I address my brothers, the Conservative Anarchists - those who want to return to the conservative values of old, while not creating too much of a mess. We shall paint the streets with the blood of Liberalism - if you don't like red, then it's just too bad. Nothing will stand in our way - the end of Liberalism is nigh. We shall create a New World Order, from our spiritual home in Kiev...our enemies will be fought on all sides, and they will not win. We offer an alliance to all those who support the cause of Conservative Anarchism. Individualists...do not believe that the evil spectre of Liberalism will not attack you also. You are either for us...or you are against us. Without your support, the Iron Curtain of Socionics risks being torn down. To the sociopaths: without your help, we risk defeat by everything you disagree with. Those who bear the genetic mark of the sociopath must cleverly mask themselves amidst a cloak of harmlessness, and use your dagger to bring down our enemy, The Consensus. Our whole alliance, all the peoples of our allaince, are backing our army, helping them smash the Liberalist hordes. Our reserves in manpower are inexhaustible. The spirit of the great Bionicgoat inspires us for our patriotic war today as it did a year ago.

Is it possible, then, to doubt that we can and must gain victory over the Liberalist invaders? The enemy is not as strong as some terror-stricken pseudo-intellectuals picture him. The devil is not as terrible as he is painted. Who can deny that the Conservative Anarchists has more than once put the much-vaunted Liberalists to panicky flight? If one judges by Liberalism's real position and not by the boastful assertions of Liberalist propagandists, it will not be difficult to see that the Liberalist invaders are facing disaster. The whole world is looking to you as a force capable of destroying the brigand hordes of Liberalist invaders. Let the victorious banner of the great Bionicgoat fly over your heads! Utter destruction to the Liberalist invaders! Under the banner of Bionicgoat - onward to victory!