heh, yeah, it always feels like you guys go out of your way to find the most socially awkward SLI's amongst us.
Honestly, he's not. He's probably the most social SLI I've met yet. haha He also seems to have found his niche in life and some really great friends.

Part of it's just me. I'm just used to getting feedback (i.e. body language) on whether the person enjoys talking to me or not. I don't really get any of that from him. It makes me nervous, so I get more sensitive about extending invitations to him b/c I can't tell whether he hangs out with me just to humor me or what. And I suppose I am too guided by my own behavior there - I have certain friends that I only want to hang out with once a month b/c they're just too intense. I don't want to be that person for him.

I probably just overanalyzed our interactions b/c I'm hypersensitive to awkwardness.

If you told someone in real life about it, they'd just look at you and say something like "ditch them." But it's not that simple... right?
Yes. And you have NO idea how many times people have told me that about this guy. And pretty much every guy I've ever dated really. Frankly, I find it ridiculous. Unless the person is flawless, fulfills your every whim, reads your mind, and swiftly becomes best buddies with all your friends, you should just dump them. wtf? It amazes me that my friend who consistently spouts that crap is married. How the hell did her husband get past all that bullshit? (Granted, I don't see how he puts up with her half the time either, but that's why he's HER dual, not mine)

The truth of the matter is, it's just timing. He doesn't know whether he's interested in me or not b/c he barely knows me. Doesn't really surprise me that much, especially since it takes SLIs five times as long to make up their mind about someone. Maybe he'll decide otherwise in the future - who knows. At this point I'm just deciding whether to try and be friends with him and be willing to wind up miserable when he walks in with some girl he's actually attracted to. Worth it or not.. don't know..