So it hit me, I was considering what the idea of was... I read up on and found this....

Quote Originally Posted by Introverted Sensing
Recalling past experiences, remembering detailed data and what it is linked to. Introverted Sensing often involves storing data and information, then comparing and contrasting the current stimulation with similar ones. The immediate experience or words are instantly linked with the prior experiences and one registers that there is a similarity or a difference - for example, noticing that some food doesn't taste the same and is saltier than it usually is. Introverted Sensing is also operating when you see someone who reminds you of someone else. Sometimes the feeling-tone associated with the recalled image comes into your awareness along with the information itself. Then the image can be so strong, your body responds as if reliving the experience. This could be seen as a source of feelings of nostalgia or longing for the way things were. In one instance, a young couple living in Europe spent their weekends trying out restaurants looking for food that tasted like American food.
The striking thing is this always happens to me with the seasons and the weather.... immediately when I feel it getting cooler and more brisk in fall, immediately it inspires a sense of nostalgia in me and I feel like I am reliving every fall in the past over again and nostalgic thoughts and feelings flood in... it happens near the change of every season.

Would this phenonmenom be me experiencing directly? And has anyone else every gotten this?