I've been trying to type my brother's girlfriend. I was pretty sure that she was INTj for awhile, but lately I've been thinking I got it wrong. I definitely don't get any Fi/Fe vibes from her. She's the sort of person who likes to defend the underdog though. And she was telling me that cruelty to animals really bothers her. She's going to go do a volunteer thing looking after penguins or something. She's really hard to read and get to know. You know how some people when you talk to them you feel like there is a wall there that doesn't let you get too close? She's not a cold person though. She's friendly to everyone and seems nonjudgemental. She's definitely an introvert - that's about the only thing I'm sure of. ... but when she's in a group situation she'll take it upon herself to make sure the conversation is flowing. But it seems to me to be something she feels she has to do rather than something she enjoys doing. She talks a mile a minute when she's nervous or to cover any awkward silences.

As far as the relations btwn my brother and her go ... my brother's ISTp ... she seems to take a motherly sort of role - she definitely wears the pants. It's kind of weird when they're around other people they seem to sort of ignore each other - well, not so much ignore ... but it's just like they both insist on being seen as independent people - there's no possessiveness whatsoever.

Anyway - I would be grateful for any insight/guesses/stabs in the dark at what type she might be. Questions welcome ...