Se vs. Si:

Se: Sudden, Worse Tempo, Strong, Pure, Simple, Clear, Rhythm, Stand Out, Higher highs/Lower lows

Si: Smooth, Better Tempo, Balanced, Varied, Complex, Colorful, Harmony, Blend In, Regular attunement

Se can be characterized by a raw separation of phenomenon, devoid of its relationship with all other materials, except what it seeks to be paired with romantically (Ni dual-seeking). This phenomenon, while it can be objectively observed in a quite complex environment, is quite elemental in actuality.

Si, in contrast, seeks a greater harmony with its relationship to its environment and so it blends itself in with every function, and every other facet of reality. (and scientifically there is probably no way really to separate any material form from its functional counterpart)

This is why, INFp and ESTp types are more likely to be ‘romantics’ and find that one special thing that is cut aside from the world… in a pure form idealistically, whereas types like ENTp and ISFp need a better base in the ‘real world.’ This sense of romance doesn’t even have to be another person really, but it just shows how technically ‘separate’ and ‘removed’ Se/Ni is, compared to Si/Ne. It’s in everything the Se/Ni valuer does.

What is strange about INFp/ESTps to other people, is how well you have to treat them emotionally compared to other people, just so they will do what other types perceive as basic things in life; those sort of things that they think make everybody feel connected. As long as they feel that they found what they were looking for idealistically, they really have no issues doing the ‘real world’ things that people want them to do, but if this is somehow not being received well, they will just go off to the side and create their own way until they are better listened to. But if you do understand this, then you can manipulate the Se/Ni valuer to do what you want even if you are not a Se/Ni valuer – and very intelligent narcissists and people high up in society already know this anyway, of course.