I don't really mind writing, even if it's for school(I like it at home for myslef as a form of expression). However, if I had a choice between writing and math of any sorts you wouldn't catch me dead choosing math. The only time it gets to me is when the assignment allows virtually no crativity. I guess you could say I don;t really care for report-like assignments. The main thing that I usually get off on papers is mispellings I missed, or, when we have to write formally, I forget and use contractions even though I've been constantly warned agains it. About the procrastination, I procrastinate on everything..... math, LA, regardless. Though, following in suit with the last thing I said, I'll do the LA first if I have both for HW (best for last my ass).

Also, I'm curious as to where you heard it's difficult to read books by your quasi-identical... I have doubt in me that it would be difficult for me to read an INFJ book. Just wondering.