I was reading (and bored too) about this 2 type. MBTI said that ESFP are fun people, down-to-earth, and love new 'things' (music, food, whatever (information here)) . However, Wikisocions said that SEE are generally wary and mistrustful of new things, ideas, and behavior styles that they have not heard of, seen, or conceived of before., which, as I see, is completly the opposite things to MBTI's idea. Follow to this, I remember to myself that IEE are seekers of new things and generally they like to live in world of new ideas because of their , He enjoys the beginning stages of just about anything - new projects, acquiring new skills, experiencing new people and relationships.
My question finally was, Which type in which way act more positively to new things in their life?

Maybe (and just my opinion) the SEE type likes to discover things to his own proper pace and he doesn't like that people says to him what new things are out there in the worlds.

What do you think?