I'm interested to know if there's a common theme related to Delta maturity, as to what are the things that after a long time you've changed your mind about, or concepts that years before you wouldn't have been able to "grasp."

I'm still young, so I couldn't really say what's ahead in terms of what I might learn in the future, but less and less I've stopped seeing life matters as being something related to fairness and equality. Things just are a certain way and that's it, and there's really not much you can do to change it... This "letting go" is both hard, yet liberating for me. I've always felt that things I don't like or don't feel right need to be changed, and it was always related to "giving up." I realize now that this is just a self-made trap that leads nowhere, because you just can't change some things.

I've also dropped the judgmental level considerably, to the point where I'm liberal about most things concerning what other people do. I'm able to be more open about other viewpoints, and don't dismiss them right off the bat if they don't sink well with me initially. In time I've actually become more fond and understanding of beta values... I understand better where they are coming from, and it really "completes" a concept sometimes for me. It's still iffy at times, but I get a sense of really looking at something from all possible sides.

Also, I've come to appreciate Delta more. When I was younger I would stick with fellow intuitives, like IEIs and ILEs, and I really do not remember having any Delta friends as a kid. I really did not like STs, and this will sound like an asshole, but I just thought that nothing was going on "up there." It's not a superiority complex, I just did not mesh with them other than playing something together. But for some reason, at this point, it's like I want to be really attractive for these people, and I like them. I know the way I'm saying this is childish, but it's true . For the past few years it's like I went into ST mode, and I've even neglected befriending NFs, which I've come to understand how bad this is actually.

I know I went through all sorts of tangents here, but I'm not such a good writer . I would like to know the types of things each type goes through in the maturity process, and what was "enlightening."