Would y'all say I'm INFp without a doubt then? Because sometimes how I carry/express doesn't match my ideals obviously, though I think people would think I was INFj more than INFp on first meeting.

If you met me in real life you'd probably be amazed at how I'm not really like my online persona at all... maybe even the opposite, but deep down this is how I am, when I type here- this is the 'real me' as best as I can filter it.

I got an idea. So far, everything you've read on my posts... how much do you like me? 10 being you are crazy about me (even a bit intimidated of how much you love me cause you feel it's so fucking amazing and cool) and 1 being you hate my guts and you wish that I wouldn't come on the forum. 5 being just average/you don't care/somewhere in the middle. It's the 'safe' answer.

Be as honest as possible. I don't care. I'm not gonna say anything if you give me a low score. I might just go 'lol' though.

Shit. My weak/non-valued might be showing here. Oh well.

You don't have to go into details about why you gave me the score you did, but it might help.

Be brutal. I can take it.