Please describe how Fi feels to YOU, personally. Not what you see in others, but how it's used in YOUR own information metabolism.

What Fi feels like to me:

Imagine you're holding two magnets, one in each hand.
Try pushing them together and you get two basic results (scientists don’t get technical on me's just a simple analogy):

a) The magnets are repulsed by each other.
The magnets refuse to be pushed together, the closer you bring them together, the more force you feel trying to push them away. They just refuse to connect.

b) They are attracted to each other.
The magnets pull each other closer, and the closer they are, the stronger the force that pulls them together. Depending on the magnet size and strength, it may be very difficult to disconnect them.

The above holds true for me in many ways.
Whether or not I'm attracted/repulsed by something in my environment, a thought, a feeling, an ideal, a piece of information, etc.
Sometimes the pull is stronger than other pulls, sometimes the repulsion is weaker than other repulsions.
This is how I maneuver around and process information.

When I attempt to empathize with someone, I try to find out what they themselves are attracted to and repulsed by, and what of those items are in their environment in a given situation. Then I step into their shoes, trying to see what it would be like to like/dislike those items while having them in my environment. Given the person's preference for certain behaviors or moving towards/away from a given item...what actions might be left open to them for maneuvering? or for solving a problem?