Quote Originally Posted by Reficulris View Post
@lungs: I usually don't want to be the wet blanket where humor is involved, but:

If we made a thread "laugh about female rights" would you make a thread again asking if it's personal? ( i wasn't involved in the thread and I disagreed with the statements that spawned it, but this thread makes your other one kinda hypocritical...)
Sorry, but this just kinda disappoints me, if you want to be taken serious about gender issues, it doesn't really fly to make fun of the other "party". There's a lot of bullshit in MR, but there's the same in feminism.
I'm not certain you'd be all that happy with a "fun pictures about idiot ideas feminists have, it's strawmanning AND not constructive to the problem.
this thread is the counterpart to the constant feminism bashing that already occurs in the chatbox. i thought this was obvious.