Of late, I've been reading a little about feminism, which increasingly seems like a social revolution. I also increasingly see it as inherently agnostic, insofar as it seems to me that the demands of feminism that help women can also harm women, and that the demands of, what, "becoming a man" maybe, tend to result in harm to women (meaning emotional/social harm, rather than physical harm).

I think it's good that we've come to the point where it's not OK for men to harm women physically for any reason, because physical violence by men against women is disgusting. But I think a lot of the social demands of women revolving around objectification, the "male gaze," etc., are at the very least a lot more difficult that feminists realize, maybe?

I dunno. Anyway, the point is that I've been thinking a lot about feminism and how to achieve a fair relationship between the sexes, especially as it relates to the media, and I'd like to instigate some discussion here! So, discuss!