I love duals and duality. When things are good with me and my dual, things are really flyin' high in the sky. When things are bad though? They are so miserable that I just want to kill him!! I don't understand why he just won't see things my way sometimes...

I'm twenty one years old and I started to date my dual when I was 14. We're both the same age and grew up together. Over the years we've been on and off...but things are really getting so difficult. It's hard enough for a regular relationship, but now we have distance in the mix... In my eyes, the future is looking bleak. I mean...we always come home and it's nice when I see him, but i'm just not sure about how I can make this work for me anymore. He does not want to be committed to me because he says that long disatance relationships don't work. I agree, but my heart feels otherwise at times. I just want him to be committed to only me. I know we're young and need to experience everyone else out there...but... :/ I don't know if i want to sit around and wait for him anymore.

I want a committment out of him! But i'm also torn because I'm not sure if I can stay fully committed at such a large distance and I'm putting a lot at steak if I ask for this. Also, in the next year and a half the distance thing will be an issue too.

I'm torn between trying to make things work and just splitting up and not talking to him for a while. I know life will bring us back together...but should I keep trying to make things work or should I just leave them be? Should I just be happy with living in the middle zone? Does anyone else have advice or experiences?