy decorations from construction paper, glue, scissors, and imagination. Then I covered a couple cabinets with them. But my favorite was the diagram of a human heart I put up. So romantic!

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    Professional Turtle Taknamay's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dolphin View Post
    Get yourself checked immediately.
    Well, I meant if I were alive at the time. Or does that still mean I should get checked?
    What is a utopia? A dream unrealized, but not unrealizable. -- Joseph Dejacque
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    are these for real or made up by mfckr

  22. #22
    Slippery when wet Simon Ssmall's Avatar
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    " A dig in plenty, with the words "I-know-in-your-than-the problem of" trying something completely vparim podpytochnomu left, of course, with recommendations to address and respect because"
    Totally me!
    Looking for an Archnemesis. Willing applicants contact via PM.

    ENFp - Fi 7w6 sp/sx
    The Ineffable IEI
    The Einstein ENTp

    johari nohari

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    &papu silke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sienna View Post
    are these for real or made up by mfckr
    ofc made up by him and written in russian then distilled through google translator

    the original version (note: profiles for several types are missing not because they weren't translated but because they weren't present in the original)

    Balzac (Bal', Bal'ka, ILI, INTp)

    Lazy autistic cynics dwelling alone in their dismal hovels and earning a living by stock market speculations. Always stooping their shoulders and washing their hands. Fairly common type in virtual space.

    Their duals Napoleons (SEEs), and some other part of the socionics community, adore them for their charming coldness, for how they are pusi-paws, for the seriousness with which they present their ideas, and for how funny and cute they are when the are angry or when they get poked on their sides. The rest are aggravated by their tortoise-like retardation, their boring, inhibited tediousness, and how they pretend to know everything in the world – this impression they manage to convey even in virtual space.

    On many a socionic forum there exists a cult of Balzac, that is promoted not without the help of their duals, in which they are painted as the crown of creation, and so on and so forth with many pretentious phrases. Balzacs deny this themselves, of course, and in victim-like fashion tell others what terrible people they really are.

    Warning: sometimes men who consider themselves Balzacs are actually disguised Esenins (IEIs) or Dumas (SEIs) who strongly want to be a logical type.

    Napoleon (Nap, Napka, SEE, ESFp)

    Absolutely uncontrollable giant creatures of dim-witted punching force. Constantly trying to prove to everyone else that they are cooler, smarter, have larger salaries, and that, all in all, their member is longer and thicker.

    In virtual space this type is represented mainly by the female sex. This is partly due to the fact that Napoleon men almost always type themselves as Zhukov (SLE).

    Part of the socionic community (in which one may occasionally find their duals - Balzacs) treats them with admiration for their ability to get out of and pull anyone else out of a crap situation, and for their absolutely unwavering and constant optimism and readiness to act.

    The rest they manage to provoke with their self-aggrandizing stupidity, inescapable desire to make themselves a cog in each barrel without vaseline, impositions on everyone of their exclusive knowledge of life, and never fading demonstrations of own superiority.

    On forums Napoleons in equal proportions belaud their duals Balzacs and ask for advice on how to deal with their horridness. And when opportunities present themselves, they gladly attempt to demonstrate their sharp wit and their deep knowledge of life.

    Stierlitz (Styria, Shtirka, LSE, ESTj)

    Always busy, constantly preoccupied with something people. Indefatigable and focused, leaving an impression that they have set out to do and re-do everything in this world before 6:00pm this evening. Wherever and by whomever they are employed, their working and free hours are always crammed with things to do, like the traveling suitcases of a teenage girl going on a vacation are crammed with clothing. Refresher courses to raise qualifications, for which they argumentatively hype up their bosses at least once every six months, courses on decorative woodcarving of chairs, creative peeling of vegetables, and design of plumbing pipes, plus constant self-development and self-improvement. One must also purchase all the groceries by the weekend, and, of course, get together with friends every week, for example, every Wednesday at 7p, in addition to family birthdays, anniversaries, birthdays, reunions, the 8th of March, the 1st of May; for nobody else is able to organize everything such that there are enough provisions, that everyone is happy, such that it will all start on time and end on time as well – others will for sure leave something unfinished, mixed up, or manage to forget ... And all of this is combined with a constant urgency at their workplace, though they seem to have started on work before everyone else and aren't lazy, but with all these finishing touches and retouches ...

    Needless to say, that with such a busy schedule, the LSE, as a rule, does not have time to spend in virtual space. That is, to deliver reports on work done and skills acquired is still ok, but to sit all day on forums and talk about abstractions – this is not for them. Therefore, in the virtual space there are extremely few Shtirlitz of both sexes; those that are present are either not LSEs, or are very unconventional and completely atypical LSEs, and to build an idea of ​​this type on basis of these individuals is not recommended.

    Their duals, EIIs, and, to a slightly less pronounced degree, their activators IEEs, value and respect them for their commitment, reliability, straightforwardness, inexhaustible enthusiasm for making money and managing their homes, for their self-confidence, and finally, that they always have what you may need for all occasions. Remember the story about the fisherman who took with him on a fishing trip all kinds of supplies, including boots, a blanket, and a dog to guard it all? Such prudence cannot but impress! (Although this story is certainly not about Stierlitz, because in this story the fisherman's boat sank, and Stierlitz would have definitely provided a reliable roomy boat that could hold everything in it without sinking. Actually Stierlitz wouldn't have gone fishing in the first place, because look at how much work is still not done – there is no time to dilly-dally with a fishing rod and dully wait for something to get caught on the hook.)

    Stierlitz annoy others by their constant busywork, into which they try to "plug in" all those who have fallen into their hands, because they can only be stopped if they are shot in the ass with a dart containing a horse dose of tranquilizers. To stand in the way of their activities is unquestionably dangerous because they ... no, they won't destroy you ... they will make you work. Certainly the most horrible thing are their repairs - they have always something to glue, to reposition and repaint, and demand active participation of everyone in the house. A little that saves this situation is that before the next "acute phase" of repairs, they carefully and with great pleasure start planning for minimizing the costs to be incurred. Only in this phase they're almost harmless to everyone else ...

    On the forums, representatives of Stierlitz type, who, for whatever reason, are ready to sacrifice some part of their precious time to devote it to the internet, mostly rehearse and grind in all tediousness with Dreisers and Dostoyevkies (ESIs and EIIs) such vital issues as whether sex is permissible before marriage, how to increase the percentage of partners in the population who are loyal to each other to the grave, and so on, in the same spirit. Since these conversations few can master without falling asleep and plummeting off their chair, the specifics of these discussions are known only to Stierlitz, Dreisers, and Dostoevskies. Sometimes Stierlitz abruptly mobilize, usually this happens when someone tries to type some scoundrel into their quadra, and for a long time with persistence they prove to the unfortunate typist how wrong he was in the first place. But this rarely occurs. So on the Internet, Stierlitz, being unable to make everyone help him glue the wallpaper, is a very peaceful and safe creature .. that is, of course, if he is not the administrator of the forum.

    Stierlitz have a unique ability being dressed in white pants and canvas shoes to overcome a couple of miles of mud and shit rains, and not get a single spot on them.

    Dostoevsky (Dost, Dos'ka, Dostochka, EII, INFj)

    Incredibly polite adherents of world peace, with eyes full of unexplainable sorrow for all the lost mankind.

    In virtual space, Dosts are found in considerable quantities and equally among both sexes.

    Representatives of socionic community begin making declarations of their passionate love for Dostoevskies exactly after they run them over several times, and suddenly catch on themselves (or simply imagine) the suffering-reproachful look that is as if saying "come-on-people-are-you-not-people" of one of the representatives of this type. Then the offenders feel very ashamed and suddenly break out in a lush choir of praises directed at Dostoevskies.

    Thus, Dostoevskies are loved and appreciated for their kindness and impenetrable, even with a hammer on the fingers, good manners, infinite understanding and forgiveness, acceptance of all things, readiness at any moment to provide moral support, as well as for the fact that if you ask them for something, they will not sleep, and aim to do their best. How they manage to frustrate others is because their good breeding seems like coy ass-kissery, their goodwill is completely offset by the fact that it is extended the same in response to both an outstretched hand and to a spit on the face, of the fact that their words seem to be forgiving, but they, as it turns out, did not forget and will nurture their hurt for years. If they did you a favor they will in great detail explain to you how they have not slept or eaten, how they have suffered, and will demonstrate all the places of their suffering, such that you will feel yourself a monster and swear to never in your lifetime ask of any favors of this remarkable, wonderful person. As well as their habit to shift quite feasible for them problems on the shoulders of others, putting these others before an agonizing choice: die right now, on the spot, from shame, that you are refusing such a small favor to such a kind person, or to try and fill their request whatever it costs you. And, of course - their inhumane habit for three hours to move in circles and zigzags not approaching the heart of the matter, making indirect references, falling into extreme ornateness, and periodically apologizing and asking if have they caused any offense or discomfort, while categorically refusing to directly state what is it that in fact that they actually want??!

    On forums Dostoevsky usually wait until everyone shits themselves, to make their appearance at the most heated moment, when people at the point of not listening to any reason are gnawing at each others fists from anguish, regretting that this is transpiring only in virtual space - and begin to reconcile all, and give recommendations on how to easily just accept the depressing fact that the world is not ideal. What is most surprising is that their speeches do, in fact, have a huge conciliatory effect - the debaters suddenly forget their quarrels and hurts so as to unite together and jointly explain to Dostoevskies that they out of place, and in the wrong time, and therefore where they should go away from here.

    Warning: Sometimes Dostoevsky is actually Don or Rob (ILE or LII) who reasoned about the topics of morality / immorality too categorically, such that it has produced an unforgettable effect on anyone attempting to type them and affected their ability to think clearly.

    Esenin (Es', Esia, IEI, INFp)

    Absolutely airy beings who consistently produce the impression that at any moment they will break under the pressure of life's demands. But in fact Esenin is more tenacious than a stray cat.

    In virtual space there are many Esenins of both male and female gender. However, Esenin men often type themselves as Balzacs (ILIs), and sincerely believe in it for a long, long time, which blurs the picture somewhat. Young male Esenins are often enthusiastic youths, who are either showing off their fatigue at this monotonous, insipid life, or touchingly try to depict themselves as brutal machos, who, right now, on the spot, are ready for the lady of their heart to climb to the 12th floor using teeth only, with their hands contemptuously folded behind their backs. Female Esenin is usually a 35-40 years old lady, who upon completing her wanderings on this earth halfway suddenly realizes that the man she is with turns out to be Stirlitz, and therein lies the cause of all her troubles. However, not all is not lost - at the same somewhere wanders her restless dual Zhukov, stern and silent, and he has everything, but just doesn't know how to relax.

    Part of socionics community (consisting not only of Esenin duals) admire Esenins for the elegance of their inner world, for their charming, exquisitely flexible soul, for their imaginativeness, eminence, and finally, that none but them can feel such deep and sincere gratitude for help in the most insignificant problems, and so gently and tenderly express this gratitude. The rest do not like Eseys for their failure to adapt to life's demands, for their propensity to climb and sit with their feet and all their problems on someone else's neck, for their thinly veiled incitements to aggression and provocations to mayhem and shit-storms in general, as well as the inimitable ability to let out a river of tears and mucus in response to the mildest criticism of their work, and indeed, any activity.

    Esenins on the forums are mostly concerned with describing their small life troubles in language worthy of the greatest poets, with persistent exhibitionism exposing their beautiful inner world, and just gossiping.

    Don Quixote (Don, Donka, ILE, ENTp)

    Incredibly touchy individuals, prone to social phobia. Live in an impenetrable mess, dress in tattered clothing. Always bump into corners and fall into open manholes. Eat whatever they are given, or sandwiches. Virtual space is just teeming with them, equally distributed between both sexes.

    Some part of socionic community (mainly their duals (activators)-neophytes who have failed to fully realize what a blessing socionics predicts for them, and some socionics mothers, who have managed to type their children as Dons) love Dons for their detachment from the material world, imperviously idealistic views of the world, and constant willingness to enter into an unequal battle with forces of evil. And also because they seem unbelievably clever, as they say a lot of unintelligible words, the total essence of which is unclear and mysterious.

    For the rest Dons manage to be terribly annoying. With their infantile capriciousness, the sacred belief that they should be loved and cherished as they are, that others should telepathically guess and fulfill their innermost desires, and their long grudges that accompany any failure to fulfill these desires. As well as their aggressive propaganda of torn clothing, sandwiches, and low-paid quasi-scientific work as the only acceptable ways of life.

    Dons in the forums usually breed endless pseudo-scientific debates around socionics, dully theorize at every opportune and inopportune moment, try to "glue" their duals (Dyumov) solely for being their type, and complain about the endless insoluble problems brought about by their typical asocial tendencies. When the representatives of socionic community (mainly SEEs) begin to give them advice on solving these problems, they grow indignant and pose as misunderstood heroes.

    Warning: male Dons may in fact be a Huxley (IEE) or Hamlet (EIE). Sometimes the Dosts (EIIs) type themselves as Dons, who somehow find type of Dostoevsky unworthy and evil in general.

    Don females firmly believe that all men want them.

    Dumas (Dyum, Dyumka, SEI, ISFp)

    Since in the virtual space there are very few Dumas, and those that are present are typed anywhere else but not as Dyumy, their integral prototype in socionic community is in part based on descriptions and profiles, and in part - on the idealized representations of Dons of their second half, which thoroughly confuses beginners. Ideal Dumas, in a vacuum, is a soft creature in both its character and its form, it radiates unobtrusive positivism, constantly or temporarily decorating its dwelling with vases, napkins, and curtains, or stirring something very appetizing in the saucepan. It has infinite love for Dons in all their appearances, which manifests as always having an ear for Don's talkativeness and loquacity, and in attempts to fill Don with food other than sandwiches.

    In reality Dyumy are rather gloomy people, who are inclined to see the worst in any manifestations of this world, and do not consider it necessary to conceal this.

    Accordingly, part of the socionic community, consisting of Dons who have not yet grown disappointed by their fate (and partially of Robs, LIIs) dearly love Dumas for their relentless desire to feed, warm, caress, understand, and uplift, and also for their willingness demonstrate at any time all the charms of sensory sex. Others cannot stand Dumas' for their tendency to maintain completely empty, meaningless, humdrum conversations, which constant teeth-grinding whining and complaints about the heartbreaking cruelty and evil of the cursed world. As well as their enthusiasm to shamelessly comment on appearance, clothing, interior design, and any unsavory to them food.

    Caution: Often Dreisers (ESIs) who are not sufficiently spiteful and brutal get typed into Dumas, to make them fit into the stereotypes. Dumas males often type themselves into Balzacs (ILIs) and Gabins (SLIs).

    Hugo (Hugues, ESE, ESFj)

    Gushing with pointless enthusiasm elektro-sweepers. On socionics forums they use 70% of all smilies, 80% of all diminutive endings, and 90% of all non-cursing interjections.

    In cyberspace there is a considerable amount of Hugo women, but Hugo men can be counted on fingers. And even then, they do not look like Hugos or not like men.

    Their duals, and some activators, and even possibly a small part of the socionics community, get off on Hugo's inexhaustible merriness, their constant readiness to organize a celebration, for all their "syusi-paws-hunny-sweety-how-well-I-want-to-feed-you-all", for their regular bursts of "but-I-Love-all-of-you-even-the-gloomy-looking-guy-in-the-corner-come-here-have-fun-with-us", for their indefatigable, indomitable spirit, and the their inimitable ability to pick positives from every situation like raisins from a roll.

    Needless to say, that it is exactly with all of the above, the rest of the socionics community Hugos strain very much. As well as unstoppable babble, their sweet and rosy-in-the-frills snot, and their ineradicable desire to, from time to time, obtain from each and every one a detailed, but pointless, explanations of the obvious. And, of course, that Hugos simply by their nature attract all kinds of disasters and calamities, and, because of this, you cannot agree with them to anything - as in the last moment there is going to be a meteor rain, an earthquake, the earth will get captured by aliens.. in general, it's not important what concretely will happen, but be assured - all plans will be made moot.

    On forums, Hugos usually exert themselves, with all their force and energy, to bring the real world into the virtual world - with gusto describe buns, salads, dumplings, and try to organize masquerade balls for virtually every occasion, and, of course, frantically try to make everyone come and hang out together in the real world.

    Practically non-existent male Hugos, among other things, on the sly advance the theory of gender equality in the sense that it would be nice for women to finally realize that there are such wonderful men who prefer unbearably tiresome and heavy household chores to light and breezy work activities. Which everyone, and especially Naps (SEEs), finds terribly annoying.

    Robespierre (Rob, Robka, LII, INTj)

    Gloomy creatures with an intense (sometimes simply insane) look and a picture of a perfect world in their heads, onto which they try to superimpose the reality. Male Robs usually wear a mustache with a goal of distancing themselves from the outside world.

    In virtual space Robespierres are represented mostly by the male sex. Perhaps because women rarely type themselves into this grotesquely logical type.

    Part of socionic community, mainly consisting of their enthusiastic female duals Hugos (Hugo men, as we recall, in socionic community are almost nonexistent), admire Robs for their ability to deconstruct and put into strictly hierarchical shelves any very intricate theory, to explain on their fingers the most complex idea, while managing to avoid calling their conversation partner an idiot, not even hint at it, as well as for their impenetrable idealism, and fascinating ability to adamantly head through a thorny path towards some absolutely unattainable goal.

    The rest (and yes, especially Naps) downright cannot stand Robespierres for their boring fundamentalism, perfectly founded in theory greed, absolute deafness to attempts to open their eyes to the real situation in the real world, and their stubborn unwillingness to recognize themselves as losers despite the obvious facts.

    Robs, on the forums, usually in vain, call for theorizing on quasi-socionical topics (their twisted theories are not digestible even by Dons), complain about the lack of interest in them from the opposite sex, and encourage the public to embark on journey to the Ideal World.

    Huxley (Hek, Hechka, IEE)

    Never despondent, terribly curious creatures that strive to get involved in everything. Most of all they love to talk. Their speech resembles the ravings of a schizophrenic man - it is fast, without stammering, but at all time it is impossible to escape the feeling that it is simply a word salad, an incoherent jumble of words, and in extreme cases - of phrases, as much as they are not correlated with each other, and as much as they do not follow from anything. They work usually in the social sphere, but, in principle, it is not necessary.

    In virtual space they are mostly represented by the female gender, and the few male Heks often demonstrate a variety of, but always strange kinds of consciousness, that casts a shadow over this worthy type. Statistics are strongly distorted by the fact that many of Huxley, and, in particular, men of this type, desperately want to be a logical type, and therefore love to type as Dons (ILEs), Gabins (SLIs) and other logics.

    Their duals Gabens, as well as Balzacs and Stirlitz, sympathize with Huxleys for their easy temperament, always positive attitude and enthusiasm, readiness at any moment to listen, understand, support, comfort, to give useful advice, their keen interest in everything and everyone around them, and also for the fact that Huxley is ready to listen to them, chin supported by a pen, thinking about where and how to save a ruble, and even occasionally nods in a serious manner.

    The rest strongly dislike Huxleys for their intolerable affectation, for their pretended sympathy and empathy, for the extreme variability and suspicious turbidity of their views and attitudes, for their persistence and pedantry. And especially they are disliked for their attempts to penetrate into the soul, then poke without a twinge of conscience in the most sacred corners, and to any objections of the owner of this soul reply with understanding voice:
    - Oh! I see that I have touched a nerve!
    And continue digging in the same direction with twice the zeal. And digging a plenty with words "I-know-where-your-problem-is" they try to advise the subject of their experimentation something completely radical and leftist, of course with recommendations how to address and relate to it.

    On the forums, besides providing free psychological help and counseling to all those who asked for it and didn't ask for it, Huxley theorize on philosophical, socionical, and other abstract topics. At the same time, they write just as they speak - productively, copiously, but disjointly, without assumptions, without findings, without beginnings or endings, and even without paragraphs. Reading this and penetrating into these funky in form and in content textual samples can be done only out of great sympathy for Huxleys. If you succeed, be assured - Huxley won't be stingy with the reward and in a short time will roll the next opus. Enjoy!

    Dreiser (Drai, Draika, Draizerka, ESI, ISFj)

    Integral image of these creatures is, unfortunately, based to greater extent on descriptions written by Dons (and Robs) of their nightmarish moms who directively demand to establish order in their rooms, constantly nag about small details of behavior, and collapse if their child is late for five minutes lingering somewhere beyond the statutory time or doesn't call, and, of course, at any opportunity they begin to moralize and read their heartfelt lectures about personal relations. Their image is also partly based on descriptions of Zhukovs, who, for some reason, frequently confuse Dreisers for their duals Esenins and marry them, and later ... Later their stories become blurry and obscured, but by the selection of terms they use to describe the situation, one may guess that for Zhukov this is a very frustrating turn of events.

    As a result, the image formed of Dreisers is very specific. And those who have dared to type themselves into this type others will often try to re-type into something else, supporting their insistence with words: "No, you just can't be like this ..."

    In virtual space Dreisers are few and infrequently encountered, but there are sill some here and there, and of both sexes. It is possible that there would have been a lot more of them if they didn't get typed into other types.

    Some part of socionic community respects and appreciates Dreisers for their morality, their honesty and integrity, for their willingness to support their loved ones, as well as the ability to maintain the world around them pristinely clean.

    Others do not like Dreisers for their amorality, hypocrisy, for their willingness to chew through someone's throat for the sake of some people whom they consider as friends, and for their boundless paranoia, in framework of which Dreisers in each stranger suspect an enemy, in every field mushroom - a poison, and in each millimeter of space - trillions of plague and cholera bacilli, ready at any moment to take over their body.

    On forums, Dreisers mostly discuss household and relational problems and come up with solutions. Especially advanced ones quietly rejoice at the fact that Dreisers are considered to be a socionics evil and scare beginners with themselves.

    Women Dreiser are considered by men of many types to be an ideal of brutal sexuality and are associated with black leather whips and perfectly straight seams on stockings.

    Hamlet (Ham, Hamka, EIE, ENFj)

    Always ready for an emotional discharge and a barrage of shocking behaviors and expressions. Dress up in an incredible combination of colors and styles of clothing, some things look as if they were found in garbage and washed. However, in any of their appearances there is always present, albeit hidden, and understandable only to the Hamlet - Meaning. Contrary to popular stereotype, they work everywhere and anywhere but the theater.

    The virtual space is inhabited by many Hamlets of both sexes, but they are typed as Hamlets very rarely. Remember - any type upon verification can be revealed to be a Hamlet. Furthermore, in presentation of this type Hamlets are so convincing, that it is difficult to understand who is who. The easiest way to recognize a Hamlet is by frequency with which he re-types himself. If a person is today Huxley tomorrow Dreiser, and the day after Zhukov, and if every time there are people who honestly believe in it, and, almost foaming at the mouth, try to prove the correctness of the latest typing - with 99% confidence we can say - before you is Hamlet. However, sometimes Hamlets choose their favorite type, and keep holding on to it with all their arms and legs. These Hamlets can be revealed only over time, with close personal interaction.

    And if someone types himself into Hamlet, then, with 99% probability it can be said that this is a real Hamlet, just a resigned one, imbued with his or her own fate. For in socionics community this type is considered to be (and, in my opinion, quite unjustly) the very apex of socionics fall, and nobody, except resigned Hamlets, could be dragged or lured into it.

    Some of the socionic community, mainly consisting of their duals, Maxims, admire Hamlets for their incredibly beautiful, like a moon at a cemetery, dark, tragic pose of life, and for their ability to richly and with feeling re-tell the most prosaic events, such as - a trip for booze to the nearest store or arrival of package in mail, that the entire spectrum of emotions, from subtly allaying hopefulness to "please-stop-this-is-frightening", is readily available to the listener. As well as guaranteed non-interference in another's inner world, as Hamlets are so thoroughly and consistently taken by themselves and preoccupied by their own experiences, that no energy remains for them to try to delve into the soulful matters of others.

    Hamlets are not liked in socionics community for their cowardly rudeness, for their intrigues and scandalous nature, for their thoroughly ingrained habit to achieve what they want either through hysterics or through depicting themselves as dying swans, and then again with hysterics, and also that all their minute problems they inflate to catastrophes of universal proportions, and find in these disasters the cause for their endless pathos of suffering. Finally, Hamlets are categorically unable to take responsibility for anything happening in their lives onto their shoulders, there is always someone else to blame for everything. And, believe me, accusations and demonstrations in the manner of: "Look what you did to me and my life!" will be enough to last the perpetrator his whole existence.

    On forums, Hamlets are usually interested in typing. Once typed, they try to maximize their correspondence to the supposed type. Those rare Hamlets who have already been typed into Hamlet, either with maniacal persistence move mass values of Beta quadra (quadra to which they belong), or with tragedy in every letter describe and discuss all their sorrows and troubles, such that after reading it for a long time the rasping sound of strained nerves will ring in your ears.

    Young male Hamlets often try to "glue" girls by their ability to feel deeply and strongly, and by their wearily contemptuous views of this bitter hateful world. And in that, as a rule, they succeed.
    Last edited by silke; 07-25-2015 at 03:56 AM.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
    How they manage to frustrate others is because their good breeding seems like coy ass-kissery, their goodwill is completely offset by the fact that it is extended the same in response to both an outstretched hand and to a spit on the face, of the fact that their words seem to be forgiving, but they, as it turns out, did not forget and will nurture their hurt for years. If they did you a favor they will in great detail explain to you how they have not slept or eaten, how they have suffered, and will demonstrate all the places of their suffering, such that you will feel yourself a monster and swear to never in your lifetime ask of any favors of this remarkable, wonderful person. As well as their habit to shift quite feasible for them problems on the shoulders of others, putting these others before an agonizing choice: die right now, on the spot, from shame, that you are refusing such a small favor to such a kind person, or to try and fill their request whatever it costs you. And, of course - their inhumane habit for three hours to move in circles and zigzags not approaching the heart of the matter, making indirect references, falling into extreme ornateness, and periodically apologizing and asking if have they caused any offense or discomfort, while categorically refusing to directly state what is it that in fact that they actually want??!
    omfg ahahaha.
    this is depressingly accurate.

  25. #25
    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
    Huxley (Hek, Hechka, IEE)

    bunch of words

  26. #26
    So fluffeh. Cuddly McFluffles's Avatar
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    Wow. This was hilarious. Thanks for cleaning those up, @silke.

    "Tell someone you love them today, because life is short; shout it at them in German, because life is also terrifying."

    Fruit, the fluffy kitty.

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    Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
    And if someone types himself into Hamlet, then, with 99% probability it can be said that this is a real Hamlet, just a resigned one, imbued with his or her own fate. For in socionics community this type is considered to be (and, in my opinion, quite unjustly) the very apex of socionics fall, and nobody, except resigned Hamlets, could be dragged or lured into it.
    You seek a great fortune, you three who are now in chains. You will find a fortune, though it will not be the one you seek.
    But first you must travel a long and difficult road, a road fraught with peril.
    You shall see things, wonderful to tell. You shall see a... cow... on the roof of a cotton house. And, oh, so many startlements.
    I cannot tell you how long this road shall be, but fear not the ob-stacles in your path, for fate has vouchsafed your reward.
    Though the road may wind, yea, your hearts grow weary, still shall ye follow them, even unto your salvation

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    oh god. hilarious. where's the tears-pouring-out-from-laughter smiley??

    whoo. good stuff

  29. #29
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    Finally an "authoritative" source saying what I've always believed - that there are tons of EIEs on here that don't think they are EIE, and that dudes always try to project themselves as a logical type.

  30. #30
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    i resonated a lot with the ESE one here actually
    Enneagram: 9w1 6w5 2w3 so/sx

  31. #31
    from toronto with love ScarlettLux's Avatar
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    A dying swan... rofl... fuck it's actually all true.

    Dress pretty, play dirty ღ

  32. #32
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    "cult of Balzac" c'mon it's a legitimate religion (now take this emeter test to measure your thetan levels and give me your bank account number).

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    No Sli?

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    Fun article Four types are missing, is that part available somewhere in Russian?

  35. #35
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    i wish this was written by a person who actually knows what structure of sentence means... Sorry just, couldn't really read through.

  36. #36
    both sides, now wacey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fay View Post
    i wish this was written by a person who actually knows what structure of sentence means... Sorry just, couldn't really read through.
    The articles are translated from a Russian forum site. So the originals were written by lay people. These were then machine translated, most likely by google, or perhaps bablefish (going from the time of original posting in 2011). The machine translated copies were then proof read by mfckr? to clean up the grammar. So...they are not going to be perfect. Back in the good 'ol days of internet socionics, mostly every little bit of material had to be/ was machine translated from Russian. Kids these days have it so easy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post
    The articles are translated from a Russian forum site. So the originals were written by lay people.
    Every Socionics text today is just a non-scientific speculation with many doubtful things.
    There are no non-laypeople in Socionics as everything in it has no objective proof. Neither theory, nor practical skills. But there are some laypeople who thinks he's not such despite the objective situation and sometimes misleadingly name others as laypeople in comparation with himself.
    Especially funny to see when all those non-laypeoples have real match in typing <50% (<20% mostly) - when certainly they don't know others opinions beforehand. Some such have impudence to call Socionics in current state as "science". Some even have given themselves scientific ranks like bachelor, master, doctor lol While the main difference between those non-laypeople and the rest is just getting money for their non-scientific speculations like astrologers do.

    Description of INTP is not bad here, anyway.
    Last edited by Sol; 07-02-2015 at 03:14 PM.

  38. #38
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    wow, maybe this is sad but i think these are actually really good descriptions, even if meant to be joking ones typical socionics descriptions are more neutral or even flattering to the types, but these capture their shitty sides. many of these observations are things i've noticed too, including the specific common mistypings lol. my favorites:

    - ILIs pretending to understand everything (but are actually full of obfuscation/making others feel dumb)
    - SEE males mistyping themselves as SLEs
    - LSEs filling their days with a bunch of carefully scheduled "busy work"
    - EIIs holding grudges and knowing exactly how to make you feel guilty
    - male IEIs mistyping themselves as ILIs
    - IEIs being provocative, and not handling well others who disagree with or criticize their ideas
    - ILEs entering impossible battles and doing "low-paid quasi-scientific work"
    - male IEEs and EIEs mistyping themselves as ILE
    - SEIs' gloomy and negative side
    - absence of ESE males online
    - LII stubbornness and refusing to see certain obvious realities
    - male SLEs ending up in miserable relationships with female ESIs
    - an embedded Alpha NT bias against ESI in many socionics descriptions
    - ESI bitchiness and hypocrisy, and immediately pouncing on you if they've perceived you to slight one of their friends
    - EIEs either constantly changing types, or choosing one (usually wrong) type and never changing it come hell or high water
    - EIEs blaming others for their problems
    Last edited by glam; 07-19-2015 at 07:10 PM.

  39. #39
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    I can hold a grudge for a long time that's because once very deeply hurt it's hard to change my new static feelings about people and their actions. The person has to take a very gentle approach with me if I'm ever to trust them again. I forgive and move on in 99% of cases. Once someone betrays me and unleases a pack of horrible people against me ruins my comfort and my peace they can go to hell.that is not a good person.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by glam View Post
    wow, maybe this is sad but i think these are actually really good descriptions, even if meant to be joking ones typical socionics descriptions are more neutral or even flattering to the types, but these capture their shitty sides. many of these observations are things i've noticed too, including the specific common mistypings lol. my favorites:

    - ILIs pretending to understand everything (but are actually full of obfuscation/making others feel dumb)
    - SEE males mistyping themselves as SLEs
    - LSEs filling their days with a bunch of carefully scheduled "busy work"
    - EIIs holding grudges and knowing exactly how to make you feel guilty
    - male IEIs mistyping themselves as ILIs
    - IEIs being provocative, and not handling well others who disagree with or criticize their ideas
    - ILEs entering impossible battles and doing "low-paid quasi-scientific work"
    - male IEEs and EIEs mistyping themselves as ILE
    - SEIs' gloomy and negative side
    - absence of ESE males online
    - LII stubbornness and refusing to see certain obvious realities
    - male SLEs ending up in miserable relationships with female ESIs
    - an embedded Alpha NT bias against ESI in many socionics descriptions
    - ESI bitchiness and hypocrisy, and immediately pouncing on you if they've perceived you to slight one of their friends
    - EIEs either constantly changing types, or choosing one (usually wrong) type and never changing it come hell or high water
    - EIEs blaming others for their problems
    You IEIs have excellent insights. I have not seen all of these, but I have seen most of them.

    LOL, on that I have not seen is "EIEs either constantly changing types, or choosing one (usually wrong) type and never changing it come hell or high water". What do you think it is about their type that makes this a possible pattern?
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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