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Thread: Grocery Store socionics

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Default Grocery Store socionics

    So I walk in the grocery store today... push the cart. I decide to be a dork and see if I could guess the people's types, so I people watch. I figure, might as well make a mundane trip to the grocery store fun and exciting!

    There's a woman with long, gray hair that looks pretty, but kinda uptight. Like she's.... hovering everybody, making sure nobody does anything stupid. Seems ESI. Reminds me of Diana for some reason. I feel guarded/yet drawn to her at the same time. A sense of weirdness. I do feel safe around her, like I know if there was a mugging or an argument she would be the first person to do something to try and stop it, I can just feel it.

    There's a well-to-do black woman from my mom's old work, that talks to me. She has VERY good social skills and is funny. Seems to be too much 'on my level' though and I kind of have the urge to challenge and compete with her too much. Most likely EIE though, same quadra as me. Is very nice. Of course it's typical, fake social bullshit what we talk about but she is still.... nice, and probably a lot more deeper/quirky than she first appears.

    There's a shy single guy in his mid 30s that's buying beer. I feel instantly attracted to him... we like follow each other around but don't say anything. Most likely my identical, IEI. I feel extremely romantic with him. My heart beats fast when I see him. Gaydar goes off. I want to flirt with him soooo bad but I can't muster the courage, and neither can he lol. It's like love at first sight. He has these puppy dog eyes and is withdrawn and introverted. We both like, talk to other people while trying to get the other's attention but still can't talk directly to each other lmao. We share eye contact for a few seconds and are both like 'damn I like that guy' and look down. We're both wearing clean, crisp idealistic clothes that has the aura of 'putting a pretty bow' on things. Typical IEI shit.

    Then there's this kinda fat-ish, dyke-y looking woman that passes me in the dairy aisle and says hello. SLE intensely I can just tell. We are very magnetic with each other. But she's already with her obviously IEI boyfriend. He was hot, but obviously straight. They don't talk to me, but they hover around me, almost as if they want to invite me to their clique and we have like that air around us that tells us we are all Betas here. The SLE's Se makes me feel safe, protected from the crowd.

    There's another woman... who has a stuck-up walk and strut that startles and scares me a bit. 100% sure she's LSE. She's like super confident and administrator-like. Back when I was less self-confident, I would sooo try to talk to her, no doubt. So now I have a greater self-awareness and I avoid her. She gives me this kind of smarmy, condescending look. Stupid bitch. She probably isn't being unfriendly I know, it's just how I interpret it.

    It starts to get REALLY busy now, and it annoys me... these people are draining my energy and I can no longer have fun. I sense a lot of EJ temperaments, and it makes me feel crazy ... like somebody is siphoning my magical power. I was never scared or social phobic per se, just really drained in situations like these. It's like hard for me to concentrate and I don't think logically. I kinda scatter around the store, it's a zoo.

    I find an aisle with people that are... IJ. Eh. Better, but still not what I'd prefer. This one IJ (most likely LII) guy is behind me, and I can tell he wants me to push my cart faster but he doesn't say anything. I sense his tense, IJ-awkwardness and it annoys me. So I just move out of the way and let him get by. It kind of angers me in a slight way. I look to see if they have my favorite frozen burritos, but of course they don't.

    I get in the checkout line, back behind an IP at last so it calms me down a bit. She really knows how to put her stuff on the conveyor belt thingie all orderly.... so perhaps INTp? (Whereas I just throw it on there ghetto-like and say 'fuck it.') The cashier is another EP, dykey-looking woman, so I'm comfortable around her and kinda chatty.

    Then this OBVIOUSLY LIE guy comes in and asks the lady where something is. Has very direct, moderate social skills. I feel intensely supervised, like if we had a conversation I'm almost for certain he would do supervisor shit. The dude who bags my groceries is this really sweet SEI guy. Is probably annoyed by the LIE... and how busy the store is.

    I then laugh at myself like 'haha why the hell did I just socionically judge those goofballs in there?" and drive home. Oh well. Try as I might I just can't be like an ESE and just focus on doing the chore and being nice without creating some sort of inner world.

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    Yeah lol it was exactly like that. He was slightly less sensitive than that because he was older, time seem to wear him but gently... IEIs will always retain that childlike ness I strongly believe.

    My IEI grandmother has these beautiful eyes. Like... shy and bright blue, like when you look into her eyes you still see that little introverted girl. It's so sweet. We usually have long talks about how pretty other countries are. We still clash on a few non-socionics points, but psychologically we are very comfortable with each other.

    It's almost surprising how much we end up liking each other though. Like I can talk to her and she won't judge me like my stupid fucking alpha parents. She just listens... which is what I need. (Due to her own fear though, sometimes we can not get along, but it's never anything too bad because she'll just retreat and not challenge directly, and same with me)

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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    Then there's this kinda fat-ish, dyke-y looking woman that passes me in the dairy aisle and says hello. SLE intensely I can just tell. We are very magnetic with each other. But she's already with her obviously IEI boyfriend.
    that made me laugh more than it probably should.

    There's another woman... who has a stuck-up walk and strut that startles and scares me a bit. 100% sure she's LSE. She's like super confident and administrator-like. Back when I was less self-confident, I would sooo try to talk to her, no doubt. So now I have a greater self-awareness and I avoid her. She gives me this kind of smarmy, condescending look. Stupid bitch. She probably isn't being unfriendly I know, it's just how I interpret it.
    It happens, don't worry about it.

    It starts to get REALLY busy now, and it annoys me... these people are draining my energy and I can no longer have fun. I sense a lot of EJ temperaments, and it makes me feel crazy ... like somebody is siphoning my magical power. I was never scared or social phobic per se, just really drained in situations like these. It's like hard for me to concentrate and I don't think logically. I kinda scatter around the store, it's a zoo.
    Huh, I feel that way around irrational people in general sometimes, but probably more so IPs (or Te unvaluing people), or even more so people who just aren't "doing" anything. It's weird for me. I actually can't be around those situations for very long. It's not being energy drained, but it's like quicksand, maybe. Unless people are willing to be "mobilized", etc, I realize I just have to get out of those situations ---- unless I am in "relax" mode, then I don't really care so long as I can relax how I want to.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    I get in the checkout line, back behind an IP at last so it calms me down a bit. She really knows how to put her stuff on the conveyor belt thingie all orderly.... so perhaps INTp? (Whereas I just throw it on there ghetto-like and say 'fuck it.') The cashier is another EP, dykey-looking woman, so I'm comfortable around her and kinda chatty.
    Actually I do that, I also pack the food in orderly fashion. I first make the floor from 2 juice cartons, and then pack other items on top of that in similar way in levels.

    You talk with people in grocery stores? It would be faux pas around here, unless you like knew them before.
    ...the human race will disappear. Other races will appear and disappear in turn. The sky will become icy and void, pierced by the feeble light of half-dead stars. Which will also disappear. Everything will disappear. And what human beings do is just as free of sense as the free motion of elementary particles. Good, evil, morality, feelings? Pure 'Victorian fictions'.


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    It's a small town thing I think. People want to feel friendly so they make pointless small talk a lot. It can get annoying though. But it's expected out of everyone more or less...

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    i do this all of the time, everywhere i go....ok, dork, but whatever. i've been afraid to talk to people most of my life and hubby has been the opposite. he has amazed me at the questions he'll ask people and not care. it's given me the confidence to actually say ANYTHING to anybody. i prefer to just watch people without them interacting with me. hubby is a master speaker, it comes very natural to him. a while back, he got me to go to toastmasters and that helped TONS. i realized i wouldnt DIE when speaking to others. the internet is another story...

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    I notice no one when I'm grocery shopping. I try to make it in and out in 10 minutes or less. It's a very aggravating experience for me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jessica129 View Post
    I notice no one when I'm grocery shopping. I try to make it in and out in 10 minutes or less. It's a very aggravating experience for me.

    Shopping can be an adventure and/or it can be a way to relax.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Starfall View Post
    Nice thread B&D. I've often find myself doing things like that.

    This sounds familiar. I notice how I am also instantly attracted to my Identical in a very similar way that you described. Like, when I spot that 'mysterious stranger' with the deep woven eyes I feel perplexed, as if the frames of time almost sway. They're almost like tender faced children, lost in the fragile cross links of different worlds. I'll feel an almost narcissistic admiration for them; twisted as that sounds, lol.
    heh, same. Now I realize why I was instantly attracted to this life guard a few years ago when we first made eye contact (likewise for her). You can 'feel' that you're on the same 'plane,' and with INFps more so, that mutual understanding remains unsaid, in an almost shameful way (e-type 4 comes in here), but there is always a wistful desire. And the narcissistic thing doesn't sound weird at all to me. With that girl, it was sort of like I saw myself reflected in her eyes, and realized that she 'possessed' the ideals I 'needed', and possibly the same for me, so it became a sort of "I need you for me" thing. Wist! Luckily, it eventually materialized, instead of ending up like another ideal drowned in the past lol.

    The other day I was at the mall waiting on the prescription for my new glasses. I was alone and had an hour to kill, so I decided to sit at the food court and listen to my Ipod. I was just relaxing there for a while when an obviously IEI guy with long raven hair comes near and sits at the table bedside me. He was beautiful in an almost tragic kind of way, and I was instantly drawn to him. There was an obvious tension there as soon as he sat down, because I could instantly tell that he noticed me in the same fashion, yet we could only make vague eye contact. It was almost as if we lived in the same world and had a mutual understanding that everything would be better left off if nothing was said at all, even though a strong silent urge was meticulously lingering there. I ended up going back to my Ipod after a while and just tuned him out.
    I think that's how it turns out a lot with seeing our identicals. Since most of us are 4's anyway, but have a generally brooding outlook, the clashing of two of us makes for that frictional hope for connection or something. But it's like the contours keep colliding and never complimenting each other, so you kind of just sit lol...and wait.

    lol, IEI's... god help us all.

    And Sam, nice observations. You had me loling and nodding the whole time

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    Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama View Post
    i've been afraid to talk to people most of my life and hubby has been the opposite.
    It's funny how relative that sort of thing can be. Like with certain people I feel very comfortable and am fearless and relaxed straight-forward speaker, while other people make me feel very uncomfortable and even afraid to speak because of the negative feedback/judgment I'll get from them, making me have to withhold a whole part of myself. And this can really suck if you live with someone with whom you have to do this constantly.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Winterpark View Post

    Shopping can be an adventure and/or it can be a way to relax.
    agreed. kids and i do lots of learning things while shopping. life is learning.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Winterpark View Post
    It's funny how relative that sort of thing can be. Like with certain people I feel very comfortable and am fearless and relaxed straight-forward speaker, while other people make me feel very uncomfortable and even afraid to speak because of the negative feedback/judgment I'll get from them, making me have to withhold a whole part of myself.
    absolutely. i know who that group is, for me. i just dont know who they are in socionics terms... i dont find them very much irl. everybody takes what i say too personally.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Winterpark View Post

    Shopping can be an adventure and/or it can be a way to relax.
    I almost hit someone again in the parking lot. It's like people lose all ability to walk once they get in parking lots. It's like hey, don't mind me...I'll just take a leisurely stroll down the middle of the lot...who cares there's a car behind me?? I guess it's just the mass gathering of people/kids/carts that get's under my skin. Oh yeah, the Walmart near my house just upgraded and to get from the grocery section to the deodorant section, it's like walking 3 football feilds. There's no reason a store needs to be that big.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jessica129 View Post
    I almost hit someone again in the parking lot. It's like people lose all ability to walk once they get in parking lots. It's like hey, don't mind me...I'll just take a leisurely stroll down the middle of the lot...who cares there's a car behind me?? I guess it's just the mass gathering of people/kids/carts that get's under my skin.
    I don't really have a problem with that. I like seeing people when I go out shopping... you just take it slow and everything is fine. And no one gets hurt lol... And would it really make that much of a difference to you if you left the p/lot 20-30 seconds later?

    Quote Originally Posted by jessica129 View Post
    Oh yeah, the Walmart near my house just upgraded and to get from the grocery section to the deodorant section, it's like walking 3 football feilds. There's no reason a store needs to be that big.
    I can agree with that, even though I wouldn't mind it as much. I don't mind floors either, especially if there are escalators.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama View Post
    absolutely. i know who that group is, for me. i just dont know who they are in socionics terms... i dont find them very much irl. everybody takes what i say too personally.
    Dude! Why don't you settle on ENFp and move on with your life already, huh? What the fuck are you waiting for?
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Winterpark View Post
    Dude! Why don't you settle on ENFp and move on with your life already, huh? What the fuck are you waiting for?
    i dont know. this is what i do. you sound like my hubby again. or kinda like me...

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    Quote Originally Posted by jessica129 View Post
    I notice no one when I'm grocery shopping. I try to make it in and out in 10 minutes or less. It's a very aggravating experience for me.
    The way you put it, it sounds disabling. Sad.
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    You know what? You're an individual, and that makes people nervous. And it's gonna keep making people nervous for the rest of your life.
    - Ole Golly from Harriet, the spy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mikemex View Post
    The way you put it, it sounds disabling. Sad.
    You tend to annoy me.

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    I've been working in a damn grocery store for 2 and half years....I've tried to type more people than I care to even think of right now.

    Thats all I have to say.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Winterpark View Post
    And this can really suck if you live with someone with whom you have to do this constantly.
    lol, I lived like that for two years. Looking back I don't know how I did it. Roommate selection is key to happiness.
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    This thread reminds me of the movie Cashback. It seemed like an INFp-ish movie.
    Quote Originally Posted by Charles Bukowski
    We're all going to die, all of us, what a circus! That alone should make us love each other but it doesn't. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jessica129 View Post
    You tend to annoy me.
    Good for you.
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    You know what? You're an individual, and that makes people nervous. And it's gonna keep making people nervous for the rest of your life.
    - Ole Golly from Harriet, the spy.

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    English isn't your first language, is it? Something about your posts make me feel really stupid...I can't quite put my finger on it. I think it's a language barrier.

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    Hey dudes, can't we all remain calf?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subterranean View Post
    Hey dudes, can't we all remain calf?
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    Sounds like fun. I don't label people so hastily, but I try to pick out certain functions that they either value or show, and get a couple options as to what they might be. If I'm curious enough, I may go up to someone (probably at school) and ask them a few questions. If they seem curious, I start feeding them big words accompanied by translations.

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Starfall View Post
    Nice thread B&D. I've often find myself doing things like that.

    This sounds familiar. I notice how I am also instantly attracted to my Identical in a very similar way that you described. Like, when I spot that 'mysterious stranger' with the deep woven eyes I feel perplexed, as if the frames of time almost sway. They're almost like tender faced children, lost in the fragile cross links of different worlds. I'll feel an almost narcissistic admiration for them; twisted as that sounds, lol.

    The other day I was at the mall waiting on the prescription for my new glasses. I was alone and had an hour to kill, so I decided to sit at the food court and listen to my Ipod. I was just relaxing there for a while when an obviously IEI guy with long raven hair comes near and sits at the table bedside me. He was beautiful in an almost tragic kind of way, and I was instantly drawn to him. There was an obvious tension there as soon as he sat down, because I could instantly tell that he noticed me in the same fashion, yet we could only make vague eye contact. It was almost as if we lived in the same world and had a mutual understanding that everything would be better left off if nothing was said at all, even though a strong silent urge was meticulously lingering there. I ended up going back to my Ipod after a while and just tuned him out.

    lol, IEI's... god help us all.
    hehe, I like this thread. And the comments about IEIs... Well, IEIs are just hot. Especially the anime style (or pseudo-goth) IEI guys with long here and really slender body.

    I also sometimes just type people for fun like that. Even when I don't assign socionics types, I tend to make decisions what they're like and if I would get along with them or not. I sometimes think that people can sense it.
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
    E3 (probably 3w4)

    Cool ILI hubbys are better than LSIs any time!

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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    so I people watch.
    It's a great stuff to do. But you should forget all about socionics when doing it.

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    Yeah. Duh. I already realized it was dorky/corny myself, but sometimes you just can't help yourself.

    Please don't tell me what to do or what I 'should' do on an online message board. Please just enjoy the show. =) If I want you to be my e-Psychologist, I will kindly pay you a nominal fee if you set up a pay-pal account.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    Yeah. Duh. I already realized it was dorky/corny myself, but sometimes you just can't help yourself.

    Please don't tell me what to do or what I 'should' do on an online message board. Please just enjoy the show. =) If I want you to be my e-Psychologist, I will kindly pay you a nominal fee if you set up a pay-pal account.
    I guess that your PoLR was attacked?? ...well, I'm sorry, that was unintentionally.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Diana View Post
    It wasn't a PoLR hit. You were being - what's that word - condescending? not quite the word I was looking for, but close enough. There's nothing wrong with playing with socionics out irl while people-watching, who are you to tell anyone they shouldn't? It's ridiculous that you'd think it's okay to tell other people what to do.
    That was just a suggestion which was obviously misunderstood. Suggestion that was, not demand, my friend. I apologize for not being clear enough.

    EDIT 01-16-2009: fuck off
    EDIT 10-02-2010: sorry
    Last edited by Trevor; 02-10-2010 at 01:51 AM.

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    I like the old people that argue about some kind of coupon that didn't go through on the receipt and hold up the line. They sit there all serious with that "this is harassment" look towards the cashier that patiently is trying to tell them what to do over their useless over-complaining. Let's type them ESE. That works for me.

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