Come on and share your experiences with ESTj so far.

I realize that some ESTjs appear gentlemanly and tend to be (overly) polite and courteous at times (especially infront of strangers), to the extent that they seem rather fake. Is it due to as their role function? I remember bumping into an ESTj schoolmate (now a medical student) in the hospital and I'm very surprised how gentlemanly he was. He would open doors for ladies, wait for everyone to get into the elevator before finally getting in, always have the same big (unnatural) grin, seems to be good at everything he does etc. However, when I read his blog, his entries tend to be rather negative (even though he supposedly emphasize that he is a very optimistic person), serious and intense (to the point that it made my ISFj friend dizzy). I think I'm probably the only one who enjoys reading his blog because he is so honest. The main theme of his blog is about him using his abilities and talents to contribute to his religion and how he related it with real life experiences. Moreover, he mentioned about his need to be perfect in others' eyes and how jealous he would become when someone performed better than him in that area of expertise.

Are these typical characteristics of ESTjs, especially the last point I have mentioned?

Just thought I need to understand ESTjs better. :wink: