It seems I have to actively go out of my way to make people know that I don't like it when people do things like this to me. I would ALWAYS rather know - anything at all - than not know it. It doesn't matter what it is. To me, from my perspective - it is because said individual didn't want to deal with whatever anticipated negative reactions there might be. Like, it is hard to really say if someone is doing it "for my benefit", or for their own "ethical benefit" - they wouldn't want to be the ones responsible for getting me upset, or seeing me get mad, etc.

It seems ethical types make this kind of statement a lot.
It took a few outbursts to get an ESE relative to finally realize that I am not changing in how I deal with things like this - now she complies, and I thank her every time she does. I appreciate it even more because I know, for whatever reason, she has to go out of her way to make a special exception for dealing with me - and I really respect that.

Do you think this says anything about type?
I don't really. If anything it would say I do not value ethics as a reason for withholding information - and because I react negatively to it, I would say I am not an ethical type. It seems ethical types find this line of reasoning to be very important in some of the decisions they make, but it outrightly bothers me.

And yes, I have seen people from all quadras do this -
ESE EIE SEE EII, to name a few

Any comments?