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Thread: more evidence, what do you think?

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    Default more evidence, what do you think?

    Hi everyone,

    Here's a different angle on info on me. Tell me what you think, if you're so inclined.

    Here are the elements, my understanding of them and my understanding of how they "fit" or don't "fit" for me. when you read them please do not judge what i am saying based on my understanding of the elements but on the content of what i believe is going on with me. and please try to look at the overall patterns rather than focusing on individual statements.

    Fe: emotionally expressing yourself without as much regard for other's feelings about your expressions, more about getting your own out because it feels good.

    I think this is really cool and I encourage it in my children, but I am not really very good with it, in my own estimation. My true feelings are tucked away pretty tightly. I would LOVE to be able to let them out full force, but I think I would truly overwhelm myself and others and I wouldn't like that, even though it's a huge desire. I do do this in the privacy of my home and on the internet but not in public much.

    Fi: caring deeply about keeping peace and harmony in relations with others, more of a togetherness in doing things together and how things are perceived in the world.

    This seems a bit more like me irl, but I don't value it as much as I do other things. The only place is with my immediate family but I am still not all mushy, mushy with them. I value their individuality more than seeing our family as a "team" as my sister calls it. We are together so much and our traditions and rituals come out of our interests together, not out of doing things together to do them together, even though it ends up that way. i still don't do it FOR that reason. we are a team not because i consciously make our family a team but because we naturally enjoy being together with whatever we're doing.

    Another aspect to this that I think I do do is that irl, i am VERY GOOD at "seeing" the psychology behind someone. I am good at seeing their authentic self and their motivations and all that jazz within seconds. And then when a person is not acting from that place, it frightens me. Anyone not being "honest" with themselves about who they are, what they want, etc....seems pretensious to me and that is scary because they could act in any which way that I wouldn't expect and it would throw me so much. That's why I prefer people to be direct with their opinions and such. For the most part in my life, I have been very afraid of people and very self conscious. It's only in the past few years I've come out of my shell. And the internet feels a safe place to do it. Mostly because it's like an interactive journal. You can't see me, I can't see you, so I am safe to write whatever I want without seeing the judgment on your faces.

    irl, warm would not be a word to describe me. mostly, cold, analyzing, opinionated, but openminded and deeply caring about other's inner feelings and psychology, not necessarily about not hurting their feelings. and not that i would ever go out of my way to hurt someone's feelings, it just happens sometimes when i say what i think is the truth.

    Te: work, productivity, facts

    this is ok, but not what i'm about. i do like to look at facts and make decisions on them but i don't care if what i am doing always has a practical application. it would be nice, but is not my focus. i will tend to make decisions based on what feels right to me not on if it's practical or not. and most of mine have to do with helping others in some way.

    if this is about moving your body. i am constantly doing that. sitting still is very hard for me. i pace as i talk on the phone. i fidget. i dance. i walk. i move. i am constantly doing stuff for my kids. (maybe this is Se?)

    Ti: internally organizing a structure of things

    I tend to do this more but is not my overall strength. I can't stop doing it in my brain, it's like a disease, devil, never shutting up and it can make me very sad that it won't shut up so I can just let loose and have some fun and not think everything is a big deal. That's what my hubby has helped me with. In my life, everything tends to be a big deal, I am very serious about everything. He is not. He helps me to see "not to sweat the small stuff and it's all small stuff."

    Ne: openended connections of ideas and stuff

    I can do this ok, but it's mostly in the context of the connections within a person's psychology, not other things. then, i'm excellent at it. people usually don't like to hear the things i see that way about them, so i either don't say anything or come across "know it all" serious bitchy. but as i've grown, i've gotten better at being a bit more diplomatic about it.

    to be continued...

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    Ni: flow of time, inner essence beyond physical

    this i'm really good at. it would be wonderful if there were no such things as clocks, schedules, meeting times and i was able to freely come and go as inspiration told me to. i have set my life up this way as much as possible by being home with my kids. "hurry up" is the worst thing to say to me. not that i'm slow because i tend to be pretty fast actually, but i do not want anyone telling me when or at what pace to do what i feel inside is the way to do it. i know the inner essence of people is Spirit, but human crap gets in the way and then i automatically begin seeing all of the crap that is covering up the authentic soul of a person. all of my "help" with/for others tends toward clearing and getting rid of the crap so that the inner light soul can shine! and that's when i get sad or depressed or mad, when i see myself or others not allowing that inner brilliance to express in their lives.

    i also can easily see how actions today will affect the rest of a person's life. this can be seen pretty negatively by others that i know. but, i can't not see it. and so i use that seeing to prepare for likelihoods. it's really only around people and their behaviors and motivations and such, some other things, but mostly people.

    i'm go with the flow in the sense of MY flow, MY inspired actions to take, NOT what someone else tells me to do, only if an inner inspiration tells me to do what they say.

    Se: physical will and strength

    I have a strong physical will and strength. I am good at knowing the "correct" amount of physical pressure to use on the physical world. NOT in the human world though. I DO NOT LIKE for it to be used on people, especially around their potential, their inner needs, desires. Forcing someone to be something they are not, forcing someone to do something that is not coming from their authenticity, forcing someone to do things according to outside standards, BLECH!!! Blech and triple blech! I will fight back over those things, BIG TIME! And have, most of my life. not as a kid in school, too scared, but it pissed me off bigtime to watch adults do it to my classmates. but with my mom and sis and then as an adult, you betcha! this is when i will get BAD ASS on you like noone's business!! i've set my life up in a way that allows my children's potential to come out on it's own, in it's own time, in it's own way without any outside pressure to be or do something that their inner knowing is not telling them to do. we go about life doing what we're interested in and inspired to do. the only thing that i "stop" is if what we're doing would disrespect someone else in some way. and a lot of the time i'm not as mindful of that as others probably think i "should" be. but, oh well, i know it's what's right for us...

    i push past any kind of obstacle, be it physical, emotional, socially, intellectually, whatever, that would or might or does get in the way of doing what i believe is right for raising my kids. (but only in my parenting and around anything that gets in the way of what i believe is right for them.) i'm a "get off my ass and do it" mom. i do what others only theorize about. i love the theory and study it tons but i am one that also walks my talk. many are threatened by that combination. i see it as a cool blend of Ne and Se.

    Si: physical sensations, comfort, aesthetically pleasing

    i like these things but am mostly unaware of them until someone else points them out. i can go and go and go unaware that my body is telling me it's hungry or hurting or uncomfortable. yet, i can be the opposite extreme with it too. i "go crazy" if anyone disturbs my sleep or tells me what to eat if i don't like it or the same with my kids. i LOVE things to be aesthetically pleasing but do not always have the will to make them so. i know HOW to, but wish someone else would just come in and clean up and decorate for me. and yet, at the same time would probably resent it if they did. i don't like anyone else to tell me what to like. i want to be free to paint on my own walls whatever i want, whenever i want, without worrying about it messing up the "decor." btw, my place has no decor, it's a place where creativity happens, messes and projects all over the place.

    my ideal day (bits and pieces of things that have happened in my life/days that i love) (visualizing with feeling behind it is a HUGE way that manifests what i want in life):

    i wake up naturally with the sun shining in my bedroom window open, a fresh breeze blowing in and birds chirping in a tree outside the window. everyone else is still asleep and i have the house to myself. i directly go and meditate in my "chair" and visualize Loving Light filling my being, the space I am in, others around me. i visualize my day, my life, my family, everything in the ways i desire for the highest good of all. with that visualization, it is so. i live the rest of my day from that place. *magic happens* in believing it is so.

    i next go to my workout room i've had set up for me, full of weights, mirrors, a mini fridge, a tv and a variety of videos and cds for inspiration, lots of room for moving all over the place. i have a kickass fun workout and paul peeks his head in to say good morning. i smile, blow him a kiss and wink knowing we will have some "fun" in the shower later. my kids run in and want to do some working out with me. but they do not "get in my way" they are free to come and go as they please. we dance and laugh and push each other with what we're doing. afterward, i go out to our backyard where we have an obstacle course set up. i go through it, trying to beat my time.

    i grab a bite to eat, not because i'm hungry but because i better or i'll get dizzy and fall over. paul and kids are mulling in and around the kitchen, getting their own breakfasts and we have more music on and singing and dancing and candles lit and plants in many corners. everyone is going about doing whatever they are interested in for the day, some with others, some by themselves. seeing everyone take action on their own inspirations, even if it "looks" like doing nothing, is so cool!

    from there, the rest of the day is up for grabs with whatever inspires me and fits and works in with what the rest of my family is up to. with the aforementioned being the basis that NEEDS to happen for the rest of the day to flow in a way that helps me be open to inspiration and being able to take action on what it shows me to do. without those two things, i get caught up in worry, fear, doubt, chaos spinning in and around me, analyzing life, people, etc... WITH those things, I Am That I Am, I Am Lightworker, I Am Ascended Master Vibration living life to it's fullest, being Loving Light in Action, being a natural inspiration to others to live their own lives from their authentic place within, living my life in Joy, no matter what I am doing.

    There ya go.

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    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    Quote Originally Posted by Starfall View Post
    Have you read the ENFj descriptions dbmmama?
    i have, i've read them all! and there was always something in each of them that felt like me...i want to be them all! i believe your point, or at least my own, is that THAT is what an ENFj would do? if so, then...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Starfall View Post
    Definitly, ENFj's are known to be chameleons. :]

    By the way, your personality sounds like someone I'd admire and attempt to be more like.
    i suppose, but i enjoy being a chameleon, not for being a chameleon's sake but because each and every way of being is so cool and fun, why limit myself?!

    thank you, that's cool. there's something special about IEI that i secretly wish i was so i didn't feel this inner pressure to be so grand in wanting and needing to "change and save the world."

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    This is becoming embarrassing. People should know better than suggest ENFj -- especially you, FDG. Wake up!

    You are not an ENFj, dbmmama -- that is very obvious from what you say here. I can't explain why people insist on seeing ENFj, because it simply doesn't make sense. You misunderstand the Fe, the Fi, and also the Ni function, and especially what you say about Ni reveals that you are definitely not an ENFj, because you are expressing your natural temperament there. And what you say about Fi is actually more related to Fe.

    I am now almost completely sure that you are an ENFp, dbmmama.

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    kelly, none of those definitions are accurate in regards to the functions, so it doesn't really say anything about your type. I still think you're ENFj.

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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    kelly, none of those definitions are accurate in regards to the functions, so it doesn't really say anything about your type. I still think you're ENFj.
    No. If you can't argue for ENFj, which you obviously can't, then you should not suggest it. I can't stand this idiocy. ENFj does not make sense. Period.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Starfall View Post
    Phaedrus, what you're saying doesn't really make sense to me.
    I don't believe you. Don't you know anything about the types?

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    I can't read all of that information right now but from the begining of it I have to say that I think you might be ENFP... everything you said there sounds like the type description of it. I liked everything you wrote (from what I've managed to read) and you seem like a really cool down to earth person. Doesn't sound too much like an ENFJ to me. I didn't read the whole thing though..

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    Quote Originally Posted by Phaedrus
    No. If you can't argue for ENFj, which you obviously can't, then you should not suggest it. I can't stand this idiocy. ENFj does not make sense. Period.
    I argued very thoroughly for ENFj in her first thread.

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    Her name is Kelly Jo, not Kelly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phaedrus View Post
    I don't believe you.

    Check out my Socionics group!

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    thanks everyone,

    but it seems that no matter what i say, the same people say the same things about their understanding of what my type might be.

    here are a few things that stand out TO ME:

    of all of the people here, the ones i am THE MOST comfortable with are the selftyped Alphas. i hang out in their section because they talk about things and in ways i am comfortable with. maybe that's a Ne/Si thing, but i don't know.

    i have pointed out on numerous occasions that i have been very reserved and shy (yes, that's not the same as introtim, but it's a damn strong thing for me) for so many freaking years that it's not funny!!! it's only in the past few years i've come out of my shell and opened up to people and not been so afraid of them. i've tried to point this out because i believe it is significant. my outgoingness here is a very much learned thing and it's taken 35 years to be ok with it. i still tend to be one of the quietest ones irl groups. i'm the most comfortable in letting myself loose when i'm with loved ones and people i trust. otherwise, i'm pretty self conscious and reserved and on a daily basis, i tend to respond rather than initiate.

    moving my body is paramount. PARA FUCKING MOUNT people!!!! i'm up, down, squirming, doing this, doing that, even as i write this, i rarely ever sit down. i am VERY physically coordinated, VERY! especially hand/eye coordination. DANCING IS MY PURE JOY, EXPRESSING MYSELF THROUGH MY BODY MOVEMENTS! i just have not done this in public very much. i wish i had the courage to do it somehow as my "job."

    i am a natural artist, but i haven't been very self expressive in it until a few years ago. i FORCED myself to figure out how to let it come out that way. otherwise, my art was stiff, boring, plain landscape type things. maybe others liked it, but i didn't. i WISHED i could be more creative with it. so, i learned all about creativity and how to help it come out in others, which i do with my kids and have with others in workshops etc., but it's hard to do naturally myself.

    i was self typed as an INFJ MB for numerous years before coming to socionics and identified with it very much. but as i've grown and changed and began learning about the individual elements, i started getting more and more confused.

    i have a very, very, very good natural understanding of children and their needs as growing up to be the best them they can be. the needs i speak of are not physical so much as emotional and psychological and spiritual. i've "seen" this from the time i could remember, hence, wanting to be a mom for most of my life and studying developmental psychology, early childhood ed, etc, etc, etc. (while my secret desire has always been to be a dancer.) (i'm actually a damn good from the heart, improviser dancer. i've got the body for it, always have, and the natural moves)

    being a pig has been a huge thing for me all of my life. my mom sent me into the military hoping it would "change my ways." it didn't, in that way anyway. but i did get a taste of being powerful over others and i liked it and was good at it. they didn't like me but respected me. i was security police by the way and an excellent marksman. i got out after 4 years because i had so much more to do and explore and they wouldn't let me pierce my ears more than once or keep my punk rock hairdo.

    i have always been a very serious person. but, i don't care about cultures and the socion and that crap, sorry. i care about individuals, individuals being free to be themselves, whatever the hell that is and being ok with being themselves.

    i am a highly spiritual person. to the point that i'm not a highly spiritual person. IT IS ALL SPIRIT to me, there is no separation. i've been on a mission my whole life to clean and clear fear from the human condition so that everyone can live the life of their dreams, which is what (i believe) we came here to do, no matter what that life looks like to anyone else. i am in the process of doing this for myself as well.

    there's some more for ya!

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    I still don't know what type you are, btw. I'm not even sure what my best guesses would be.

    Check out my Socionics group!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Phaedrus View Post
    This is becoming embarrassing. People should know better than suggest ENFj -- especially you, FDG. Wake up!

    You are not an ENFj, dbmmama -- that is very obvious from what you say here. I can't explain why people insist on seeing ENFj, because it simply doesn't make sense. You misunderstand the Fe, the Fi, and also the Ni function, and especially what you say about Ni reveals that you are definitely not an ENFj, because you are expressing your natural temperament there. And what you say about Fi is actually more related to Fe.

    I am now almost completely sure that you are an ENFp, dbmmama.
    You have the two types switched up, Phaddy. Look at the way she organized her life, look at her facial features. She's a very obvious rational type, and I am pretty sure she will test as such on most well-created tests. You should really try to revise your knowledge about these two types - ENFp and ENFj - because I have often seen you making the mistake of typing all the ENF's as ENFps. Perhaps you don't know enough ENFjs IRL.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Starfall View Post
    Well, I'd hope I'd at least know some things, and if I don't then too bad for me. I'm just saying, read the info that she's provided and fit some things together. Even if she's supposedly misunderstands the functions as you've suggested you can still piece things together with the information shes provided about herself.
    That's exactly what I have done, and as Cheesy said, everything sounds like it was taken directly from an ENFp type description. It definitely fits IEE better than EIE, if we compare type descriptions. Type profiles and the four dichotomies seem to clearly suggest ENFp, V.I. is less conclusive, and this ...

    Quote Originally Posted by Starfall
    From what I've read I don't see her valuing Si, and I also see Beta extrovert.
    ... is an example of a pure bullshit mumbo-jumbo type analysis.

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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    I argued very thoroughly for ENFj in her first thread.
    Yes, and your arguments were poor.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Phaedrus View Post
    Yes, and your arguments were poor.
    I suppose mine are strong then, given that you are not giving a good reply to them.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    Quote Originally Posted by esper View Post
    Hi, dbmamma. For the record, I like your attitude; it is cool.

    Also, I agree with Phaedrus, but he is saying it in a completely stupid and unhelpful way.

    What you say is consistent with what my EII best friend says about how she sees the world. We are very alike in that way--both ethicals, both intuitives. We also are both very spiritual and moral. Actually--this is odd--but the way you are discribing your understanding of Socionics is very similar to how her understanding developed as she waded through it. I notice how our understandings develop differently (although many of our thoughts actually line up) because a preference for over . Oh, we also share all the same faults--lol--because we are both "bad" at sensing. Like, always losing our keys and stuff lol. I just notice she "listens" more when people give her instructions and all that "self help" stuff of how to run your life--she just inhales it! I kind of admire her for that actually, because it gets the job done (even if I myself wouldn't so much do it). ^_^ The same thing with my good IEE friend--she is just wonderful with duly consulting that self-help stuff.

    You don't say anything that solidifies you as ENFj for me (I am open minded ), but what you say is generally of the "spirit" of my good EII friend. ^_^ My IEE friend as well is pretty cool and spiritual and friendly and I look up to her alot. So I can see how, if you were that cool kind of EII/IEE, NiFes like me would like you and want to be like you and with you --I certainly do with mine. I have had lots of good experiences with EII/IEE who share my passion for possibilities, intellectualism, knowledge, spirituality, good living, etc.

    It's also incredibly interesting how you were talking about how you liked JuJu's energy here. My EII has always had this incredibly odd (to me) attraction to guys with the exact same energy--and I don't know why! Lol, I don't know what it is that makes her like that kind of guy, like, with that intensity! I want to know what it is! lol ^_^ And like the way you compliment him about it--omg--she talks like with the same, impressionistic sweetness. I think its so cute but I'm like..."what do you see in him?" lol I guess its just that preference that activates her rather than me. I mean, if he IS an IEE, then I can identify. As a NiFe, I think I have the same reaction to alot of FeNi; I've often described my attraction to their personalities just like you were about JuJu's further down on that thread. I've usually found them very attractive and their energy activating--we are in the same quadra and value the same things. I've often found that irl ppl are attracted to those types of their same judging method more often than even their duals, atleast right off the bat (i.e., ethicals to ethicals, logicals to logicals). Semi-dual relationships, for instance, are common, and, for me, attraction to mirrors is just as common. Just thought I'd mention. And, I mean, if you were a NeFi finding the energy of another NeFi activating, i mean, I can feel that way with people of my own type very strongly in certain cases. The thing is all about them stimulating your information preferences; you have four, whatever they are. If you can figure out what area your sense of activation is coming from, maybe you can figure out your type.

    Like I said, you could still be ENFj, but as I haven't met you or seen some sort of...visual+audio presentation, I don't see Ne+Fi as necessarily ruled out yet.
    hi esper,

    what you are saying and how you are saying it is very helpful. thanks.

    first, your avatar. from the moment i saw it, the energy of it is SO WHOA MAN!! i could get sucked into the depths of it and be gone.......but i would be very frightened at the same time. i've had only a small handful of experiences with things like that from being a kid. it's like it was scary and yet i can't take my eyes off it at the same time.

    next, i can tell you exactly what i find cool about JuJu. I feel that he is creative, creative in the sense of being able to come up with new, cool ideas and he is laid back about it. i am not really a laid back person, i'm serious, generally uptight and i would feel very intimidated around someone who could spontaneously come up with ideas left and right, fun cool ones. i'd be analyzing them and figuring out how each of them would affect people and if they would be right for the longterm growth and development of raising my kids and for others' emotional stability, etc blah, blah, boring, not fun.....wet blanket. who wants to be around a wet blanket? even i don't. lol

    i think that might be why my original impression of delta was boring. i'm naturally boring and I HATE IT! let me be something else please! when i "act" like an ENFj, or at least my view of what one is, I'm HAPPY, COOL, POWERFUL, SEXY, DYNAMIC, EXCITING, and SERIOUS and OUTGOING. that view of myself is what got me out of my shell.

    yea, i've been a self help junkie for too many years. but i like being, my view of, an ENFj with it. OUT THERE, DYNAMIC, POWERFUL, PLAYFUL.

    one thing about the few friends i have. i believe they are NFs of some sort too. all but one of them are into many of the same things i am but the one thing that they don't have that i do is GETTING OFF THEIR ASSES! and they are so liberal! i am very liberal on certain issues, but am not on other things. i'm just not into cultural stuff, environmental causes, landfill crises, organic food, peace for global blah, blah, blah. not that those are bad things, hey, more power to ya. but, it's not my bag. give me some fucking football!!!!!! hit em hard and often. "oh, i only teach my children cooperation and nonviolence." gag me already. and they value "togetherness" and "doing what's right for the group, community." i say fuck the community if it makes you unhappy and unfulfilled. you've got to live from your own individuality or it's all smoke and mirrors. hey, i don't teach my kids to go around hitting each other, but in the right context, strong physicality and competition is awesome. i've been one of the most competitive people you'll ever meet.

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    Well, I'm not sure what your type is, but have you ever considered ESFp?
    delta nf (?) ... 4w5 (?)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sabo View Post
    Well, I'm not sure what your type is, but have you ever considered ESFp?
    yes i have. among so many others.

    i think the whole "problem" or "cool thing" with figuring out my type is that i have developed elements beyond my first two and a few others as well. and that i've opened my mind into seeing the cool stuff inherent in each type.

    just like the madonna thread, she looked a clearcut case of SLE when young and began it look and speak more IEI as she's grown and matured over the years. she's learned to develop her valued stuff as she's aged.

    i've got to look objectively at myself that way and see what is my overall thing that "came first" and what things have i developed over the years to bring me to where i am today?

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    Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama View Post

    next, i can tell you exactly what i find cool about JuJu. I feel that he is creative, creative in the sense of being able to come up with new, cool ideas and he is laid back about it. i am not really a laid back person, i'm serious, generally uptight and i would feel very intimidated around someone who could spontaneously come up with ideas left and right, fun cool ones. i'd be analyzing them and figuring out how each of them would affect people and if they would be right for the longterm growth and development of raising my kids and for others' emotional stability, etc blah, blah, boring, not fun.....wet blanket. who wants to be around a wet blanket? even i don't. lol

    i think that might be why my original impression of delta was boring. i'm naturally boring and I HATE IT! let me be something else please! when i "act" like an ENFj, or at least my view of what one is, I'm HAPPY, COOL, POWERFUL, SEXY, DYNAMIC, EXCITING, and SERIOUS and OUTGOING. that view of myself is what got me out of my shell.

    yea, i've been a self help junkie for too many years. but i like being, my view of, an ENFj with it. OUT THERE, DYNAMIC, POWERFUL, PLAYFUL.

    one thing about the few friends i have. i believe they are NFs of some sort too. all but one of them are into many of the same things i am but the one thing that they don't have that i do is GETTING OFF THEIR ASSES! and they are so liberal! i am very liberal on certain issues, but am not on other things. i'm just not into cultural stuff, environmental causes, landfill crises, organic food, peace for global blah, blah, blah. not that those are bad things, hey, more power to ya. but, it's not my bag. give me some fucking football!!!!!! hit em hard and often. "oh, i only teach my children cooperation and nonviolence." gag me already. and they value "togetherness" and "doing what's right for the group, community." i say fuck the community if it makes you unhappy and unfulfilled. you've got to live from your own individuality or it's all smoke and mirrors. hey, i don't teach my kids to go around hitting each other, but in the right context, strong physicality and competition is awesome. i've been one of the most competitive people you'll ever meet.
    I think this alone is a very clear case against ENFp (among other things). I cannot see ENFp at all. ENFps are interested in the world and cultures and in going out and exploring what's there rather than their own spiritual being and development.

    Kelly Jo would drive an ISTp nuts with this, but an ISTj would very much appreciate it. I say ENFj.

    And ESFp is definitely more likely than ENFp.
    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
    ― Anais Nin

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    ENFj. As I think I already said in her other thread.

    Kelly Jo, indulge me : would it be like you to say something like, "I have total faith in the fire that animates my passion"?
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Expat View Post
    ENFj. As I think I already said in her other thread.

    Kelly Jo, indulge me : would it be like you to say something like, "I have total faith in the fire that animates my passion"?
    i wouldn't use those exact words but yes, i do have faith in it.

    we watched the movie Enchanted last night. the princess is my sis IN REAL LIFE! Really!!!!!!! I could not be more emphatic about it! I watched it in utter amazement because she really is like that.

    and then when the wicked stepmother showed up, HOW FUCKING COOL SHE WAS! not that i'd be evil like that or mean or whatever, but THE ENERGY that she commanded and summoned, yes, that is ME! even her black and purple outfit with those boots! so cool!

    an inner POWER that is based in Spirit that MOVES MOUNTAINS. and i have moved things literally too.

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    Thanks . IMO it's a very ENFj statement.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    Yeah, EIE seems most likely. And I agree with SEE > IEE.

    Check out my Socionics group!

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    Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama View Post
    i wouldn't use those exact words but yes, i do have faith in it.

    we watched the movie Enchanted last night. the princess is my sis IN REAL LIFE! Really!!!!!!! I could not be more emphatic about it! I watched it in utter amazement because she really is like that.

    and then when the wicked stepmother showed up, HOW FUCKING COOL SHE WAS! not that i'd be evil like that or mean or whatever, but THE ENERGY that she commanded and summoned, yes, that is ME! even her black and purple outfit with those boots! so cool!

    an inner POWER that is based in Spirit that MOVES MOUNTAINS. and i have moved things literally too.
    Oh man, based on some of that comment, I'm really confused about your type but thinking about it, this confusion is understandable because people tend to mistake quasi identicals yet the person itself sees the difference and you strongly see yourself as ENFJ so maybe that solves the mystery.
    For further evidence I'll quote the description of the quasi identical relationship: "Interestingly, Quasi-Identity partners often identify themselves as being very different than the partner. Outside observers often have trouble seeing the differences that the individual sees between himself and the partner"

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    I think this alone is a very clear case against ENFp (among other things). I cannot see ENFp at all. ENFps are interested in the world and cultures and in going out and exploring what's there rather than their own spiritual being and development.

    Kelly Jo would drive an ISTp nuts with this, but an ISTj would very much appreciate it. I say ENFj.

    And ESFp is definitely more likely than ENFp.
    yeah that's my impression as well.

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    so, here's where i'm at:

    esper sent me some videos of ENFjs, an INFj and ENFp. None of them is me!!

    now, i am going to go through a process of elimination.

    ENFj: too bubbly. i write that way but for fun because irl i'm not that way but i think it's cool.

    INFj: too nice and sweet. i'm deep, serious, caring, but not that "soft and nice."

    ENFp: still too bubbly for me. still too nice.

    3 down, 12 to go.

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    you could be one of the "introverted extratims" that Rick discusses on his blog ( In this case maybe you would look less "bubbly" than the typical ENFx

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    Quote Originally Posted by hellothere View Post
    you could be one of the "introverted extratims" that Rick discusses on his blog ( In this case maybe you would look less "bubbly" than the typical ENFx
    thanks hellothere. i've read that post of his a while back and it does sound reasonable that i have been a very shy, self conscious extratim. it sucked actually growing up that way. it sucked to WANT to be more social and such because i was extraverted but having such low self esteem, low self worth to put myself out there.

    i won't completely rule ENFx out for that reason but i do believe they are less likely after feeling the energy of the people in those videos she sent me.

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    here is my current website:

    what do you think based on that?

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