Yeah I'm skeptical of this. I think it's more about what type of values your parents instilled in you not your 'personality.' There's also a thing where a lot of people ((especially Non-Jewish Christians)) are raised to believe that you can have morality and you can have money but you can't have both. Since a lot of people would rather be Christ's children but poor than be wealthy but evil, it's understandable. A lifetime being rewarded by Satan for material things but the price is being tortured in Hell for eternity, it doesn't seem worth it.

John Waters makes a good point by saying there are poor people who are assholes too, but a lot of us were raised that the root of all evil is money (or the love of money, whatever - people like to say that as if the misunderstanding actually means anything but I think it's rather irrelevant in the grand scheme of things) and many/most? people don't really want to be evil assholes or have other people look at them like they are evil assholes.

A grimdark campy example of this might be the wealthy pedophile Mason Verger in the Hannibal series. Of course very wealthy Cthulhu Demons such as Prah always like to pretend that they got there being morally superior than everybody else but people can usually see through the narcissism that entails. @Coeruleum Blue

It's not type related, I'm close friends with a Jewish IEI celebrity who is filthy rich and obviously his stereotypical Jewish heritage makes him wealthy a lot more than his type - and it's really because he wasn't really raised with those kind of victimy goyim Christian morals. What about the LIE on here who wasn't that rich but was an EMT for awhile? The annual salary for an average EMT looks pretty average to me but what would I know, I'm just a loser Te Polr IEI. According to douchebags on this site.