I am relatively new to this forum. I've mostly just been reading others posts and trying to figure out socionics but i havent quite been able to figure out my type for certain. I think I am an ISFj or maybe a INFj. That said I would appreciate your help in trying to figure it out.

I am a pretty hard worker at school. I always do my homework and knowing that I have not done an assignment stresses me out. I am fairly good at most subjects but I really like Psychology. I enjoy trying to figure people out. It is hard for me to want to learn things that I can't see myself doing anything with. For example, I have never liked history. I don't see how I can use facts about something that happened a long time ago. I don't understand people who cut class all the time and don't do any work.

I know a lot of people but I would say that I only have a small group of good friends. It is hard for me to make friends and I do not trust people easily. I like to help my friends with thier problems but I don't like to share my own. I feel like I am just boring or ranting on people when I try to share my problems. I don't really feel a strong connection to my family but that could be just because I don't really get along with any of them that well and I don't feel like they understand me at all.

I don't like to have attention drawn to myself and I get nervous when it is. I also don't like people who show off to try to get attention or people manipulate others. I hate being manipulated as well. I have no problem helping people out but I don't like being told what to do or being coerced into doing something. I am generally a nice and quiet person but sometimes I can say harsh things without thinking. Also, when people hurt me I tend to either make them feel guilty about it or just give them the cold shoulder for a long time.

I enjoy playing strategy games and video games. I really enjoy RISK. I also enjoy a lot of sports like volleyball, ultimate frisbee, football, etc. While enjoy playing I dislike when people get too serious or get mad about losing or gloat a lot when winning. I only really get irritated when someone breaks the rules because they just have to win. I also enjoy discussions about moral or philosophical subjects. Mostly I just listen and absorb information and form my own opinion. I only really express my ideas if someone has left something important out or if I need certain information to figure out my opinion. While I really enjoy and need people to have fun I also need time to myself. Sometimes I just like to relax and watch tv or listen to the radio and sometimes I think about my day and process events or things people have said or done.

Feel free to ask me questions if you need certain information to figure out my type.