I suppose this is to be expected due to the 7th functions rivaling the base, but I've observed that Ne dominants tend to have a poor perception of remembering the approximate time of past occurrences. In this sense, the 7th function is similar to the 4th, the differences laying in being less concerned about criticism of the 7th, it's just an annoyance, is how I see it

For instance, the Ne dominants I've observed frequently draw huge gaps in the time of occurrences with seemingly little regard for how acute their timing is, to give a couple examples;

An ILE who often questions where something has gone, thinking that they have bought said object recently when in fact they didn't

ILE: Where is the [item]?
A: it's been used up/gone/spoiled a while ago
ILE: but I just bought it!
A: you bought it [a long time ago], it's been used/spoiled by now


IEE: I haven't seen so-and-so in such a long time, at least a year
A: You saw them 4 months ago
IEE: I thought it was longer

Has anyone noticed similar issues with ILE/IEE's in this reguard?