Well hello erryone. I have just come across the realization that I am not, have never been, and will never be INTj. After reading every description over and over again from multiple sources and asking for outside opinions from family and such, I have determined my preconceived Mirror type, ENTp to fit myself much better than INTj. If you are itching to know why I have not realized this sooner (besides not realizing the descriptions fit better), I have identified the biggest obstacle as my previous interpretation of what the Introversion / Extroversion dichotomy represents, especially with regards to Breadth v Depth. Sorry to everyone who I have misled in the past with my long-ass duration mis-typing and I would advise to disregard every type diagnosis I have made in the past up to one month from now (I figure I'll be on the right track in a month). If you have any questions regarding this decision feel free to interrogate me here, or gloat, or rage, or be skeptical, or whatever else people do when this happens.