After reflection, I have observed that we most often use the word \"reason\" to describe movement towards or away from something. Given that Ti w/sensing (which I shorthand Ti(S)) observes movement, it would seem that the many \"flavors\" of movement which we are led to believe exist under the dual-type theory/parallel type theory/two-type theory/whatever are to be classified on basis of their roles as explanations for movement towards or away from something. For example, consider the weakening of the U.S. dollar. Weakening is of course a beta Se (Se(T)) phenomena, and money is gamma Te (Te(N)). What is the explanation given for the weakening? Time and time again, it is the movement of investors away from U.S. bonds on basis of reduced return on investment. (gamma Ni or Ni(T)) As the economic outlook clouds, investors move elsewhere. This is why ISTj is a strategist: to avert economic defeat, an LSI-LIE would reason, it is necessary to pump money into the dollar and therefore increase the rate of return. This in turn will draw investors back to U.S. bonds.