1st point: When we hear that Fe types "create emotional charge" in others, this is not wrong. They specifically try to implement, but with varying degrees of success. Strong exertion/slave Fe can induce precisely the emotion desired in the individual; however, weak slave Fe is somewhat hit or miss, because one's confidence in the projection of the emotion is not what it could be. (by which I mean the person has lesser confidence in their ability to transfer emotion between: an ENFj can express all the enthusiasm they want, but do they have confidence they are being understood? That's a matter of slave Fe.)

2nd point: One always sees a slave element in the context of its master. If the master is Ni, you'll try to appeal to history as a means of impressing the energy you intend to convey, or perhaps to process or planning. However, I'm not quite clear yet on the connection. Have other supersocion theorists considered the relation between the master and slave forms of an element in the same type?