You disapprove of that duality?

Well, INTps are always criticizing, always down. Irrationally so, in my opinion. ESFps are the opposite, always reaching, pushing compliments, sexual implications. ESF / INT relationship is pretty clear to me, especially in terms of survivial, and duality in general. There is a strong sense of balance there, in my opinion. The p types fit together, and the j types also fit together, it seems.

The ENTp saps away all my confidence, so I really have to work on rebuilding myself around.

Thats' about power:
Again, I was being hyperbolic in a jocial tone. I do believe it is a sort of power trip, and I understand where you are coming from. I agree with you. But I've also noticed, that, at least in this one case, sexuality has been so incorperated into her existence that is a means of dealing with things. Less thinking, mor feeling, doing. But that's nothing profound, in regards of making an observation about someone.

SHe's feminine, but like...... in the movie star way, of being fake. Where as the xsfj seems more a naturally feminine.

I'm a rush..... so this probably wasn't as clearas it could be
more later