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Thread: IEEs what do you do for a living? Occupations and jobs for ENFps.

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    meatburger's Avatar
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    Default IEEs what do you do for a living? Occupations and jobs for ENFps.

    Hey all,

    I was just wondering what jobs some of the ENFP's out there found they were good at?

    I am currently working in a call centre. I would have to say that i am good at this job. Its a call centre with social interaction. It works well because i can talk to people when i feel like it and zone out and focus on my calls when im not in a good mood.

    I find that i am a quick thinker and quite good at interpreting my customers needs. I can converse and get along with most people on the other side of the phone..

    On the other side of the coin i love computers and tried to work in an IT environment. I found too much thinking involved it didn't work very well at all.

    What jobs have you been successful and not so successful at?
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

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    Were incompetent, were not good at any jobs!

    Well basically any job that has long-lasting interest is good for them in my opinion.

    I'm a swimming instructor/lifeguard, I think I'm alright at it because I can relate to kids and their behaviour. I can even think of new interesting ways to make learning fun, though the job is starting to become routine now. As for the few times I lifeguard, getting paid for standing still for an hour or so will never get boring!
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    I was a newspaper reporter and was good at that, but unfortunately it didn't pay well enough for me to afford trivial stuff like rent and food.

    Then I was a secretary, which paid well but which I had mixed success at. I was really good at anticipating my boss' needs (I was the secretary for the two managers) but the daily chores got to me and I just wasn't very good at keeping up on the paperwork stuff.
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    I was a bookseller in a small bookshop. I was OK at that. I enjoyed the variety, because during the day you get to do all sorts of things - unpack boxes, do paperwork, write invoices, decorate shop windows, talk to clients, and help little old ladies find a postcard of a sunflower which they can remember buying seven years ago. It was nice, esp. if my ENTP boss wasn't around. Not sure if I'd want to do this all my life.

    Then I was a student. I was good at that.

    Now I'm a freelance translator, but I've only worked at it for some months, so I can't say much about it. I'm working from home, and that is total crap - I miss interacting with people.

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    Hmm very interesting thanks all.

    I get the impression that ENFP males are quite rare. We do have qualities that are kinda feminine sometimes i suppose.

    I have considered working behind a bar
    or maybe doing some type of councilling. i have a feeling i would be very good at councilling although im not sure how i would handle the large torrent of emotions hitting me.
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

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    I can make a list of positive and negative job experiences from my 10 years' job experience. I think a lot of this is related to type.

    I'll start with the negative

    - math paper grader (that was an awful mistake)
    - vaguely defined office work in a non-profit organization (I dislike offices in general)
    - translating (can't handle more than 2 hrs. a day on average despite excellent skills)

    0 direct sales of Cutco cutlery (it had potential, but I resented having to pressure people)
    0 teaching English (gets a bit boring, but I'm good at it)
    0 managing an internship program (loved the contacts, but disliked the feeling of responsibility)

    + strangely enough, packing Pepsi cola at a warehouse (but then, it was only for half a summer)
    + office manager (did everything in the office from secretarial to administrative functions with no supervision)
    + interpreting (much more exciting than translating!)
    + managing my websites (writing when and what I please and doing what I want with them)

    My experience watching myself and other IEE's is that they are poorly suited to long-term work in large corporations and feel better in small creative groups where they can influence strategical decisions and develop outside contacts. They also have an entrepreneurial streak and can take risks, but they want others to bear the responsibility (haha). They hate supervision but yet need others to be available for assistance.

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    Let's see:

    Negative (quit soon)

    - restocking at a department store
    - packaged chocolate (9 hours at a moving belt....)
    - unloading postal service delivery trucks (I had applied for a different job...)

    These were my nightmare jobs. I lasted a week in the chocolate factory (I'm rather proud of that and quit after a day in the other two). Boring, repetitive and in depressing and non-communicative environments.

    Ok (for a few months or on and off):

    - Translating, but it does get awfully boring and I couldn't do it every day
    - Postal service: I alternated between sorting mail and emptying out the compartments where I moved about with a little cart and got to talk to people. I really liked this job actually. I think because it was a great atmosphere and I met loads of fun people.
    - Mail carrier: It was fine for some time, but gets boring, too. BUT I liked being outside and moving around.
    - Call center: Again, the atmosphere was very nice and interacting with people was nice, too. But it did get boring and sitting at a computer for 8 hours gets to me, too.


    I hate the preparation, but the teaching itself is great.
    - Research. I love learning, so being in academia is perfect for me because I can learn and pass it on, I can change my focus as I see fit and I get to interact with people or can be a hermit when I feel like it.

    I missed a few jobs I had, but essentially a nice work environment with nice people can make up for tedious work to some degree. What I'm doing now is perfect for me.
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    I recently got a letter that an IEE guy I know sent out to family and friends. He's a linguistically talented person who lives in Vietnam now. He writes:
    For those who are keeping count, this is my fourth job in less than three years. That includes two voluntary resignations and one firing. Despite the stigma typically associated with job-hoppers, I actually feel quite fortunate, as these different jobs have enabled me to mature considerably and gain a clearer sense of my career direction, while giving me what feels like 5 years worth of work experience in the process.
    Knowing him and his situation, I catch a bit of insecurity here, as he tries to gloss over his job failures and find some "higher meaning" in the fact that he can't find a job he likes. I am curious what this "clearer sense of my career direction is." IEE's seem to look for this elusive "career direction" their entire lives. Jobs seem to be the bane of their existence.

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    In my working days I felt compelled to switch some major aspect of my life every three weeks. I cycled these major changes between jobs, housing arrangements, transportation arrangements, and relationships. Basically, each aspect averaged 3 weeks to 3 months.

    Based on my numerous jobs within a space of 7 years, I would say that ENFps should look for jobs that allows for
    * initiating instead of maintaining
    * variety (degree of variety varies between individuals)
    * fulfills some inner need (life purpose, spirituality, relationships, physical health, etc)
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

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    Thanks for all your replies. Yeah as ENFP's jobs can be a bit of a worry hehe..

    I have been in the call centre for 2.5 years now and amazingly im still positive. Im now in the position that heaps of people come and ask me for help. When they get on top of me about my stats and errors etc i feel like jumping out the window but if they let me go i work very hard and get a lot done.

    Im interested that a few of you have mentioned translating / interpreting. Thats interesting is that something that our type may be good at? I have never shown any pre-disposition to learning another language. I think the only real way i could learn another language would be if i moved to another country and lived there. Probablly get bored listening and repeating tapes etc
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

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    escaping anndelise's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger
    Im interested that a few of you have mentioned translating / interpreting. Thats interesting is that something that our type may be good at?

    Translating/Interpreting provides lots of short initiating spurts as well as variety, depending on what one is translating/interpreting. I can easily see it as an ENFp career. Unfortunately, while I personally have always loved the idea of learning another language, and hold much respect for those who speak languages other than their native, I stink at learning other languages. But I think it has more to do with the expressive part. I'm fairly decent at learning the receptive part. Plus I haven't sought out opportunities to practice what i've learned (due to expressive inability).

    meatburger, are you looking for a career choice?
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

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    Hey Andelese

    Interpreting does sound interesting. I suppose yeah i would love a career. Theres two things as an ENFP i would love in life. A stable job that i enjoy and a stable girl. Seem enable to keep both lol.

    I have been at my job for 2.5 years now will probablly stick it out till the end of the year. I must admit i still quite enjoy it its challenging however i feel very in control and knowledgeable there. They even have me training others which is fun. But i feel the itch to leave.

    Im a bit scared if i leave this job im gonna have a tough time finding one as good but the job im in now is a little dead end.

    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

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    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger
    On the other side of the coin i love computers and tried to work in an IT environment
    My software engineering lecturer is an ENFp and seems to really enjoy helping people learn, and others like her because she is always enthusiactic and positive about everything. Maybe teaching of some kind is suitable for ENFp's in general.
    Friendly ISTp
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    Software Engineering thats interesting because i love IT

    Very interesting feedback about teaching i suppose i cant see why not. When training i did have fears that the people i were training wouldn't get trained well enough or i wouldn't no way to say(stupid things like that). Once i got rolling i had quite a lot of fun and the surveys that came back said i rocked lol.

    What about psychology or councilling do you think? We are called the psychologist type
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

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    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger
    What about psychology or councilling do you think?
    I think something like councilling would suit an ENFp very well, your type often has a strong interest in people, and I think generally people enjoy, and are motivated by the energy and enthusiasm you have. However you guys will know yourselves better than I do of course, and maybe im subconsiously a little biased because im ISTp, and its something our type is very fond of.
    Friendly ISTp
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    escaping anndelise's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger
    Software Engineering thats interesting because i love IT

    Very interesting feedback about teaching i suppose i cant see why not. When training i did have fears that the people i were training wouldn't get trained well enough or i wouldn't no way to say(stupid things like that). Once i got rolling i had quite a lot of fun and the surveys that came back said i rocked lol.

    What about psychology or councilling do you think? We are called the psychologist type
    Information giving is another one that I find ENFps do regularly, without really thinking about it. This falls in line with teaching as well as councilling. I think you have mentioned that your job has you doing this. I think that it has to do with our hidden agenda of "to know". Knowing what it's like to have the desire to know something, we are there to help others who desire to know as well.

    Word of warning. Based on my own councilling type experiences, if you choose this type of career, pick something that doesn't lead to client expectations that YOU are the one who changes THEM. While most councilling techniques suggest that it's the client who must do the changing, the client expecations of those techniques usually differ. Some personality types might enjoy telling someone else what they should be doing, or what to do in a given situation, ENFps do best offering information that they know and leaving it up to the other person to use it or not as they see fit.
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

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    I don't waste time on these things anymore.. check it out:

    Quote Originally Posted by
    Politician / Diplomat
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    Television Reporter
    Computer Programmer, Systems Analyst, or Computer Specialist
    Of course, ENFP's have a problem with drive, even when they want to have drive, so they won't be able to complete anything unless they go to the right school. And I mean, they have to do their homework, and choose the one for them.

    I slack off alot, and so I see anyone that slacks off more than me at a disadvantage, because I'm right on the cusp of uselessness.

    ENTp's usually do well, because they get their drive from having something to prove.. I think ENFPs are the same way. Either they have something to prove, or they are in a bad situation, and know they have to work their way out. If they don't have that kind of mindset, they can't overcome their inertia, when they see the direction they need to move in.


    I remember this one ENFP who signed up for an Engineering major, because everyone teased her that she couldn't do it. She then crashed and burn, because she signed up just for show, while silently holding ZERO interest in that field. She's now lost.

    Another ENFP signed up to be a psychologist, because everyone said it would be perfect for her, so she assumed they'd be right. She's getting good grades, and all that jazz, but she's miserable, because she doesn't like the work.

    I think most P's just want to do nothing. Everyone has their niche, but they don't realize that they are usually already in it.

    I always wanted to be a pilot (i know you fuckers don't care), but now I'm a stone's throw away from having a Computer Engineering degree. Ugh.

    Don't bias yourself on what people say.. you have to just go out, and devote six months to trying everything you PERSONALLY think you'd enjoy, and then a small percentage of what you think you'd never do.. something usually sticks. There are lists upon lists of occupations, and if people are honest with themselves, they can usually filter the list into groups.

    Anyway, I see alot of ENFP teachers that are happy (they didn't become happy until they actually started teaching, though).. I also know of a few ENFP psychologists, but I'm not sure how they are enjoying their careers. I know even more ENFP scam artists (they are honestly programmed to think they are doing good), but I suggest you stay away from that line of work.

    If its an ENFp male, then they could consider the medical field? Like, a doctor, or a male nurse, etc..

    Teaching seems to be perfect for ENFps, but its hard for me to say that, because I never learn ANYTHING from an ENFP teacher. Its not a problem with their teaching ability, because they are pretty darn amazing with their class, and every student likes them.. the problem is they can't teach ME anything. I had my first ENFP teacher (in hindsight) when I was in elementary school (or primary school, which is what I knew it as), and she was nice and attentive, but I could never get myself to believe anything she said, even though it seemed she knew what she was talking about. It was weird and uncomfortable. My sister (INFj) was in the grade behind me, and would always filter the information for me, at home, and that helped me to not lose my mind.

    Hey, I said alot about myself again. Damn my narcissistic asshole'ish tendencies.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MySaviour
    I don't waste time on these things anymore.. check it out:

    Quote Originally Posted by
    Politician / Diplomat
    Writer / Journalist
    Television Reporter
    Computer Programmer, Systems Analyst, or Computer Specialist
    Of course, ENFP's have a problem with drive, even when they want to have drive, so they won't be able to complete anything unless they go to the right school. And I mean, they have to do their homework, and choose the one for them.

    I slack off alot, and so I see anyone that slacks off more than me at a disadvantage, because I'm right on the cusp of uselessness.

    ENTp's usually do well, because they get their drive from having something to prove.. I think ENFPs are the same way. Either they have something to prove, or they are in a bad situation, and know they have to work their way out. If they don't have that kind of mindset, they can't overcome their inertia, when they see the direction they need to move in.


    I remember this one ENFP who signed up for an Engineering major, because everyone teased her that she couldn't do it. She then crashed and burn, because she signed up just for show, while silently holding ZERO interest in that field. She's now lost.

    Another ENFP signed up to be a psychologist, because everyone said it would be perfect for her, so she assumed they'd be right. She's getting good grades, and all that jazz, but she's miserable, because she doesn't like the work.

    I think most P's just want to do nothing. Everyone has their niche, but they don't realize that they are usually already in it.

    I always wanted to be a pilot (i know you fuckers don't care), but now I'm a stone's throw away from having a Computer Engineering degree. Ugh.

    Don't bias yourself on what people say.. you have to just go out, and devote six months to trying everything you PERSONALLY think you'd enjoy, and then a small percentage of what you think you'd never do.. something usually sticks. There are lists upon lists of occupations, and if people are honest with themselves, they can usually filter the list into groups.

    Anyway, I see alot of ENFP teachers that are happy (they didn't become happy until they actually started teaching, though).. I also know of a few ENFP psychologists, but I'm not sure how they are enjoying their careers. I know even more ENFP scam artists (they are honestly programmed to think they are doing good), but I suggest you stay away from that line of work.

    If its an ENFp male, then they could consider the medical field? Like, a doctor, or a male nurse, etc..

    Teaching seems to be perfect for ENFps, but its hard for me to say that, because I never learn ANYTHING from an ENFP teacher. Its not a problem with their teaching ability, because they are pretty darn amazing with their class, and every student likes them.. the problem is they can't teach ME anything. I had my first ENFP teacher (in hindsight) when I was in elementary school (or primary school, which is what I knew it as), and she was nice and attentive, but I could never get myself to believe anything she said, even though it seemed she knew what she was talking about. It was weird and uncomfortable. My sister (INFj) was in the grade behind me, and would always filter the information for me, at home, and that helped me to not lose my mind.

    Hey, I said alot about myself again. Damn my narcissistic asshole'ish tendencies.
    Your on to something and a lot of what you said in this post is correct. P's don't necessarily want to do nothing, quite the opposite. They just want to play for their whole lives. However, they basically want to do something that is fun for them. That is the type of job that is pleasing for an ENFP in my opinion.
    “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” Randy Pausch

    6w7 sp/sx

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    ENFP teacher never taught me anything lol

    I only had a few unfortunately, best marks ever...

    {♠x<º))))><¸.·´¯`·.¸IcEPiCk¸.·´¯`·.¸><((((º>x♠ }

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    Quote Originally Posted by IcEPiCk
    ENFP teacher never taught me anything lol

    I only had a few unfortunately, best marks ever...

    ENFp teachers are hilarious! I've had at least one and it's all jokes.
    “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” Randy Pausch

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    Default ENFP Jobs

    I used to bartend and I loved it. The pay is okay, depending on where you work. It's just such a volatile industry and for an ENFP male, most bars look for young hot woman employees to attract customers. Bartending is good for ENFP's because you have freedom to just sit and chat with patrons. It's also a bit of a limelight job because it requires some showmanship and you are entertaning guests and are naturally well liked. I'm back doing it a couple of nights a week, just to help balance.

    I currently work in I.T. and hate it. I'm alone all day doing mostly administrative / data entry and the company to save money has employees working from home which is horrible for ENFP's. ENFP's need to be around people or they get depressed.

    I think the key to ENFP's enjoyment in a job is to be in front of people. That's why Acting / teaching / bartending / even ministry works. I suggest that ENFP's get up and speak in front of people if they get the chance. Whether it be at parties, weddings or even funerals. Even if they are nervous, ENFP's are naturally good at it and that will shine through. I also suggest ENFP's take up acting, even if as a hobby to work on their public speaking skills and spontaneity. I think the problem is that because ENFP's are minority, they are brought up with their brain programmed to think that they must go to college and get a "real" job but they won't be happy. It's not that "P's" don't want to do any work, its just that they like to be spontanious and silly and outgoing so Acting works well but it's not "realistic" according to society.

    Also ENFP's have to give a new job a chance to see if they will like it. I wasn't sure about bartending either when I started and it wasn't until I started to build up a bit of a reputation and started to get recognized and got to know people that I really started to enjoy it. I think counselling would work but ENFP's have to have a chance to be outgoing / silly / creative even if outside of work to help balance or they will get stressed out. I also think a lot of ENFP's want to be the hero. That's why a lot of ENFP's will like super heroes such as Superman. I think my next venture will be social work or counselling or maybe teaching. Are there any ENFP social workers out there?? Does it work well as a career?


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    I have always thought that i would enjoy working in a bar. I can definately see myself doing it. I must admit the learning process in a bar seems a little daunting for me. Miss pouring drinks and getting orders wrong makes me nervous lol. Once i got confident im sure i would be good though

    Im still working in the Call centre. Have been here for 3 years. Its a great job. Im doing Behavioural Science with Sociology next year. I was thinking it would be cool to be a Life Coach / Do inspiring lectures etc.
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

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    Default ENFP Jobs

    Yeah Meatburger, you would like bartending. It's fun, outgoing, social. A lot like acting. You have to be entertaining, witty, quick with a joke. Maybe look at taking a course or something. That's what I did. I'd rather just bartend and do that full time and maybe take acting lessons or something. Just curious, how old are you??

    I've actually applied to a call center job too so we'll see what that's like. I need to get out of the house though, working from home is drivng me batty. I often thought too about motivational speaker or career counselor. I love being in front of people. And I like giving advice. I know I would also like to help people, do something more rewarding than just collecting a paycheck. I was thinking social work because it can lead to different areas like working with youth or counseling as well. But I have yet to encounter any ENFP's in social work. Social Work is more for an ESFP job which is the performer type. A lot of actors too though are ESFP so we'll see. I'm also interested in teaching. Lots of choices no concrete direction ;-) It's the unknown that I'm worried about. The "what if things don't work out" syndrome.

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    Im 23.

    Working from home and ENFp do not mix. That would also drive me totally insane i couldn't stand it.

    I have also thought recently about working for one of those companies that sends you overseas rating hotels and service / magazine or something. That would be cool
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

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    Default re enfp jobs

    LOL Meatburger that's funny that you said that. I have a bartender friend of mine who did that about a year ago (I'm 27 BTW - never too old to go back to school) He said he loved it.. "what a job that was.." he said.. but he got homesick missed the "people back home" but loved the travel, the meeting of new people / new cultures.. and loved the "hotel taste testing" .. but he said the same thing.. you miss home but when you come back home you realize that nobody & nothing really changes...

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    I have the itch to travel as all my friends seem to be doing so at the moment. One went overseas for a year, another ESTj is going to africa next year for his medicine studies. Another one is going interstate.

    I have been thinking about what Jadae said. I think hes right.


    Lets look at this deeper:

    Pornstars get good $$$
    Pornstars are fit
    Pornstars get to meet people
    Pornstars get laid(yep i like that)
    Pornstars can be famous and well known
    Pornstars get to use improvisation.. Should i touch the bum or the breast?
    Pornstars help people, by providing entertainment.

    Wow i really cant see any negatives. Except maybe they dont get offered a dental plan. Funny thing is most of me is kidding whilst a tiny part actually thinks it would be fun
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

  27. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger
    I have the itch to travel as all my friends seem to be doing so at the moment. One went overseas for a year, another ESTj is going to africa next year for his medicine studies. Another one is going interstate.

    I have been thinking about what Jadae said. I think hes right.


    Lets look at this deeper:

    Pornstars get good $$$
    Pornstars are fit
    Pornstars get to meet people
    Pornstars get laid(yep i like that)
    Pornstars can be famous and well known
    Pornstars get to use improvisation.. Should i touch the bum or the breast?
    Pornstars help people, by providing entertainment.

    Wow i really cant see any negatives. Except maybe they dont get offered a dental plan. Funny thing is most of me is kidding whilst a tiny part actually thinks it would be fun
    lol it sounds fun in theory but kinda gross in practice. Daydreams are so much more fun. Someday you can tell your grandkids a little white lie about how you were a pornstar. They will be fascinated with awe until they ask your daughter and she scolds you for fibbing to the kids for kicks lol.

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    I'm an ENFp male and though I'm just a college student, I know a few things.

    We need social interaction in our jobs. People bring out the best in us and we tend to bring out the best in them. We also need to be creative and original and have flexibility in what we do. Rigid, repetitive 9-5 agendas don't mix well with us.

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    Braintypes suggests that ENFps are the best gymnasts
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    It's true, working from home is bad for an ENFp, as I have recently discovered. I spent most of my time on the phone w/ friends or out meeting friends, because I hated to be alone.

    But, one career that has worked for me, is writing (but in an office, so with people). I think a lot of ENFps are really good at writing. You can be really creative with most kinds of writing and you can usually structure your time yourself, and the deadlines give you energy. So that's a career to consider! I really like the meetings and talking with clients part too.

    I wouldn't consider teaching, because it sounds too structured and like there is a lot of red tape. I would like teaching if I got to do it all my own way.

    Staying away from monotonous detail and routine is the best thing. I could never be a proofreader.
    Hi! I'm an ENFP. :-)

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    Ive decided to pursue a career as a highschool art teacher. Theres not alot of homework or a lot of heavy papers. Lots of creativity and self expression.

    The artifact which is the source of my power will not be kept on the Mountain of Despair beyond the River of Fire guarded by the Dragons of Eternity. It will be in my safe-deposit box. The same applies to the object which is my one weakness.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mea,00.html
    Personaly, I wanna be a psychologist, but i'm currently doing computer related stuff.
    Or teaching would be fun. Or maybe a social worker, or something art related like design.
    oooh thanks for the link. Very interesting stuff.

    The artifact which is the source of my power will not be kept on the Mountain of Despair beyond the River of Fire guarded by the Dragons of Eternity. It will be in my safe-deposit box. The same applies to the object which is my one weakness.

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    Default ENFPs as psychologists

    I read somewhere that ENFPs are "the psychologists", anyone knows where I might have goten that from?
    Well I am back. How's everyone? Don't have as much time now, but glad to see some of the old gang are still here.

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    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

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    Yeah dude. Its on this very website in the types section. That is our title "the Psychologist".

    Im studying Psychology with Sociology next year so we will see how it goes. I dont really want to be a full blown psychologist though. Telling people they are unhappy due to repressed memories etc doesn't interest me. I think a lot of theories seem to be total crap. I dont think i would get any benefit at all from someone else telling me how to think etc. I can always work it out myself, although it could be because of my type :wink:
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

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    Thanks guys!

    Well I am back. How's everyone? Don't have as much time now, but glad to see some of the old gang are still here.

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    Éminence grise mikemex's Avatar
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    I'm an inventor and I really enjoy it. Creativity is the key and is what I adore. Also, you meet a lot of people when going around trying to get funds and it's also very stimulating.

    The problem is that being an inventor rarely gives you money in the short term.

    For me that's not a problem because I still live with my parents, so I don't actually need to earn a living. My father is inventor also and he's one of the few persons who doesn't think I'm a hopeless dreamer. He gives me all what is in his hands to support me.

    ENFp's imagination is a double edged weapon, though. I suppose everyone knows the positiive side of it, but few knows the negative one.

    We ENFp live in a world of possibilities. If for some reason you belive you deserve a lot, you won't be happy having less than that. And is exactly what happens to me. I'm so used to think about my inventions and how they will make me rich, that I'm starting to be really scared of having a simple and dull life. It's fear.

    I'm fearful because I have a girlfriend now and I'm starting to consider living outside home and just thinking about the responsibilities it implies it makes me ill. Not because I do not want to work but because I feel unarmed in a hostile world...

    I think the traits that help you to be successful in the work world are sensing (S), logics (T) and judging (J). But I lack them all!

    I would really like to have someone who helps me with the cotidiane stuff and get released to pursuit the projects. But I feel guilty just for thinking about puting my girlfriend to work for me. Heck, I'm going to commit suicide if I don't get money soon...

    Fuck, I HATE gender roles. Being an ENFp male is not easy.
    [] | NP | 3[6w5]8 so/sp | Type thread | My typing of forum members | Johari (Strengths) | Nohari (Weaknesses)

    You know what? You're an individual, and that makes people nervous. And it's gonna keep making people nervous for the rest of your life.
    - Ole Golly from Harriet, the spy.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mea
    Quote Originally Posted by mikemex
    Fuck, I HATE gender roles. Being an ENFp male is not easy.
    Being an ENFp female is not easy either.
    Im curious, Mea. What kinds of problems do you associate with being a female ENFP that fall outside of just regular female stuff that most women experience, I mean? Does that question make sense?

    The artifact which is the source of my power will not be kept on the Mountain of Despair beyond the River of Fire guarded by the Dragons of Eternity. It will be in my safe-deposit box. The same applies to the object which is my one weakness.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mea
    Quote Originally Posted by Topaz
    Quote Originally Posted by Mea
    Quote Originally Posted by mikemex
    Fuck, I HATE gender roles. Being an ENFp male is not easy.
    Being an ENFp female is not easy either.
    Im curious, Mea. What kinds of problems do you associate with being a female ENFP that fall outside of just regular female stuff that most women experience, I mean? Does that question make sense?
    Umm, are u asking why I said that being an ENFp female is not easy as well?
    Well, being an extravert, I seem to be the one taking the initiative and making the first move, not in an agressive way though. And that can get a lil tiring, especially if you don't know what the receiving party is feeling.
    And I'm not too good at making decisions, when I go out with people who answer "don't know" to where we should go and what to do, it kinda turns me off. > <
    It happens to introverts as well.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mea
    Quote Originally Posted by eunice
    Quote Originally Posted by Mea
    Quote Originally Posted by Topaz
    Quote Originally Posted by Mea
    Quote Originally Posted by mikemex
    Fuck, I HATE gender roles. Being an ENFp male is not easy.
    Being an ENFp female is not easy either.
    Im curious, Mea. What kinds of problems do you associate with being a female ENFP that fall outside of just regular female stuff that most women experience, I mean? Does that question make sense?
    Umm, are u asking why I said that being an ENFp female is not easy as well?
    Well, being an extravert, I seem to be the one taking the initiative and making the first move, not in an agressive way though. And that can get a lil tiring, especially if you don't know what the receiving party is feeling.
    And I'm not too good at making decisions, when I go out with people who answer "don't know" to where we should go and what to do, it kinda turns me off. > <
    It happens to introverts as well.
    Yea, I suppose I can't disagree with that. I feel like an introvert myself, sometimes.
    me too

    The artifact which is the source of my power will not be kept on the Mountain of Despair beyond the River of Fire guarded by the Dragons of Eternity. It will be in my safe-deposit box. The same applies to the object which is my one weakness.

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