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Thread: stevENTj's ILI adventures thread

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    six turnin', four burnin' stevENTj's Avatar
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    Default stevENTj's ILI adventures thread

    Why not? :wink:

    So I just posted on another forum asking for advice and suggestions on a particular type of product I was looking for, and 90% of the replies were pure unadulterated bullshit and just plain fucking stupid. I posted an in-depth reply to one guy who was foaming at the mouth but at least trying to be half way serious. The next morning I log in and see another dozen or so replies listed in the reply total, but I didn't even bother to read them and just deleted the thread. Fuck it. The people replying had already more than proven their sheer stupidity to me and it was probably just more of the same so why bother? If I had read it, I'd have just wanted to pound my head through the computer screen and would have wanted to waste more time making replies to stupid people, which is a complete waste of time. *DELETE*

    Same Shit Different Day on other forums as well. The internet has become quite polluted with nonsense. It was a lot better 10 years ago. And I can't stand it when I Google for something trying to learn and the top links are all various discussion forums where people either don't know shit but think they do, or maybe there's one person who knows what they're talking about and has half a clue but you have to sift through it to find it. You also can never really trust anything either. Gotta double check everything. Trust, but verify. Otherwise you have no idea if you're being fed a bunch of BS or not.

    The Internet has also become incredibly commercialized with people trying to sell you stuff too. There are precious few "old school" Internet sites up nowadays that were put up by hobbyists who KNOW what they're talking about and are being 100% honest about things because they're trying to educate you and help you learn what they have, and not sell you crap. These are the most useful sites out there, but they're few and far between nowadays. You used to be able to hit up Google and these were the places you would find, but not anymore, or they're not even up anymore.

    Te-INTp/ILI, my wife: Fi-ISFj/ESI, with laser beam death rays for ESTp/SLEs, lol
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    six turnin', four burnin' stevENTj's Avatar
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    Hey I finally hit 500 posts, after 5 years! wuuhuuuu!

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    Quote Originally Posted by stevENTj View Post
    The Internet has also become incredibly commercialized with people trying to sell you stuff too.
    Kinda makes me ashamed to be working for an internet marketing business.

    I'm pretty happy with the forums, but then, the only things I ever look up are programming questions.


    "Come to think of it, there are already a million monkeys on a million typewriters, and the Usenet is NOTHING like Shakespeare!"
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    six turnin', four burnin' stevENTj's Avatar
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    Lots of people flamming each other back and forth = more hits and more unique visitors, which is more attractive to Internet marketers. But for people like me looking for intelligent discussions and people to interact with on a topic of interest, it sucks. I still help to run a site that I co-founded way back in the day and it operates in the black thanks to google ads and that hyper annoying intellitext crap. Hey whatever pays the bills.

    Anyways I noticed an interesting difference between our two kids the other day.

    Our daughter is 3-1/2 and has always been very advanced when it comes to language skills. She can speak and talk at about a 5 year old level if not more. But when it comes to sippy cups, she just doesn't get the difference between a gravity feed one that you need to put up in the air, and one with a straw built into it that you hold normally and suck through.

    Our son is 1-1/2 and is slightly delayed on language skills from a developmental standpoint, but is way behind where our daughter was when she was this age. We think there's some external factors that have to do with that and nothing to do with him that I won't get into, but this kid just plain 'GETS' the difference between a gravity feed sippy cup and one with a straw and knows exactly how to hold each one. Our daughter still hasn't figured this out. He has very intense curiosity as to how things work and can get a lot of these toys to go that our daughter definitely didn't have figured out when she was this age. Like little cars that you pull back to wind up and then let go. HE had that figured out first. She only figured it out because he did!

    So two completely different types of intelligence and strong functions emerging between these two kids. Very fascinating to watch. Our daughter has very strong . I think she's an EP temperament almost for sure. Not intuitive I don't think. Her eyes focus on things like a lazer beam and she doesn't have the dreamy 'intuitive gaze' ever. I think she might be an SEE. SLE is also a possibility but I don't think so. Slight chance of ESI like my wife, too. My daughter and I get along great and there's no bad interaction. If she's an SEE that would make us duals. She seems to rub my wife the wrong way a lot more though. Not sure why that is - maybe she just has less patience, but it could also be a j/p conflict.

    Still too early to tell with my son, but the intense interest in the inner workings of things is I think IP temperament is quite likely for him, just like his old man. I'm told I behaved the same exact way when I was young, only he's even more stubborn and persistent than I was. I think ILI or SLI are qutie likely for him, but again too soon to tell.
    Last edited by stevENTj; 10-01-2010 at 12:20 PM.
    Te-INTp/ILI, my wife: Fi-ISFj/ESI, with laser beam death rays for ESTp/SLEs, lol
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    ^ Girls are usually ahead of boys when it comes to language skills. I've heard it many times from others, and at least my family and people I know confirm it. I doubt it has anything to do with socionics, really.

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    Yeah I've heard the same thing, although per standardized developmental scales he is 'delayed' slightly on language development, not just compared to his older sister. We brought in some outside help from the county school system and are working with him extra. He's already making some noticeable improvements.

    The socionics aspect though was the understanding of how different sippy cups work. I know, highly technical but something I noticed. He just gets stuff like this almost instinctively whereas the older one still doesn't.

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    So today, easily "THE" best engineer at my company retired, at 51.

    Great guy, clearly an LII. What was his secret? Living a relatively frugal lifestyle, and NO KIDS!

    His plans: Says he's going to work with old people at senior centers, work with kids maybe in high school and try to encourage them to go into math and the sciences. Maybe do a little consulting work on the side part-time here and there, do a little traveling, but most of all relax and enjoy life. Sounds nice.

    He's married but I guess neither of them wanted kids. His wife used to be an engineer too but she quit about 10 years ago. He had actually "retired" at that same time before and took a year off, but my company lured him back with the promise of some new and super exciting work which is now pretty much done, so he's decided he's had enough.

    Most everybody at work has kids. Love them to death, but they're also such a financial burden. So lots of us at work are quite jealous, but could you really give up having a family or the kids and family you already know? Man oh man, talk about lifestyle choices.
    Te-INTp/ILI, my wife: Fi-ISFj/ESI, with laser beam death rays for ESTp/SLEs, lol
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevENTj View Post
    So today, easily "THE" best engineer at my company retired, at 51.

    Great guy, clearly an LII. What was his secret? Living a relatively frugal lifestyle, and NO KIDS!

    His plans: Says he's going to work with old people at senior centers, work with kids maybe in high school and try to encourage them to go into math and the sciences. Maybe do a little consulting work on the side part-time here and there, do a little traveling, but most of all relax and enjoy life. Sounds nice.

    He's married but I guess neither of them wanted kids. His wife used to be an engineer too but she quit about 10 years ago. He had actually "retired" at that same time before and took a year off, but my company lured him back with the promise of some new and super exciting work which is now pretty much done, so he's decided he's had enough.

    Most everybody at work has kids. Love them to death, but they're also such a financial burden. So lots of us at work are quite jealous, but could you really give up having a family or the kids and family you already know? Man oh man, talk about lifestyle choices.
    Wow that's pretty nice to retire at 51. Wonder if anyone my age will be able to retire really when we get in our 50's lol.

    Kids are a financial burden, but when they get older and you get old and can't or don't want to work then they can support you. It kind of evens out in my mind in that way.
    “No psychologist should pretend to understand what he does not understand... Only fools and charlatans know everything and understand nothing.” -Anton Chekhov

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bardia View Post
    Kids are a financial burden, but when they get older and you get old and can't or don't want to work then they can support you. It kind of evens out in my mind in that way.
    isn't it kind of tragic to think this way? I mean,you make people (your kids) to protect you from people (society when you will no longer fit the bill) .I think people need to find people that ALREADY EXIST and be happy with them without having the urge to create their own people.

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    Quote Originally Posted by timewaster View Post
    isn't it kind of tragic to think this way? I mean,you make people (your kids) to protect you from people (society when you will no longer fit the bill) .I think people need to find people that ALREADY EXIST and be happy with them without having the urge to create their own people.
    Not necessarily. I think people that don't think kids are expensive aren't really thinking ahead, but I think if you let the sole fact that you don't want to spend the money to have kids prevent you from having them, then I believe that is tragic. Essentially its a balance between motives. Some people shouldn't have kids because they really can't afford to provide them with basic needs. Others can provide but want to hold onto their money. Other people just really don't want kids.
    “No psychologist should pretend to understand what he does not understand... Only fools and charlatans know everything and understand nothing.” -Anton Chekhov

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    six turnin', four burnin' stevENTj's Avatar
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    In Asian cultures it's expected that the young, particularly the first born son, will take care of his parents as they age and will actually live with him. He also is first in line to take over any family business. In return, as he and possibly his wife are out working, the grandparents will watch over and take care of their own kids. Makes a lot of sense. No need for senior "assisted living" nor much if any need for daycare for young kids, all of which can be ridiculously expensive. Western culture is a lot different here. When the kids become adults they're free to go their own way, blaze new trails in the true American spirit, and the older folks are left to retire into the sunset so to speak. There's a lot more freedom and flexibility with the Western way of doing things particularly if you're a female, but you still need somebody to watch your kids, and who's going to help out your folks when they get older and can't live on their own?

    My wife is originally from Taiwan and I've been over there a bunch of times to see first hand the huge cultural differences and how the social structures are so different. I can't say anymore that one or the other way of doing things is 'better' than another. They're both good and bad in their own ways.

    As for finding people that 'already exist' to help you out when you're older, much easier said than done. Maybe you have some people like this, but they're older as well and you both develop issues and both need help? Maybe the person is fine health wise but their own parents or family need assistance and they're forced to choose between you and their family. Which is it gonna be? Some older folks without family do have full-time PAID personal assistants that take them around to places, but typically only the wealthy can afford this.

    Even the best of friends can come and go, only family is forever.
    Te-INTp/ILI, my wife: Fi-ISFj/ESI, with laser beam death rays for ESTp/SLEs, lol
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bardia View Post
    Not necessarily. I think people that don't think kids are expensive aren't really thinking ahead, but I think if you let the sole fact that you don't want to spend the money to have kids prevent you from having them, then I believe that is tragic. Essentially its a balance between motives. Some people shouldn't have kids because they really can't afford to provide them with basic needs. Others can provide but want to hold onto their money. Other people just really don't want kids.
    Kids are an enormous investment of almost everything you've got. Time, love, money, energy, patience, etc...

    My wife came from a family with three kids and wanted three also. But realistically I think two is all we're going to have. Fortunately money isn't the issue for us, but rather everything else. We both work full-time and have careers, and it's enormously difficult to manage families with two working parents and young kids. A lot of our friends are just having their first kids at the age of 40 which is really pushing the limits. They just never 'had time' before but realized it was at a now or never point. You've really got to love children a whole lot to want to have a whole lot of them (as in more than two). We both love our kids, but there's limits and I think we're at that point.
    Te-INTp/ILI, my wife: Fi-ISFj/ESI, with laser beam death rays for ESTp/SLEs, lol
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    I just updated my signature to reflect on the fact that my wife and I have been together for nearly 14 blissful years. Met freshman year of college back in 1996, and that was it. Married for 6 years, and about to go on a little trip to NYC without the kids for a nice extended weekend together, just the two of us, while my folks babysit.

    Way too many people around here are obsessed with the whole duality concept. Either you're going to 'click' with someone or you won't. Either there's going to be that spark and some chemistry or there won't. Either you're going to get along great together and want to spend more and more time together or you won't. Either you're going to want to spend the rest of your lives together and wake up to each other every morning for the rest of your lives or you won't. You don't need a fucking duality for this to happen. So WTF does it matter what 'type' they are? Seems to be a few threads around here titled around the theme of "yet another duality not working out". Hmmmm....

    Bottom line is that there are a lot of factors that go into human relationships and love and chemistry than just socio-types, and I think people that limit themselves to only duality type relationships 'because those are the only ones that could ever be good enough' are foolish.
    Te-INTp/ILI, my wife: Fi-ISFj/ESI, with laser beam death rays for ESTp/SLEs, lol
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    Default Married to my dual

    My dual is my best friend. We fight sometimes. Most times not. It's great to fight, cause the making up is grand.

    Point being we have that long standing relationship thing, happy with each other, comfortable with each other. We feel "normal" with each other.

    Thing is I don't feel normal when I compare myself to others, I always had such a unique marginal feeling to who I was, which is who I am, but with my dual, I'm normal. That's an easy way to put it into words.

    Married to my dual for 18 years. With him for less than a year before that.

    Don't knock duality, all relationship possibilities are fine, and duality is a good relationship to have, not a necessary relationship, but it sure has made my life better.

    Oh, we also have 4 children. I love them, I would love more. I am ILI and that's not the best thing for me to have so many, but I want them anyway, and could always love another. Children, cats, dogs, whatever. It's terribly stressful at times, and that's part of life that I'm willing to work with for all the sweet times we do have.
    Last edited by crazymaisy; 10-05-2010 at 12:04 PM. Reason: adding data
    ILI-Ni (INTp)
    I think in pictures, moving pictures...

    Recommended Music - ILI-Ni

    "And one peculiar point I see,
    As one of the many ones of me.
    As truth is gathered, I rearrange,
    Inside out, outside in, inside out, outside in,
    Perpetual change"

    Yes - The Yes Album - from "Perpetual Change" (written by Howe and Squire)

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    Awesome Maisy! I'm happy for anybody that's found happiness, and you certainly seem to have as well.

    Not knocking duality. Just saying... I think it's foolish to be limiting yourself to ONLY dualtiy type relationships with the idealistic notion that the only relationships that will ever work out are duality. That's hardly true.

    Quote Originally Posted by crazymaisy
    Thing is I don't feel normal when I compare myself to others, I always had such a unique marginal feeling to who I was, which is who I am, but with my dual, I'm normal. That's an easy way to put it into words.
    Same here, in an activity relationship.

    4 kids??? What are their ages?

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    Finally came up with an avatar for myself at this place.

    "Six Turning And Four Burning" - The Convair C-36, aka "The Peacemaker"

    I was out on my deck grilling some burgers and dogs ther other night when I noticed the temp gauge shooting up rapidly. Uh-oh, that can only mean one thing. Grease fire! Open the hood and sure enough things were 'a blazin. As I was flipping things and turning dogs I noticed that were about 6 I was turning and 4 that were burning. HEY WAIT, wasn't there an aircraft that had a nickname like that? Yeah, and it was this C-36.

    Six piston engines at 3800hp each turning propellors in pusher configuration, and four outboard turbojets, aka "six turning and four burning". The largest combat aircraft ever built, and one of the larger aircraft ever built period. The 230 foot wingspan is massive, larger than a Boeing 747. It was bigger than the B-52 bomber, and dwarfs the B-29 Superfortress. There's a side by side picture in the wikipedia link.

    I do happen to appreicate both older and newer technologies, and there's no aircraft that better represents that than this one. The way I thought of it was totally and completely random like an ILI might while contemplating things, and it's also a nice display of power to continue to fool people into thinking that I'm really an ENTj.
    Te-INTp/ILI, my wife: Fi-ISFj/ESI, with laser beam death rays for ESTp/SLEs, lol
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    Been super friggin busy lately.

    Two weekends ago I was in NYC with my wife celebrating our 6th wedding anniversary - no kids. Took a bunch of cool photos and have been meaning to post some but just haven't had the time.

    All the next week I was at local but external to the office training, which was pretty nice minus the commute. Normally my commute is about 20 minutes door to door, but this was about 40 minutes to an hour each way. Still, was nice to be out of the office for a week learning something for a change. Class got out early on Friday, so I hit the shooting range for the first time in like ages. Did great with my 45, felt completely natural, but nothing but terrible with my 357 revolver. First time shooting at this particular range, lighting wasn't as good as I'm used to, couldn't see the sights at all, stiff and slightly unpredictable trigger pull, etc. Gonna have to practice more.

    Then this past Sunday I was down in DC shooting (photography) the Army Ten Miler run. That was intense, but fun. Trying to spot 20 or so runners from your particular group out of 30,000 that appear at random and then getting a good photo or two of them as they whiz by. I'm totally a photography/shooting junkie. I love the rush of getting great photos. Have been busy the past few days getting my shots and shots from a few others up and online and synchronized for everybody. The photos have once again been a big hit, and I managed to get just about all of our runners this year too. Last year I only managed to spot about half. Got some more funny stories from this event including "crazy chick in red", a very interesting potential ESFp / SEE I ran into, and getting lightly hassled by White House perimeter security because my buddy and I were taking some pre-dawn monument shots from that location and security was sniffing us out, LOL!

    Today it's my birthday. Haven been so busy and otherwise occupied though, that I haven't even had time to order my "gift". I'm overhauling my late-2008 MacBook Pro 15" laptop with a 4GB RAM upgrade, a new 500GB hybrid/SSD hard drive, some new backup drives, and some other stuff. Guess maybe I should order that stuff, huh. Dunno why, but birthdays or at least my birthday isn't really a big deal to me. It's just another day to me. My wife gets all upset with that for whatever reason - she takes them a lot more seriously and then think I'm being a party pooper if I don't play along, LOL.

    The next few days, getting the house all cleaned up for a party this weekend. Taking the kids out trick-or-treating, got another kid birthday party to go to, yadda yadda, blah blah blah.

    I remember saying that I can't believe it's October already. Well now it's gonna be November!
    Te-INTp/ILI, my wife: Fi-ISFj/ESI, with laser beam death rays for ESTp/SLEs, lol
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    My favorite thing about shooting the Army Ten Miler run is seeing guys like this in action. The Wounded Warriors / Missing Limb in Action guys. I managed to track this guy down on Facebook and he loved the photos and made this one his profile picture now.

    Talk about inspiration. There's single and double amputees racing in this thing, and they don't let the fact that they're missing body parts slow them down one bit. This guy here still leads an active lifestyle too, goes hiking, surfing, and races hand crank bikes all with a big smile on his face.

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    Quote Originally Posted by stevENTj View Post
    Today it's my birthday.
    Congratulations. I'll fire my AK-47 in the air for you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by stevENTj View Post
    Two weekends ago I was in NYC with my wife celebrating our 6th wedding anniversary - no kids. Took a bunch of cool photos and have been meaning to post some but just haven't had the time.

    Dunno why, but birthdays or at least my birthday isn't really a big deal to me. It's just another day to me. My wife gets all upset with that for whatever reason - she takes them a lot more seriously and then think I'm being a party pooper if I don't play along, LOL.
    That sounds like a pretty cool trip.

    Happy Birthday! I understand where your wife is coming from. For some unknown reason I consider birthdays a big deal for both myself and others. If it is my birthday and you are my good friend you best be at my bday part or have a pretty damn good excuse. I also make sure to show up to all my close friends birthday events even if I have to go out of my way quite a bit. I don't really understand when my friends don't do anything for their birthday and I try to get them to do something usually even if it is just I go out to dinner with them or a group get together.
    “No psychologist should pretend to understand what he does not understand... Only fools and charlatans know everything and understand nothing.” -Anton Chekhov

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    Maybe it's an SF thing. All the SF's I know seem to take the whole birthday thing a lot more seriously than NTs. Shrug.

    Anyways, had a nice birthday. The weather was nice, and the kids behaved. Still haven't gotten around to ordering my goodies. I'm upgrading my 15" MacBook Pro with a new 500GB hybrid/SSD drive, 4GB of RAM, some software stuff, and two new 2TB backup hard drives that I'll rotate between work and home every month so that I always have a less than month old off-site backup of all my stuff.

    I run the amateur radio club at work so we're having our end of month pizza lunch today. Tomorrow the "recreation club" is having a Halloween party gig. I used to be a board member on the rec club a few years ago. So I'll probably take a bunch more pictures of that. House party over the weekend and some trick-or-treating to get ready for, along with yet another kid birthday party. Then the week after that I'm organizing a joint celebratory lunch for all of my company's Army Ten Miler runners and the photography club, which I also run. We'll celebrate the great performance of our runners, present photos that I and a few other photogs from the photography club took, share war stories, etc, and compare notes on how to cover the event better next year. Need to go talk to HR to see if I can get some corporate "kick-in" on that.

    Hmm, maybe I am LIE.
    Last edited by stevENTj; 10-28-2010 at 01:15 PM.
    Te-INTp/ILI, my wife: Fi-ISFj/ESI, with laser beam death rays for ESTp/SLEs, lol
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    Well it's time once again for my once every year or so check-in.

    So who owns the forum now? Who has not changed their screen name in the past year? Whose left swearing they'd never come back but are back now? Whose been banned and then unbanned?

    To say that I've had an "exciting" year would be an extreme understatement.
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevENTj View Post
    Well it's time once again for my once every year or so check-in.

    So who owns the forum now? Who has not changed their screen name in the past year? Whose left swearing they'd never come back but are back now? Whose been banned and then unbanned?

    To say that I've had an "exciting" year would be an extreme understatement.
    what the fuck happened last year? are you the navy seal that killed osama?

    forum owner, idk, but hkkmr has gotten some important job i believe.

    i haven't changed my screen name.

    crazedrat has been a boomerang.

    and korpsey was banned for a long time

    we've got a new top poster nicole

    but calling this last year on the forum an exciting year would be an extreme overstatement

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    Quote Originally Posted by k0rpsey View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    korpsey was banned for a long time
    Guess who requested that, super sleuth?
    I don't know, not me. Though I didn't mind, you were trolling a lot.

    But who did request that?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    But who did request that?
    Here's a pair of hints to stuff under either bill of your deer-stalker: His name starts with a K but it doesn't rhyme with "orange".

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    Quote Originally Posted by k0rpsey View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    But who did request that?
    Here's a pair of hints to stuff under either bill of your deer-stalker: His name starts with a K but it doesn't rhyme with "orange".

  28. #28
    six turnin', four burnin' stevENTj's Avatar
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    Hey stop whoring up my thread with your drama.
    Te-INTp/ILI, my wife: Fi-ISFj/ESI, with laser beam death rays for ESTp/SLEs, lol
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    Quote Originally Posted by k0rpsey View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    But who did request that?
    Here's a pair of hints to stuff under either bill of your deer-stalker: His name starts with a K but it doesn't rhyme with "orange".

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    Pfft... a real ILI superman would camp out in Northern Pakistan.

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    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg View Post
    Pfft... a real ILI superman would camp out in Northern Pakistan.
    do you know how many muslims live in the netherlands?

    I never leave my house without an rpg launcher.

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    Samuel the Gabriel H. MisterNi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazymaisy View Post
    My dual is my best friend. We fight sometimes. Most times not. It's great to fight, cause the making up is grand.

    Point being we have that long standing relationship thing, happy with each other, comfortable with each other. We feel "normal" with each other.

    Thing is I don't feel normal when I compare myself to others, I always had such a unique marginal feeling to who I was, which is who I am, but with my dual, I'm normal. That's an easy way to put it into words.
    Yeah, I think that's how people typically describe duality relationships which is why it's pretty sought after. Although just being practical and pragmatic, the less ideal relationships can be perfectly fine as well which is the point I think Steve was trying to make.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post

    do you know how many muslims live in the netherlands?

    I never leave my house without an rpg launcher.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MisterNi View Post
    Yeah, I think that's how people typically describe duality relationships which is why it's pretty sought after. Although just being practical and pragmatic, the less ideal relationships can be perfectly fine as well which is the point I think Steve was trying to make.
    Pretty much.

    Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold
    An ILI at rest tends to remain at rest
    and an ILI in motion is probably not an ILI
    LOL according to that I'm probably an LIE then like everybody thinks, in which case my ESI wife is a dual anyways.
    Te-INTp/ILI, my wife: Fi-ISFj/ESI, with laser beam death rays for ESTp/SLEs, lol
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    Duals are "better" mostly because they don't share the same I-E axis. If someone doesn't really care about that, identical or activity relationships can flourish with relative ease.
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