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Thread: Questions for all Deltas

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    Default Questions for all Deltas

    Just curious what we all have in common, and what are some of our differences...If your type is not clearly stated in your siggie or avatar bar, please state it in your post...Feel free to add your own questions to the following list.

    What do you like to read?

    Do you enjoy thrills, like rollercoasters and water-skiing, etc? What is the most extreme sport or activity you've ever tried?

    Do you like children? Do they like you? What age group(s) do you seem to enjoy interacting with most?

    How are you with money? What are your shopping habits?

    That's enough for now. I'll have to come back later to answer my own questions; time to play with my boys
    My life's work (haha):
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  2. #2


    *watches thread with interest*

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    Quote Originally Posted by pianosinger View Post

    What do you like to read?
    Only what is necessary for my Law degree and a bit of esoteric stuff. I also like to gather information which I find useful for me at some give time and google helps me a lot with this. I donīt read any fiction at all. At most I will read a book about buddhist meditation or tantra. Iīm now reading two Law books.

    Do you enjoy thrills, like rollercoasters and water-skiing, etc? What is the most extreme sport or activity you've ever tried?
    Yes, a lot. The most extreme sport Iīve ever tried was either getting into very big seas to do surfing, and the waves would be very big and scare me, but since I quit surfing some 10 years ago I guess it was extreme skiing on slopes which are too steep. Both are very stressful but fun. As of now Iīm thinking about parachuting.

    Do you like children? Do they like you? What age group(s) do you seem to enjoy interacting with most?
    I love children. They seem to like me. I interact very well with old people, like from 70 above, and have a great natural tendency to listen to their advices and to enjoy their company and treat them well in a manner which I find most people do not enjoy doing and do not do. I donīt like much teenagers and interact better with adults and old people.

    How are you with money? What are your shopping habits?
    I will save a lot and spend it on occasion. I donīt spend it on superfluous things. Iīm very conscientious of my spendings. I oscillate between being very miser and taking great pleasure in paying things to people and giving them stuff and also buying myself some pleasures. I do not like wasting money and I donīt like it when somebody does it, it just seems very dumb and foolish of them to waste money.

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    Slippery when wet Simon Ssmall's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pianosinger View Post
    Just curious what we all have in common, and what are some of our differences...If your type is not clearly stated in your siggie or avatar bar, please state it in your post...Feel free to add your own questions to the following list.

    What do you like to read?

    Do you enjoy thrills, like rollercoasters and water-skiing, etc? What is the most extreme sport or activity you've ever tried?

    Do you like children? Do they like you? What age group(s) do you seem to enjoy interacting with most?

    How are you with money? What are your shopping habits?

    That's enough for now. I'll have to come back later to answer my own questions; time to play with my boys
    I used to love to read sci-fi books when I was a kid. Right now I usually read quite a big range of books from books by Paulo Coelho or Down Brown to Umberto Eko or Remarque. In other words there are no set of books I prefer to read now.

    Im not sure I am big fan of thrills but I do love some things like that: diving, paragliding is some things I tried. In general id love to try things like that at least once so id know what I like and what not.

    Children I guess I like. They are a lot of trouble though to have, so "liking" them is debatable. As for them liking me - yeh in general they like me. As for age groups of kids I prefer older kids, somewhere from 12 to 15. as for non-kids I prefer people who are a bit older than me. Most of my friends are older than me by 2-4 years. Right now it doesnt seem to be a big gap but im friends with them from young age.

    With money I am quite bad in general. Although lately (thanks to a close to me person) I lerned how to save money and started tracking my expenses which helps to do just that. My shopping habits are random and directionless, in general if I see something I like I buy it and dont overthink it.
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  5. #5
    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    What do you like to read?
    Historical fiction, comedy, adventure, cereal boxes...

    Do you enjoy thrills, like rollercoasters and water-skiing, etc?
    Rollercoasters are fun, as long as there's no spinning or going upside-down.

    What is the most extreme sport or activity you've ever tried?
    Extreme sport? We had football in PE. They threw a hard, pointy object at my chest.

    Do you like children?

    Do they like you?

    What age group(s) do you seem to enjoy interacting with most?
    I seem to enjoy interacting with children the most. Things are not as they seem.

    How are you with money?

    What are your shopping habits?
    I went on a shopping spree this summer. Spent ten dollars at the grocery store.
    Last edited by DirectorAbbie; 10-28-2010 at 08:57 PM.

    1-6-2 so/sx
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

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    Abbie, you crack me up.

    What do you like to read?

    Stories, often of the more fantastical and imaginative kinds as well as ones that require a thinking cap. Picture books (Carl!). Books that teach me things I want to know about, though I usually enjoy them most if they have illustrations... and color...

    Do you enjoy thrills, like rollercoasters and water-skiing, etc? What is the most extreme sport or activity you've ever tried?

    Um... kind of. Usually I have to push myself to do those things and view it as a way to strengthen myself. I tend to be a "safety first" kind of person. I would go skydiving, though. And while I'm cautious I will try things if I have time to warm up to the idea.

    Do you like children? Do they like you? What age group(s) do you seem to enjoy interacting with most?

    Yes, I do like children, and they usually like me, though individual connections vary. But I rarely ever *not* get along with them. The age doesn't seem to matter as much as their requirements for energy and enthusiasm from me, which I don't do as well as others. So I guess maybe I tend to have more difficulties keeping up with 2-6 year-olds.

    How are you with money? What are your shopping habits?

    I'm usually pretty careful with spending. I look for good deals, though not obsessively. Actually, I could probably do better at that. I value it, but it's an effort for me. I tend to get only what I need, though I'm not opposed to splurging every now and then.

    I'm kind of poor right now, so that may have an effect on my spending habits. I'm against debt and living beyond my means.
    Oh, to find you in dreams - mixing prior, analog, and never-beens... facts slip and turn and change with little lucidity. except the strong, permeating reality of emotion.

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    What do you like to read?

    Foreign language books, biographies (especially autobiographies), collections of personal anecdotes, magazines (especially the section on interviews)

    Do you enjoy thrills, like rollercoasters and water-skiing, etc? What is the most extreme sport or activity you've ever tried?

    Once in a while, but not everyday. I enjoy the adrenaline rush, but will get stressed up if I were to experience it everyday. The most "extreme" activity I have ever tried was taking rollercoasters. I would like to try skydiving and bungee jumping in future just for the experience.

    Do you like children? Do they like you? What age group(s) do you seem to enjoy interacting with most?

    I like children, and I think they like me as well. I like kids who are around age 10-16.

    How are you with money? What are your shopping habits?

    Good. I think I save more than I spend, and I like to compare interest rates between banks every now and then. I have not own any equities yet as I am rather risk adverse and want to make sure that I'm getting the best deal i.e. the expense ratio is not too high and the agent does not earn a high commission from my money. If I find a financial product too complicated to understand, I will not invest in it as I prefer to fully understand something before committing myself.

    As for shopping habits, I like to compare prices for only big purchases e.g. IT gadgets.

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    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pianosinger View Post
    What do you like to read?
    Study books, things to aid me with my personal interests. Not much of a reader outside of that though.

    Quote Originally Posted by pianosinger View Post
    Do you enjoy thrills, like rollercoasters and water-skiing, etc? What is the most extreme sport or activity you've ever tried?
    <3 roller coasters. I haven't done anything more extreme than that, but roller coasters are one of my biggest likes.

    Quote Originally Posted by pianosinger View Post
    Do you like children? Do they like you? What age group(s) do you seem to enjoy interacting with most?
    I like quiet children lol. Here in Japan I'm surrounded by children every week, and they are just so loud and vying for attention. When they're all in groups and yelling at me to do stuff with them, I really just start to shut down. They seem to not understand that I get emotionally drained when I'm made to do stuff with them.

    Quote Originally Posted by pianosinger View Post
    How are you with money? What are your shopping habits?
    I'm a pretty frugal guy. I try to only spend money on necessities like food and household appliances, but I'm not afraid to spend a little something on my self every now and then.

    Quote Originally Posted by pianosinger View Post
    That's enough for now. I'll have to come back later to answer my own questions; time to play with my boys
    Good luck

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    Slippery when wet Simon Ssmall's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Minde View Post
    I'm against debt and living beyond my means.
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    Quote Originally Posted by pianosinger View Post
    What do you like to read?
    Anything interesting haha. Fantasy, sci-fi, historical fiction, juvenile fiction, allegory, social satire, NOT poetry, NOT romance. All sorts of interesting articles online, in magazines, etc. Most recently finished A Series of Unfortunate Events and LOVED IT.

    Do you enjoy thrills, like rollercoasters and water-skiing, etc?
    I used to like rollercoasters more when I was younger...I still do on occasion, but only higher-quality ones that don't jostle and jolt. I cannot waterski to save my life, but I think I would enjoy it if I could. Though, maybe I wouldn't...I like thrills, but only relatively safe ones. My sense of self-preservation is pretty high. I really want to go rock-climbing...

    What is the most extreme sport or activity you've ever tried?
    waterskiing, but didn't get up for more than a second.

    Do you like children? Do they like you? What age group(s) do you seem to enjoy interacting with most?
    Most of the time, and most of the time. I enjoy interaction with grade-school children, like ages 6-11. Younger children are fun and interesting, but more one-on-one. Teenagers, well, it really depends on the individual. Also, mature adults.

    How are you with money? What are your shopping habits?
    I'm not real good at saving, but neither do I spend money that I don't have. I like to buy things as I perceive a need, or a practical use. I also love buying gifts for people. So, I enjoy shopping and buying things; but at the same time, I have no problem walking into a store, browsing for a while, and then walking back out without making a purchase. I enjoy getting good deals, but I do not spend a lot of time seeking them out.
    Last edited by pianosinger; 10-28-2010 at 03:29 PM.
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    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    What do you like to read?

    horror, drama, nonfiction about whatever is striking my fancy at the time (usually in the realm of psychology or some kind of social science)

    Do you enjoy thrills, like rollercoasters and water-skiing, etc? What is the most extreme sport or activity you've ever tried?

    i'm not a thrillseeker. i used to love rollercoasters when i was a kid, but after awhile of not going on them regularly, i lost my tolerance for that flip-floppy in the stomach feeling.

    i guess you could say i like thrills in a way, but i just have a very low threshold for them, like going to a restaurant alone or giving blood are sort of thrill-seeking activities for me, haha. :redface: i've never tried any extreme sports.

    Do you like children? Do they like you? What age group(s) do you seem to enjoy interacting with most?

    i hit it off with some children more than others, same as with adults. i think they usually like me, though i'm not good with the enthusiasm and the faux-excited voice and stuff that some adults do with children. toddlers and pre-school age is probably the most fun. tbh, i get kind of easily annoyed with teenagers.

    How are you with money? What are your shopping habits?

    when i have plenty of money, i tend to spend it too much on trivial things like going out to eat too much or buying random things that look cool at the store. when i'm short on money, i can deal with it though, and i become more frugal. i guess i just adapt to my circumstances. i think that saving is a really good thing to do, but i have a hard time maintaining the discipline to follow through with it.

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    What do you like to read?

    I haven't gotten heavily into reading fiction unless the story sounds interesting and it has good word of mouth, so I mainly stick to the classics.
    Biographical and historical literature is appealing if it's focused on something/someone I find interesting atm. I have a tendency to get excited about some period/event/person and become immersed in learning about it, until I've either grown bored of it or find something else that intrigues me.

    Do you enjoy thrills, like rollercoasters and water-skiing, etc? What is the most extreme sport or activity you've ever tried?

    eh it depends, I really have to be in the right mood for it but I generally don't like activities that are frightening/uncomfortable. Sometimes I'll go on rollercoasters but only after I've observed it to see if I can handle it.
    For the most part I prefer doing calmer things like walking/hiking/exploring

    Do you like children? Do they like you? What age group(s) do you seem to enjoy interacting with most?

    Children are just as diverse as adults, so it depends. I think a lot of children, when in groups, want adults to produce to an extent that I start to feel uncomfortable.
    I think I'm sort of protective and overtly gentle to them nonetheless, so I probably come across more like a parental figure to them, which, IME, has been both good and bad

    How are you with money? What are your shopping habits?

    I'm with Minde on this, as in not spending what isn't there. Being in debt is terrifying to me, so when I do spend money on something I have to weigh in on if it's worth it or not. For the most part, I prefer spending it on a few items of high quality since I can get more use of it. I often find cheap things fall apart faster and, in terms of things like clothes/shoes, the tailoring is generally poor so it makes me want to wear it less
    Basically I'm the sort of person who saves for a good quality classic item and than uses it religiously, rather than having to replace it because it's deteriorating or out of style
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    What do you like to read?
    Newspapers, satirical magazines, classic novels, wikipedia, things about new ideas and theories, things about the spirit, peoples views on what life is, cosmo.

    Do you enjoy thrills, like rollercoasters and water-skiing, etc?
    I do not have the coordination to waterski... I like rollercoasters

    What is the most extreme sport or activity you've ever tried?
    er... sports?... rugby I suppose... I don't like doing anything too extreme. weird wild odd crazy, yes... extreme not so much... I once travelled 12,000 miles overland from London to Singapore... felt quite extrme to me.

    Do you like children?
    I don't dislike children.

    Do they like you
    It depends on the child, and my mood, I don't know.

    What age group(s) do you seem to enjoy interacting with most?

    How are you with money?
    Not very good.

    What are your shopping habits?
    sporadic, I have spending sprees where I build up large amounts of debt, followed by periods of extreme poverty where my credit gets stopped and I need to pay back the debt. I enjoy both, the variety in apparant circumstances give me a perspective. I feel richer when I'm poor.

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    Whoa, I haven't seen you post soma in a long time... Anyway:

    What do you like to read?
    I like reading non-fiction, but definitely not history... I find it to be very boring. I like reading about things that have practical uses to my everyday life. Self-improvement books/articles, or any reading that is geared towards that, are things I'm usually interested in.

    Do you enjoy thrills, like rollercoasters and water-skiing, etc? What is the most extreme sport or activity you've ever tried?
    I like rollercoasters, even though I've barely done it. Can't say I've done any extreme sport... I have wrestled for fun before and dislocated my shoulder twice, but I don't know if it applies to this.

    Do you like children? Do they like you? What age group(s) do you seem to enjoy interacting with most?
    Kids used to like me more when I was younger, because I would pay more attention to them and act silly. I like kids now, but I don't try to make them like me as much, lol. I like interacting with people around my age (mid twenties), but it's no biggie.

    How are you with money? What are your shopping habits?
    I'm very good with money... I keep track of what I've bought, and even scan all my receipts to a searchable database in the computer. I don't spend much, save for when it's something that I think is worth the cost.

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    Just curious what we all have in common, and what are some of our differences...If your type is not clearly stated in your siggie or avatar bar, please state it in your post...Feel free to add your own questions to the following list.

    What do you like to read?
    I like to read non-fiction that improves my life somehow. I try to read fiction, but feel that I'm wasting my time.

    Do you enjoy thrills, like rollercoasters and water-skiing, etc? What is the most extreme sport or activity you've ever tried? I used to more when I was younger. Now I notice the risk more, and don't enjoy these things as much. I find them to be too bumpy really, and that makes me uncomfortable. I have done snowboarding, salsa dancing (it's extreme when you consider shattered toe nails!!), soccer w/ mostly guys who knocked me down often, hiking across narrow and high drop offs, indoor rock climbing (I learned I was strapped in wrong and would have died if I had fallen, instead of the rope catching me! Great...), and I did a "water adventure" thing that had canoes and jet skis and a banana boat and what not (it was okay, but not really all that fun for me...though the ISTp loved it. I found it kind of stressful).

    Do you like children? Do they like you? What age group(s) do you seem to enjoy interacting with most? I like smaller kids the most. Teenagers scare me.

    How are you with money? What are your shopping habits? I'm fine w/ money, but I will sacrifice being in debt for a short while for a business goal, and I'm fine w/ taking risks (though scary initially, the pay off is worth it).
    Hi! I'm an ENFP. :-)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lobo View Post
    Whoa, I haven't seen you post soma in a long time...
    Hello, been busy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by somavision View Post
    Hello, been busy.
    Are you letting me go Soma? It's ok, I'll understand.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lobo View Post
    Are you letting me go Soma? It's ok, I'll understand.

    If only I could...

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    Quote Originally Posted by somavision View Post
    If only I could...
    This would have been perfect if you included, "If only I could quite you"
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    Quote Originally Posted by somavision View Post
    If only I could...
    Then don't...

    Quote Originally Posted by Marie84 View Post
    This would have been perfect if you included, "If only I could quite you"
    Here in Delta we solve uncomfortable relationship issues through assassination. Ask Minde for a quotation, she knows what I'm talking about.

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    Minde and I are the only ones who like to read Fantasy? That's...disappointing...
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    Slippery when wet Simon Ssmall's Avatar
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    Th reading part is almost different for each person who posted here. Dont see why it would be dissapointing .
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    Quote Originally Posted by pianosinger View Post
    Minde and I are the only ones who like to read Fantasy? That's...disappointing...
    I used to enjoy Fantasy, but I think I have kind of outgrew it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pianosinger View Post
    Minde and I are the only ones who like to read Fantasy? That's...disappointing...
    My EII sister LOVES reading fantasy . I used to as a kid. Now i prefer non-fiction on topics I'm currently interested in, or realistic fiction. I hardly have time to read fiction though, and I need advance recommendation of a good book by someone I trust before actually picking it up and reading it. It's hard for a book to keep my attention unless it's really really good.

    (usually my sister or a good friend serves as a source of recommendation )
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorkaholicsAnon View Post
    I used to as a kid. Now i prefer non-fiction on topics I'm currently interested in....... I hardly have time to read fiction.....
    I concur with the above with regards to myself.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lobo View Post
    Then don't...

    Here in Delta we solve uncomfortable relationship issues through assassination. Ask Minde for a quotation, she knows what I'm talking about.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    idk, the picture i get of you deltas on this forum is way different from the deltas i meet irl.

    the thing all deltas i meet irl seem to have in common is that they all seem to listen to hardrock och metal music(or atleast not commersial music played on the radio), and have an interest in old american muscle cars from the 60-70s(technology in general, computers stereos and stuff) and all of them seem to like Family Guy/Simpsons - animated tv-shows that does satire on society. Seem to have an interest in new science from magazines, internet or maybe even the discovery channel. let's see.. pets some deltas seem to collect pets and get lot's of kids because they're into this creating a big stable family thing either from having kids or lots of pets as a family, not really involved in politics more than on a superficial level because they don't seem to think it directly effects them unless it knocks on their door. And they all understand that facebook is superficial bullshit. some are into powerlifting/going to the gym but not for the looks but for the health.

    i can't really see a red line that connects people that posts on this forum though, except for it maybe says "IEE/EII/SLI/LSE" in their signature.

    What do you like to read? philosophy, psychology, politics, relationships, society related things on forums where they're discussed, videogames, movie reviews either from forums or wiki or wherever.
    Do you enjoy thrills, like rollercoasters and water-skiing? yep, adrenaline is great stuffs but i prefer it from rollercoasters because i don't trust my legs.
    Do you like children? Do they like you? No i don't like children but they seem to like me.
    How are you with money? What are your shopping habits? stable atm, won't be so stable in 2 months or so but it will work out as it always does. i go shopping for today but never for tomorrow.

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    Quote Originally Posted by protoss View Post
    ... i can't really see a red line that connects people that posts on this forum though, except for it maybe says "IEE/EII/SLI/LSE" in their signature.

    You live somewhere near me, don't you ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by pianosinger View Post
    Just curious what we all have in common, and what are some of our differences...If your type is not clearly stated in your siggie or avatar bar, please state it in your post...Feel free to add your own questions to the following list.

    What do you like to read?

    Do you enjoy thrills, like rollercoasters and water-skiing, etc? What is the most extreme sport or activity you've ever tried?

    Do you like children? Do they like you? What age group(s) do you seem to enjoy interacting with most?

    How are you with money? What are your shopping habits?

    That's enough for now. I'll have to come back later to answer my own questions; time to play with my boys
    I am declaring myself EII until kicked out of Delta.

    1) I read mostly fantasy, a little scifi, some self-help, historical fiction, cookbooks, natural health, and the occasional book on personality theory. I also enjoy various manga. I like romance but prefer it to have a larger overall plot.

    2) I like roller coasters, inner tubing, and rock climbing. I might try skydiving one day.

    3) If they're cute, behaved, and someone else's. I prefer babies; they eat, sleep, and poop, and don't tell me 'no'.

    4) I am a spender who really needs to start saving. I tend to buy lots of smaller things; I feel guilty spending money on something big.

    "Tell someone you love them today, because life is short; shout it at them in German, because life is also terrifying."

    Fruit, the fluffy kitty.

  30. #30
    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    What do you like to read?

    I have rather an insatiable hunger for reading; I don't read in a routine manner; I read three papers, The NY Times, The Brand (local Los Feliz journal), The Los Feliz Ledger; I read nonfiction, fiction, literature, anything about people, any ideas about cooking and food; I read FOOD magazine. I really enjoy some light hearted literature like Isabel Allende. I read many review publications, like The New England journal of medicine, the psychology journal.

    Do you enjoy thrills, like rollercoasters and water-skiing, etc? What is the most extreme sport or activity you've ever tried?

    No. I'm very sensitive to motion and get vertigo and a very fast racing heart. I must have my environment shake free and calm.

    Do you like children? Do they like you? What age group(s) do you seem to enjoy interacting with most?

    I love all of them at any age. I helped raise and mentor 4 of our family kids and have been teaching various subjects throughout my life, even special education. I have a deep need to help and I'm very sympathetic to the diversity of our kind.

    How are you with money? What are your shopping habits?

    I am usually very conscientious; I do love to please and give generous gifts, so I will save and provide many gifts for many people for the holidays (last year I had 25 people on my list). Usually, I purchase recycled clothes and spend pennies on clothing, but I dress with taste so I don't buy frumpy clothes. I don't buy used shoes; I believe that shoes are one thing you should always buy new. I, like Van Gogh, like many INFj's, including Dostevsky are very poor in money management because we live for others; we overextend to help everyone else and spend a lot of money keeping up appearances. I'm lucky that I have a dual cousin who helps with this regard and I'm lucky that my duals are awesome at money management and when I get married with a dual, I will NOT be the one doing the finances (even though I have a degree in Accounting) LOL. I am great at saving other people's money, because it becomes a RESPONSIBILITY TO ME. There's a difference with that. With my own money, it's no harm for me to spend it however I like, but with other people's money, I have to be very conscientious and be responsible because the possibility of hurting another person by ill will and harm in financial decisions is a moral issue and very against my feelings and integrity.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

  31. #31
    Breaking stereotypes Suz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by protoss View Post
    idk, the picture i get of you deltas on this forum is way different from the deltas i meet irl.

    the thing all deltas i meet irl seem to have in common is that they all seem to listen to hardrock och metal music(or atleast not commersial music played on the radio), and have an interest in old american muscle cars from the 60-70s(technology in general, computers stereos and stuff) and all of them seem to like Family Guy/Simpsons - animated tv-shows that does satire on society.
    SOOOOOOOOOOOO not me!!!

    Seem to have an interest in new science from magazines, internet or maybe even the discovery channel.
    Yeah that's true...

    let's see.. pets some deltas seem to collect pets and get lot's of kids because they're into this creating a big stable family thing either from having kids or lots of pets as a family
    sorta, not really at that stage yet, but i do like the idea of pets and a big stable family.

    not really involved in politics more than on a superficial level because they don't seem to think it directly effects them unless it knocks on their door. And they all understand that facebook is superficial bullshit. some are into powerlifting/going to the gym but not for the looks but for the health
    True for me.
    Enneagram: 9w1 6w5 2w3 so/sx

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    What do you like to read?
    Some spiritual and philosophical literature, rock biographies, popular science authors, technical manuals, fiction, comic books. As for fiction, I try to brush up on as much classical literature as possible. I'll make a note to read things that are universally admired. I also like sci-fi and fantasy too (I dig that more in movies though). I mean, I'm not shooting down everything that's out of the realm of "redneck plumbling" experience, I'll say that much. Maybe I'm SEI. I don't think so though.

    Do you enjoy thrills, like rollercoasters and water-skiing, etc? What is the most extreme sport or activity you've ever tried? I used to be more active as a kid. I'm in my 30's, and still skateboard and ride mountain bikes a little. I have some missing teeth (and expensive dental work) from the skating.

    Do you like children? Do they like you? What age group(s) do you seem to enjoy interacting with most?
    I don't really know how to talk to kids, but they always seem to like me. I'm better off playing some game with them or talking through activity (just as long as it's not acting out something really out of my league. Like my friend's daughter wanted me to start acting out some imaginary princess/magical story the other day. Scary stuff But I know not to be rude either. I'm not that bad).

    How are you with money? What are your shopping habits?
    OK, I guess. I'm sure if I had of ton of it, I'd spend plenty.
    Last edited by stray; 12-07-2010 at 01:05 AM.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by pianosinger View Post
    What do you like to read?
    Typically fantasy fiction and scientific non-fiction. I will dabble in political and cultural non-fiction as well. I've tried numerous times to get into literature, but it's just not my thing.

    Do you enjoy thrills, like rollercoasters and water-skiing, etc? What is the most extreme sport or activity you've ever tried?
    Not really. The most extreme thing I've ever done is skydiving. I did a lot of extreme sports when I was a teenager and in my early 20s, but it doesn't hold much appeal these days.

    Do you like children? Do they like you? What age group(s) do you seem to enjoy interacting with most?
    Children are fun, but a lot of work. I'm looking forward to having my own, but until then don't really care about them.

    How are you with money? What are your shopping habits?
    Conservative with money. Tend to only buy things that I need, save a lot of money spent on snacks and shit.
    SLI/ISTp -- Te subtype

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