Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post
Can someone convince me that I don't "experience," for example, Fe..? If someone can do that, I can't say I disagree with much of what's been said here.
What exactly is your impression of what Fe is? There's a lot of assumptions that are thrown around on this forum trying to stereotype certain behavior that is considered normal for all people as Fe, thus the misconception. No wonder people have been believing that they experience their non-quadra functions, because a lot of those functions have been defined very poorly. They have been defined as overly specific and concrete behavioral traits that when people see them they say "I do that in my life", then they identify with the function. Heck, I have very strong convictions/morals over certain things, so maybe I'm ENFp instead of ENTp lol . Out of the socionics functions, probably Ne and Ti have been defined the best, and even those definitions aren't that great.

Quote Originally Posted by JuJu
Steve--what you're addressing here is useful as a way to discern someone's correct type, i.e. analyzing functional preferences... Yeah, that's good. If ppl did it more, they would become better at typing IMO.
I wish they did lol.