I really don't know if my Si is dominant or dual-seeking, so I want to know who relates to this and who doesn't. I would especially like to hear from Ne-dominants and Si-dominants.

I have to be comfortable clothing-wise. Pain should not be borne for beauty's sake IMO. I don't care how good a dress may look on me - if it's uncomfortable I know it's going to ruin my whole night so I won't wear it. I hate being aware of physical discomfort. It distracts my brain. In a perfect state, I would be completely unaware of physical sensations when I’m conversing with someone or when I’m thinking. I just want to be completely attune with the person’s thoughts and feelings, and my body’s sensations sort of destroy that for me. They bring me back down to earth when I don’t want to be. I guess I just want to be completely focused on understanding and processing what the other person is saying, and what they're about.

I have to move around a lot when talking and explaining myself. It helps me express myself. Having to stand or sit perfectly still while talking would be an effective form of torture for me - and makes me speak too softly and incoherently. People can think I’m uncomfortable because I’m constantly changing positions when I’m sitting, but really I just have to move for my sanity’s sake no matter how technically physical comfortable I may be. If I have to sit or stand still, I’m playing with something in my hands or jiggling my leg up and down. I never sit down at bustops.

Doing something physical can make me feel on top of the world when nothing else can. Especially mastering some physical activity. Some technically hard passage on the piano. Making it to the top of a climbing wall. Playing soccer or football. I’m pretty competitive when it comes to those sort of things. I don’t show it, but I have the desire to be the best when I’m involved in a physical activity. I like being aware of what muscles I’m using and stuff like that. Those sort of topics fascinate me.

I usually walk pretty fast. I have to pass people and sometimes feel a compulsion to keep up my pace, so I can get annoyed when people slow me up. If I’m thinking about something that excites me, I walk faster. When I’m alternately walking and running, you know I’m in a great mood. I rarely amble along – usually only when I’m depressed or really tired. Lazy shopping excursions where everyone’s wandering around desultorily are not pleasurable experiences for me. Though If I'm talking animatedly while walking, or listening hard, then I can slow right down to a turtle's pace.

I’ve always been pretty good at taking foul-tasting medicines and stuff like that. I don’t see what the big deal is. I just tell myself not to pay attention to the taste, and I’m fine. (Within reason. Epson salts make me shudder.) Sometimes I don’t notice immediately if something’s off. I was drinking some milk the other day and I had to drink a few mouthfuls before I decided that it was bad. It didn’t really bother me. But I can be adverse to certain textures - the taste doesn’t bother me, but the texture can make me sick.

People standing really close to me make me nervous and befuddle my brain. In a good or a bad way. All I can think about is the person's proximity. If the person’s someone I dislike, it is especially uncomfortable. I like my personal space and the freedom to move around to express myself.

So - who relates? Does this sound more like dominant Si or dual-seeking Si????