He's the co-founder of his company. The company is pretty small right now, only five total employees (himself included) plus a few contractors (like myself). I have only relatively recently begun working with them but so far it's going nicely and they treat me well.

I have some ideas on his type, but I'd like more opinions. Please ask questions as they occur to you.

Some traits:

- Anti-exclusivity - Some people say they are like this, but he is without needing to announce it. He doesn't like TED talks, for example, because they ask for "lifetime achievements" in their application for registration process.

- I asked today, "What's the normal schedule around here?" He replied, "'Normal' and 'schedule' are not words we're comfortable with around here."

- Thinks it is possible to do a project perfectly right from the start, even though he has never yet done it. This came up after I said every project will have flaws so I think it might be wise to be prepared to backtrack at least a little, if not actually plan for it.

- Likes "stupid humor" movies (perhaps as opposed to dry humor?)

- Satirical, sarcastic. Sometimes he'll say things in a serious tone that I'll totally not get as a joke. He says I should be able to tell when he's joking because what he says is so ridiculous, but the problem with that is I don't know him well enough yet to know what he thinks is ridiculous or not.

- Along the same lines, delights in the absurd/silly and will place himself subtly (or not subtly) at the end of the joke. Like the name of his company, his online name, what he calls his team.

- A likely very insignificant example of humor: I told him how my sister is a CNA as well as a security guard and he says, "So she beats people up in one job and puts them back together in the other?"

- Appears to be in constant movement; doesn't appear to like sitting still for very long periods of time, though he's perfectly capable of being productive.

- Has a protective streak. One time I told him about a volunteer project where some of the people were being slightly less than... nice, I guess. Longish story, but anyway he leaned over me and said something to the effect of, "[Minde], that's f---'n b---s---. You know that, right? You're too good [at what you do] to be treated like that." (Strong language, but the sentiment gave me warm fuzzies.)

- He says he always welcomes questions. I'm not sure how true this is yet. I can ask lots of questions once started...

- He can be kind of awkward in conversation. Does this sort of stop-start style of talking.

- He will go into cuss-filled tirades when he sees, um, flaws in setups. (It amuses me, but I'm trying not to instigate them too often.)

- Despite his reactions to badly set up things and poor decision-making, he seems reasonably good at communicating with clients and able to pleasingly manage their expectations.

- He was a teacher before getting into the tech industry. A student introduced him to the internet.

Pictures (please don't quote):

I have a video (or, rather, a link to one). If you want to see it PM me, and if I know and trust you I'll share.