View Poll Results: MERK

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  • ESTp.

    21 77.78%
  • ENTj.

    1 3.70%
  • ISTp.

    3 11.11%
  • ESTj.

    2 7.41%
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    I've been waiting for you Satan's Avatar
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    Mercutio, the trickster.
    Last edited by Satan; 08-04-2008 at 03:22 PM.

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    liveandletlive's Avatar
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    i think he's estp
    ESFp-Fi sub
    6w7 sx/so/sp

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    I've been waiting for you Satan's Avatar
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    Hey Glam, haven't seen you around in a while. Where've you been?

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    So 3 to 1 ESTp currently. When did everyone start deciding that I was ESTp.?

    And Glam weren't you saying ISTp. Could you expand?

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    This one isn't! It's funny.

    In school he is irritated by the lightness of the training process and how the teachers sometimes try to behave with him as with a child. At the age of thirteen, he can quite honestly confess that he "on reason" feels himself to be forty years old.

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    He avoids frank conversations "on the soul" in every way possible. God forbid he accidentally give out some information about himself! If someone attempts to make him participate|involve, or even asked "How are you?" out of courtesy, it can appear as an insidious attempt to climb into his soul. In this situation Zhukov instantly gives sharp and fierce rebuffs|responses, which in most cases are adequate only to imaginary danger, but not reality.

    I used to tell people to go fuck themselves. Does that count? Now I'm juts good or not bad.

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    When people ask him for help in the correct form, he will never turn them down. Moreover, he will apply maximum efforts to take successful measures for the solution of their problems.

    That's knid of right.

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    In the entire course of his life he evaluates all events from the position of the vector "weaker" -- "stronger", and his movement is always aimed|focused only at the [side of force|side effect]. Any, even a seeming attempt at his authority and influence is met with immediate and strong rebuff. Always seeking to evade any dependence, he considers even love as an attempt on his freedom.

    That last bit is true. Anti-dependence. Apparently I don't like to rely on other people. (I'd rather use than rely; even if it's kind of similar)

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    Always aspires to the state of internal steadiness and sincere comfort. But when there are no close people capable of supporting him, he is especially inclined to spiritual torments, the search for the essence of the objective world: "I am afraid of something, something [unsettles me|pulling me from the track]. But what?" It is hard to understand themselves, their desires. He tries to avoid introspection -- this only depletes him, but gives him nothing. Here is the area where the greatest fears of the Zhukov lies. He does not know himself, but because of the objective qualities of his nature, is inclined to think of himself in this case as worse than he actually is.

    I suppose that's true. It's easier to bounce off other people.

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    The other thing I was going to rise is that a lot of people in the chat seem to have the idea that I show Se.

    And the reason is that I can be kind of crazy, irrational, and have a kind of "fuck you" attitude at times. To me this doesn't necessarily show power -

    It shows my need to have responses from people.

    I remember when I was young, I was always trying to get responses out of people so that I could tell how they were feeling.

    Like, sometimes I just needed to push people, to know whether they would stand for it or not.

    I went through a period of time, of being kind of constantly difficult. The thing is, that although I was difficult I was quite level. People became accustomed to it - and would even say things like that they knew what to expect. And that because I abused everybody, they didn't take it personally when I abused them, et cetera.

    Although at the same time, people said that I could piss them off more than anybody else could piss them off. Like they'd talk about "other people" like other people would do something, or say something. And they'd get a pissed off. I'd do something and they'd immediately be pissed off. Like I'd push peoples buttons. And then I'd get bored, and lay off them for a while, only to suddenly push their buttons when they weren't expecting it.

    Which made some people feel like they had to be on guard all the time. Because I might suddenly attack them. And although they understood that I was just "exposing" them, they didn't feel like they had a choice whether or not they were "exposed" and sometimes they'd wish that I'd just leave them alone for a while so that they could get some "peace and quiet".

    Which meant that sometimes people would try to distract me. Like I was a little kid. If I was kept distracted then I wouldn't be such a problem.

    Although at the same time sometimes people would kind of enthusastically say about things that I'd done for other people, when there became quite a few people with problems with me, and how I'd always treated them well. And was always there for them, and that they don't even need to say they have a problem, I'll just suddenly appear out of nowhere, and resolve situations.

    Now the thing is - I often seemed to see doubt in people, and would want to involve myself in things. I used to not only see people as "weak and helpless", but I'd say they were weak and helpless. Sometimes I would only help someone if they were to admit verbally that they were weak and helpless. But it's like they'd want to run their voice too long. It's like they'd try and get it over and done with quickly. Like they couldn't slowly say it, and voice would rush. And I'd tell them to talk slower. And sometimes it's like people would get really stormy, and be like "ARE YOU GOING TO HELP ME OR NOT?" and then be like "If you're not going to help me, then I'll find someone else who can" and I'd point at someone and be like they'll help you. And then the other person would try to help them, and then the person would be like "FUCK YOU, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE" and I'd be like "If you're going to treat me like that then I'm not going to help you" and they'd be like "LOOK I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK, YOU'RE A SELFISH EGOTISTICAL ASSHOLE" and I'd be like "Hey, .. Do you have a problem?" and they'd be like "LOOK MAYBE THIS IS SOME KIND OF GAME TO YOU BUT NOT EVERYBODY FINDS IT FUNNY. AND I'M NOT GOING TO DO WHAT YOU TELL ME TO" and I'd be like "If you want my help, you have to play by my rules. If you don't want my help, then ask someone else".

    Anyway, it's like sometimes people would get really stormy, on simple requests like to "follow a protocol" and would get really loud and aggressive, and then say that I was the one who was an asshole." And sometimes conflict levels in other people would get pretty high. And I'd have to kind of wait for them to diminish a bit. And people would be told that they were on their own. And sometimes I'd kind of show them someone else who was always kind and reasonable, and how they got preferential treatment. And were harmonious. And this other person would kind of seemingly not want to even play by simple rules.

    Anyway, by conflict resolution wasn't always that great. And sometimes it bothered some people who would want the conflict to end. And sometimes people would kind of tell me to go easy on certain people. And it'd seem like I'd get blamed for someone else not treating me well. Like it was my fault that they were being unreasonable. And that I should be more "careful" with what I said.

    But the thing is, I would actually work to make sure I didn't have to be careful with people. I'd *START* off by being really rough, really abrasive, and difficult with them. Then I'd ease up on them after a while.

    And so then I'd find that sometimes I'd make people more than slightly uncomfortable at first, and someone would go and tell them that I was hard on new people. And that it gets easier, and so forth.

    And it's like they'd fix up my relationships slightly. The thing is, *I* wouldn't go and fix them up. Someone else would. And sometimes it's like other people would notify me of people who had some minor complaint with me or something, that wouldn't come to me, and resolve it. And I had to go to them. But I wasn't even paying attention to them. But someone else had noticed who had problems with me, what the problems were etc. And it's like I just had to go and deal with that one little problem.

    And then people would advise me things like: After a fight or arguement, don't go up to some people immediately. Wait a while for feelings to cool. And then they'll be more ammendable.

    Wait? Cool?

    Apparently situations would get too hot. And there was a time and place and so forth, and sometimes I'd just want to act now. And they'd kind of "reassure" me that everything would work out. And that I don't have to jump to action. And then me in my spitefulness would be like "I'm going to go deal with it now" and then it'd be like someone would nearly fucking punch me. And I'd be like trying to resolve the conflict. And other people would say that things were getting out of hand. And I'd say they were fine. And they'd try to get in the way. And I'd be like "I just want to get it out of the way" and sometimes people would kind of say that I liked to "resolve" things. And that other people aren't always ready. And it's like people would chatter amongst themselves. And I'd find myself feeling kind of alienated.

    And then sometimes I'd withdraw to people I felt comfortable with. And someone would say something like "Are you ready to listen?" and I'd be like "No", and they'd be like "Well when you're ready to listen just tell me. Because I have something to say to you". And I'd be like just ignoring them slightly for a little while. And then it's like other people would be talking, and it'd feel a bit distant. And I'd be like "What was it you had to say" and they'd be like "Oh, I forgot" and I'd be like "You had something to say." and they'd be like "It wasn't important", and then I'd be like "If it wasn't important why did you raise it", and they'd be like "oh nothing, and then they'd start talking about something else, not very interesting, or anything" and I'd be like look at their eyes. And they'd be like "Do I have your attention" and I'd be like "What do you have to say" - and they'd go into it and we'd have a good discussion, and then other people would join in. And then it's like suddenly all the chaos had gone away.

    Anyway - that kind of withholding was pretty common with me. And it's like I kind of settled slowly. And yet I expected to settle quickly. I kind of had the attitude that I should be able to immediately change from one thing to the next. But that wasn't always the case.

    Also, that thing of "Oh, I forgot" or "It's not important" etc was common too. And me wanting to probe a bit. The thing is - generally if I was kind of angry - or aggressive - they'd kind of not respond. Until I'd "calmed down". It's like they wanted me to be able to listen before they'd speak. And it's like I would listen, in the right situation, or given the right moment. But I often wouldn't listen when immediately going into a situation.

    And so it's like someone would say something to me, and I wouldn't hear it. Someone would try talking to me, and I didn't notice they were talking to me. And sometimes I'd try and teach people to use normal manners, to make sure they had my attention before talking to me. Like use my name. Wait for me to pay attention to them etc. But it's like some people wanted to start talking straight away. And before the time it just didn't work.

    Lah lah - I'm ranting on now. And it's late. I oughta sleep.

    I've decided I need to seriously determine what my type is now. I can listen now

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    4 to 1, the odds are against me.

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    I suppose weird interactions make it clearer.

    I remember having strange encounters with girls from when I was young, where there'd be things like they had a premise that I "didn't care what people thought of them" and they'd be like "You don't care what people think of you, do you?" and I'd be like "Why would I care what people thought of me?" and they'd be like "Most people care what other people think of them" and I'd be like "I'm not most people" and they'd be like "I'm going to test it" and they'd suddenly disappear off, and they'd be like back again later, and be like "Did you miss me?" and I'd be like "I don't even know who you are, how can I miss you?" and they'd be like "Well, if someone goes away, and you like them, then when they come back .." and I'd be like "You weren't here for long enough" and they'd be like "Are you trying to help me" and I'd be like, Well, I want to know if you care what people think of you" and I'd be like "Why don't you just ask them" and they'd be like "I don't know. It doesn't matter" and I'd be like "If you want to know the answer to a question. Just ask it." and they'd be like "I like this way better" and then they'd be like "You should ask me a question" and I'd be like "Like what?" and they'd be like "Anything." and I'd be like "I don't care" and they'd be like "You don't care about me" and they'd scurry off. And I'd be like "What?" and then they'd disappear for a while, and be like "Did you miss me?" and I'd be like "I still don't know who you are" and they'd be like "You remember?" and then I'd be like "Remember what" and they'd be like losing their words. And I'd be like "I know who you are" and they'd be like "I thought you'd forgotten" and stuff.

    And it's like I often found, especially when I was young, that lots of girls tended to play with me in strange ways. And I seemed to run into quite a few girls that wanted to be like "Did you miss me?" and I'd be thinking. Every time I met them, they'd be like "Do you miss me", "You missed me", "I missed you" etc and I'd be like wanting to increase directness. but they'd be like wanting me to pay attention, and show them that I was aware of them when they weren't around. And liked having them around and stuff. And it's like they were always trying to get me to *show* them that I wanted them around. And wanted to test that I'd been paying attention to them and shit.

    Anyway, with all of this, sometimes I'd suddenly be like "fuck you", and they'd stand back a bit. And be like "Are you trying to get rid of me?" "If you want me to leave just say so".

    And I'd be like "What the fuck do you want." and they'd try and settle me down, and I'd be like "Don't just keep coming and going. Either stick around, or leave" and they'd be like "I'm not sure" " I can't make my mind up" etc etc. . And I'd want to push them to either stick around or not.

    The thing is, ESPECIALLY when I was young. I used to default to wanting girls not around. Whenever I was troubled, or things weren't working out for me etc. I'd always be pushing away. And yet before that I'd often been quite reasonable. And they'd be taken back by it. They'd try and say things like "I thought we were friends" and I'd be like "I don't have any friends" and they'd try and tell me who my friends were, and how I had more friends than them and so on. And I'd be like "Just get the fuck out of here" and they'd look all sad and disheartened. And I'd be like something. Anyway, then some guy would inadvertently come up, and try "resolving" the situation. Of how I'd say such and such to such and such. And how I don't know how to treat girls and shit. And they'd try and muscle their way in. And I'd be like "give it a rest" and, then later the girl would come back and be like. "Don't mind ... .. he was only trying to help" and try and tell me about how bad I'd made them feel, and how others took pity on them. And how they really can't expect much from me. And so on. .. Like total guilt tripping. And then they'd try and say how I was "better" and that the other guy wasn't that great and so forth. And I'd be like, I don't want to be involved. And then they'd go all cold on me.

    And I'd feel *better*.

    But anyway, I've often been rather cynical about girls. Distrustful. Skeptical. Cautious etc.

    And from what I can make out about ExTp's is they seem to be much more optimistic about relationships etc. Whereas I seem to be quite bitter. It's like, I *start* pessimistic, and cynical.

    And often it seems a lot of other guys are more optimistic than me. More positive. Etc etc.

    Whereas for me, it seems like I'm more negative. And girls I have got along well with, often I haven't really been that positive with. It's like I've been kind of contemptuous, and held rather a low opinion. And so it's like in a way, I'm going to be down, and they're up, for a while, until they go down, and then I try and make them up and blah balh ..

    But anyway, so I was thinking, if I'm really extroverted, and perceiving then I should be POSITIVE. And I should hold higher opinions. But I really hate it when things don't turn out well lah lah .

    Anyway, it seems that often what technique has been employed, is being receptive, and trying to diminish negative, increase positive etc. And other kind of techniques, to kind of try and make things a little more level, reasonable etc. And then BLATANTLY IGNORING some negative streaks etc.

    And it's like, somehow some kind of plato is reached.

    Anyway is that ExTp behaviour or LIE behaviour or SLI behaviour or what? Hangon,

    Isn't ISTp meant to be harsh,and a serial killer? I've had people tease me about being a serial killer before. That must make it true. I must be ISTp.


    It's 4:00 am, I better get to bed.

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    Oh, and apparently I overwhelm people sometimes too. I'm not sure how or why

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    And it goes 5 to 1, ESTp to ESTj. And NO-ONE has even said ENTj currently. It used to be about half-half.

  16. #16
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    I think you're ESTp. And I like you.
    maybe a saint is just a dead prick with a good publicist
    maybe tommorow's statues are insecure without their foes
    go ask the frog what the scorpion knows

  17. #17
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    I also do monologues when no one is talking back to me.

    surviving without others rock!

    I read the SLE descriptions yesterday and I couldnt finish it because of the "she" and "her". You say someone changed it ? Who?!

    edit; after coming through half of post #14 I thought : "Man this guys sounds like a serial killer" Then you wrote others have said that to you so now it looks like I don't have any original thoughts at all but...

    From what you wrote, and from what I know from SLE's is that they are, from afar at least, happy and like smiling and optimistic and not like you described yourself.. but I also think that a SLE could act the way you did. You sound like you at least got some kinda good attention, from strange girls I admit, but that girl that defended you and shit. That must have been nice. So your kind of lousy () behaviour payed off. And when you said you didn't want to be involved you always kept the initiative and you never put yourself in a place of weakness but one of "power". And that is a key word in every SLE descriptions.

    You got a pic for VI?
    Last edited by Darkstar; 08-05-2008 at 12:52 AM.

  18. #18
    I've been waiting for you Satan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkstar View Post
    I also do monologues when no one is talking back to me.

    surviving without others rock!

    I read the SLE descriptions yesterday and I couldnt finish it because of the "she" and "her". You say someone changed it ? Who?!
    No idea - go track them down.

    edit; after coming through half of post #14 I thought : "Man this guys sounds like a serial killer" Then you wrote others have said that to you so now it looks like I don't have any original thoughts at all but...
    Hmm, not everyone says I'm a serial killer. I think it's kind of like a joke.

    From what you wrote, and from what I know from SLE's is that they are, from afar at least, happy and like smiling and optimistic and not like you described yourself.. but I also think that a SLE could act the way you did. You sound like you at least got some kinda good

    attention, from strange girls I admit, but that girl that defended you and shit. That must have been nice. So your kind of lousy () behaviour payed off. And when you said you
    Oh lots of girls used to defend me. It was kind of funny. Because some girls would have problems, others would defend me. And I'd just be sitting back.

    didn't want to be involved you always kept the initiative and you never put yourself in a place of weakness but one of "power". And that is a key word in every SLE descriptions.
    I suppose I can be a bit uncomfortable about weakness. That's normal for me though.

    You got a pic for VI?

  19. #19
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    Well you have this unsympthetic vibe that makes you scary serial killerish

    Are you never happy? Haven't there been a girl whose smile would make your day and dominates your whole thinking world.

    After you have seen or heard from her you are all energized and run around doing random shit, like hitting peoples shoulder for no reason or climbing a tree or wahtever??

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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkstar View Post
    Well you have this unsympthetic vibe that makes you scary serial killerish
    What is sympathy. Would you like to constantly go around berating you, about how much I care about you, until you tell me to shut up and leave you alone . Or would you rather I just ignore your plights. Words are just words I can say anything I like.

    I can say that I love you, I can say that I hate you. Without even knowing your name.

    People can dig their own holes.

    I suppose I must give off an unsympathetic vibe. As I've had people say that they should know better than to expect sympathy from me. I'm more honest than sympathetic. And BTW, in moments like that I've said that people should ask for sympathy if they want it.

    It's not really something to be taken for granted with me. It's like if someone says they want me to be sympathetic towards them. I can be more sympathetic. But otherwise I'll just act naturally, and how I feel. And I don't normally feel like being sympathetic, unless I don't like someone and want to minimise their impact.

    Are you never happy? Haven't there been a girl whose smile would make your day and dominates your whole thinking world.
    I'm always bitter and twisted. Nah, I'm happy sometimes. I like it when I get what I want. I like it when things go my way. It's just that when things don't go my way, I start getting a bit edgy. I used to have problems with blaming other people - I'd be like it's your fault I'm in a bad mood. You're the reason for all my woes.

    There have been girls that have had profound emotional impacts on me. But it's transient.

    And in a way I'm concerned about stability. I don't like "unknowns". I don't like it when people come and go, when people are wavering. I like it when people say they're on my side. Or they say that they're not on my side.

    And it's okay either way. But if someone sides with an enemy of mine they're not my friend.

    And I'm pretty black and white.

    After you have seen or heard from her you are all energized and run around doing random shit, like hitting peoples shoulder for no reason or climbing a tree or wahtever??
    Uhh yeah, something like that. Some girls can twist me around quite easily. And it bothers me somewhat. Like how the fuck did they get under my skin.

    I wouldn't say it's a positive thing. Because then the disturbing truth comes out. They're full of issues - and difficulties and complications - and realistically speaking, I'd rather have a more simplistic and predictable reality at the core.

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    How do you really balance that act with a woman, when you on one side she brings you joy, she occupy your head with thoughts of her. She make you feel good. But then you are dependent on her and it will hurt like hell if "you don't get what you want" with her. There will be ups and there will be lows.

    But on the other side, you take distance. You don't think of her, you are not so happy when you talk to her. You don't think of things to do or say to her. You are not dependent of her and if she leaves or tell you she just had a gangbang orgie, it won't really hurt. But you still don't feel that special to her. You don't really respect her or think of much good to you. You might be mean to her and play games.

    The first is the one I often go with, but with the second it is much more chance of "getting" the girl, although it will not be as pleasurable.

    What do you say mercutio? I think you are of a follower of the second side. Let me hear your infinite wisdom.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkstar View Post
    How do you really balance that act with a woman, when you on one side she brings you joy, she occupy your head with thoughts of her. She make you feel good. But then you are dependent on her and it will hurt like hell if "you don't get what you want" with her. There will be ups and there will be lows.
    Life is full of ups and downs, lefts and rights. It's just the way it is. You get used to it. And roll with the punches, or fall down.

    But on the other side, you take distance. You don't think of her, you are not so happy when you talk to her. You don't think of things to do or say to her. You are not dependent of her
    I don't know about you. But I find that I feel better if I don't think about girls, and then are pleasently surprised to see them.

    I prefer to go with whatever comes to mind. Prethinking tends to lead to stiflement.

    and if she leaves or tell you she just had a gangbang orgie, it won't really hurt. But you still
    Yeah, but girls .. You get this don't you .. Girls say things like they just had a gangbang orgie, just to test your reaction. They like to play games. Provoke and distract.

    don't feel that special to her. You don't really respect her or think of much good to you. You might be mean to her and play games.
    So make yourself special. You could always make her depend on you. So that she has no choice but to come to you. Or you can just tell her to fuck off, and go about other things.

    And if girls play games why shouldn't I?

    The first is the one I often go with, but with the second it is much more chance of "getting" the girl, although it will not be as pleasurable.
    I don't see why the first is more pleasurable than the second. It depends how much you require "comfort". I hate "comfort" it makes me feel suffocated. Like it's sucking all the joy out of life.

    I like it when you can really feel like your feelings. Like they're strong enough, to have an impact not this kind of wishy-washy feeling of "it's nice" or "it's okay". I like to FEEL. I like to FEEL like things are REAL. I don't want to feel muted.

    Also, I tend to speak quite negatively as a default. Enough so that when I act "nice" it can make some people suspicious. Like I'm up to something.

    And enough that I can be like "fuck you" to people I know well, and they can be like "Hello". And act as if it's no big deal. Which seems to perturb some people.

    It's like I talk pretty negatively, and promise little. Which means that when I do promise something it means more. And when I talk positive the same.

    Although i hate people who try to push you into "promises" and being "nice" and so forth. Because I find such inauthentic. If you don't like someone you should say so. If someone pisses you off, you should say so. To withhold, and pretend like it's different is rude.

    Although at the same time, I really just don't care about some people. So I don't care if I'm rude. So sometimes it's best just to ignore them.

    I think one thing that motivates me is that I don't want to raise peoples expectations and fall short. I'd rather not raise them, and exceed expectations. So I want to keep people expecting little, and then do more.

    I want to be like "I don't care about you" and instead have people remind me of times that I've "cared" about them. Rather than taking offence at me not caring about them. Does that make sense to you?

    What do you say mercutio? I think you are of a follower of the second side. Let me hear your infinite wisdom.
    Yeah probably.

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    How do you approach strange girls?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkstar View Post
    How do you approach strange girls?
    Slowly. With caution.

    Then I make a sudden move, to guage their reactions.

    Or I'm just like "Who are you?", "What are you doing here?" and try to be receptive.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mercutio View Post


    You're so gay and you don't even like boys.
    Hello, my name is Bee. Pleased to meet you .

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    Zomg, mercutio finally got a vote for LIE!

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    ZOMG you said ZOMG!
    Hello, my name is Bee. Pleased to meet you .

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    It's still 86.67% for SLE though. However, if LSI had been an option I'm not sure what I would have chosen.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bee View Post
    You're so gay and you don't even like boys.
    Whatever! I don't care. I'm so excited today.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy View Post
    Zomg, mercutio finally got a vote for LIE!
    It's always good to see people having a different opinion.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy View Post
    It's still 86.67% for SLE though. However, if LSI had been an option I'm not sure what I would have chosen.
    So you think I could be LSI? What makes you say that.

    I've certainly met people similar to me that are slower, more cautious, heavier, bulkier. Which is the quicker type?

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    gamma nt. critical hateful attitudes does not a beta make.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mercutio View Post
    So you think I could be LSI? What makes you say that.

    I've certainly met people similar to me that are slower, more cautious, heavier, bulkier. Which is the quicker type?
    You're Se + Ti. It's not clear which, but I do think SLE is more likely than LSI. LSI is an option in my opinion though.

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    Gamma NT's are not as physically forceful as mercutio makes himself sound.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Starfall View Post
    When I saw a picture of mercutio he surprisingly didn't VI very much like a SLE (at least not what I perceived to be SLE anyway).

    I probably haven't talked to him as much as Glam has, but from the few interactions I've had with him I thought SLE was a good typing. So far we seem to get along decently enough (though I'm easygoing with most people, so I understand that's probably a crappy reason to believe SLE). I'm still open to the possibility that Merky could be something completely different.
    Yeah, we haven't talked much. I messaged you the other day. Let's chat.

    One thing I've noticed about Merky is that he's good at reading people. It's almost as if he'll try to logically figure people out; he'll study their reactions, then talk about the data he's picked up from the interactions. I found this to be pretty interesting, as I've never talked to somebody who has taken this up to be so much of an art at Merky has. For this reason alone I have a hard time believing Gamma NT.
    I'm not really sure what that points out. But I've always felt like it was best to be aware of things early. I've met other people who read/judge people. And I've noticed that I often just speak my mind than some of them. And that I'm not the only that tends to do that.

    Sometimes I like it when other people judge/read people to. It's like I can see that I'm not the only one with that point of view. It's good when we can alternate and both give out some - not just one person saying a lot and the other person just agreeing.

    I really don't know what types generally do this. But some people that read others tend to a) be quite manipulative, and b) have control issues.

    I myself - try to stay away from the dark side. The thing is, if you can read people, you can use it in a beneficial way or a negative way. And in a way - I find that saying how I see things can keep things out in the open.

    Another small observation - notice how in the chats he'll have no problem with impulsively banning people without giving it a second thought, and it's usually for silly reasons. Maybe this could possibly be related to having a Se ego, and Fi PoLR?
    To be honest I like to go with my feelings. It doesn't matter to me if my feelings change from moment to moment. It doesn't matter to me, if sometimes I feel things more strongly than others. If I was to reject my feelings, then I'd feel like I was denying myself of my own humanity.

    Hence when people say that their feelings hold them back, or their feelings motivate them to do this or that. I struggle to have as much problem with it, as if they say that thye "think".

    Some people seem to key into this though; and some people seem to say they "feel" their thoughts, when really it's a "thinking" judgement and not what I'd call a "feeling" judgement.

    It's like to me feelings don't have reasons. Feelings don't have much complexity at all - they just are.

    If you feel like someone is bad. Then they're probably bad. If you like someone is good they're probably good. If you feel like you can't trust someone, you probably can't trust them etc.

    You don't have to rationalise.

    And on that same vein - if someone I like says that they don't like someone. And don't give any reason, then I may speak with them one on one. But I wouldn't want to include them in a group with the person that says that they don't like them. But if the person that says they don't like someone says that they "should" be included. I have to stop and ponder; like "should"; I mean you said you don't like them. And then you want to "should" me on it. Either you like them or you don't like them. So whenever people say things like that they tolerate people, or want to include people to simplify or whatever it can make it hard for me to understand. Because I tend to either like or not like people.

    And so then I get into this mode of - well what do they give you? How do you benefit? What's driving you.

    And so if I don't like someone - then to me it makes sense that they're not around me. If I don't like them, then they probably don't like me. If I don't like them, then I probably will find it hard to respect them. If I don't respect them, then people are probably going to complain about my behaviour towards them etc. And so it's easier for me if they're just not around. Then people don't need to complain about my behaviour. And I can appear "respectful", and so other people can respect me more. And so I gain, they lose. And that's the way it should be.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy View Post
    Gamma NT's are not as physically forceful as mercutio makes himself sound.
    I'm not that forceful. I can't even remember when the last time I got into a serious fight was.

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    Quote Originally Posted by glamourama View Post
    you know what I definitely thought about INTp before and now I'm considering it again, maybe even ENTj because of his seemingly more extroverted lifestyle.

    can't change my vote now, but at least I will voice my disagreement with the Beta ST typing for him.
    Thankyou glam. It's good to see someone not wanting to just go along with what everyone else is doing. And can take their own path. With their own judgement.

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    Quote Originally Posted by heath View Post
    gamma nt. critical hateful attitudes does not a beta make.
    I'm not really that critical, or hateful. I'm actually pretty positive. Maybe you see more of my negative moods here, because I haven't got anyone to raise my mood around.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy View Post
    You're Se + Ti. It's not clear which, but I do think SLE is more likely than LSI. LSI is an option in my opinion though.
    So you're not sure if Se or Ti is stronger. You are sure that Se and Ti show heavily, though?

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    Quote Originally Posted by mercutio View Post
    I'm not that forceful. I can't even remember when the last time I got into a serious fight was.
    I don't mean violent, more like... you have a strong physical presence, and you like to make your physical presence felt. You also like to test people's reactions to your physical presence by making sudden moves and whatnot.

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