My feelings were hurt today: me and my gf got on our bicycles and started cycling, and decided on the way to head for the beach. Halfway Amsterdam and the coast we saw two guys walking with their bikes in their hands, in the middle of nowhere. So I asked if they had a flat tire, and indeed this was the case. I offered them the use of my repair kit, which they gladly accepted (from there, it was a two, three hour walk to Amsterdam).

Now I was all dressed in white and didn't want to get my hands dirty, so I had them repair it themselves. They had no clue how to do it, so I gave instructions. Step by step I explained what to do. At some stage, one of them said: "you go step by step, that points to a logical mind!" I immediate got defensive: "No I am not, that's just my didactic qualities! And I just listened very well to my brothers, who are mechanics!" They hurt my feelings, because the very fact that I stopped and offered my help were probably a kazillion other cyclists had passed them already, was apparently totally ignored. Pffff.... I'll see about pulling over the next time

Okay now,what is your vote? ILE or SLI??