Quote Originally Posted by aka-kitsune View Post
Of course, I'm not suggesting anything other than "good terms", ie: I'm not saying you should actively snub him. Just that your contact will likely continue be at best clearly superficial and as IEIs, we both know that's really unsatisfying and empty.

I would tend to feel like I'm "pretending" and eventually the emotional buildup would probably generate a scene in yer classic sense.

I'm sure he doesn't want to give up your friendship. But with his wife threatened by you, he's preserving his marriage. He sounds like a decent ethical guy. Perhaps the situation will change eventually. Or he'll just get tired of the insecurity. IME, people eventually get tired of being mistrusted. The wife obviously doesn't really trust him, let alone you.

I wish you well. It's a real bind. <3
Yes, a superficial relationship isn't that satisfying but it's better than ignoring each other. We bounce around the Fe like it's nobody's business, which is really fun for me. It's never been a very deep friendship anyway, just has some nice mutual understanding and we're interested in a lot of the same topics and hobbies. He's an extremely decent guy and I kind of get the impression that he doesn't have many friends so I've been wondering if maybe our friendship was his closest one and he felt funny about it. (of course I have several friends who are closer than I was with him) He already resents not feeling trusted by his wife (who is EII and an E6, total worrier about everything) but he's in it for the long haul and it's good of him to stick it out. The other issue is that I'm 10 years younger than they are so she's probably a bit threatened by that as well. (which, in my opinion has nothing to do with it, but I'm sure she sees it differently)