What are your views on cheating on your partner or spouse?

I've noticed so many people who go behind their partners back, yet it seems from talking to people that everyone says it's wrong.

Anyway, this conversation came up at work today and it was interesting to see what people had to say.

For myself, i've seen plenty people go behind their partners backs. I've also been with a few married woman when I was younger. My attitude at the time was that it was them who were doing something wrong, not me - as i'm the single one - and it may as well be me who's getting some action rather than some other guy.

However, seeing so many things clouds my trust on the issue of fidelity, and surely with so many people 'two timing' or just one night stands, and so many people saying they don't, that there's got to be lying somewhere!

I thought later today that maybe it was like golf courses. Some people become a member of a golf course and play on it forever, some people are regulars on their golf course, occasionally fancy a bit of variety, then the change of golf course makes them appreciate their old faithful so they go back to it again, remembering why they liked it so much. Some people don't play on the one course at all, but are forever changing.

So I thought that golf courses could represent people attitudes to monogomy.

Would anyone else here go behind their partners/husbands/wifes back? Have you done before? And what is your general thoughts on the matter?