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Thread: Examples of IEIs (INFps)

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    &papu silke's Avatar
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    Just stumbled upon another example - Sri Aurobindo, IEI-Fe, Indian activist and guru. -

    "The central theme of Aurobindo's vision was the evolution of human life into life divine. He wrote: "Man is a transitional being. He is not final. The step from man to superman is the next approaching achievement in the earth evolution. It is inevitable because it is at once the intention of the inner spirit and the logic of nature's process." Sri Aurobindo rejected a major conception of Indian philosophy that says that the World is a Maya (illusion) and that living as a renunciate was the only way out. He says that it is possible, not only to transcend human nature but also to transform it and to live in the world as a free and evolved human being with a new consciousness and a new nature which could spontaneously perceive truth of things, and proceed in all matters on the basis of inner oneness, love and light. Aurobindo's writings synthesized Eastern and Western philosophy, religion, literature, and psychology."

    - Care not for time and success. Act out thy part, whether it be to fail or to prosper.

    - Very usually, altruism is only the sublimest form of selfishness.

    - Our actual enemy is not any force exterior to ourselves, but our own crying weaknesses, our cowardice, our selfishness, our hypocrisy, our purblind sentimentalism.

    - Even when one has climbed up into those levels of bliss where pain vanishes, it still survives disguised as intolerable ecstasy.

    - Late, I learned that when reason died, then Wisdom was born; before that liberation, I had only knowledge. What men call knowledge, is the reasoned acceptance of false appearances. Wisdom looks behind the veil and sees.

    - And what is the middle ? Division that strives towards a multiple unity, ignorance that labours towards a flood of varied light, pain that travails towards the touch of an unimaginable ecstasy. For all these things are dark figures and perverse vibrations.

    - Theorist, and trifler though I may be called, I again assert as our first and holiest duty, the elevation and enlightenment of the proletariate: I again call on those nobler spirits among us who are working erroneously, it may be, but with incipient or growing sincerity and nobleness of mind, to divert their strenuous effort from the promotion of narrow class interests, from silly squabbles about offices and salaried positions, from a philanthropy laudable in itself and worthy of rational pursuit, but meagre in the range of its benevolence and ineffectual towards promoting the nearest interests of the nation, into that vaster channel through which alone the healing waters may be conducted to the lips of their ailing and tortured country.

    - What is the use of only knowing? I say to thee, Act and be, for therefore God sent thee into this human body. What is the use of only being? I say to thee, Become, for therefore wast thou established as a man in this world of matter.

    - The Atheist is God playing at hide and seek with Himself; but is the Theist any other? Well, perhaps; for he has seen the shadow of God and clutched at it.

    - There is no mortality. It is only the Immortal who can die; the mortal could neither be born nor perish. There is nothing finite. It is only the Infinite who can make for Himself limits; the finite can have no beginning nor end, for the very act of conceiving its beginning and end declares its infinity.

    - Genius discovers a system; average talent stereotypes it till it is shattered by fresh genius.

    Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin, IEI-Fe so/sx, one of the main theorists and leaders of Bolshevik party. His essays such as "Imperialism and World Economy" had a lot of influence on Lenin (SLE-Ti). The two of them became intellectual companions. He was also close with Stalin, but eventually he was sentenced and executed under Stalin's order.

    - History moves in contradictions. The skeleton of historic existence, the economic structure of society, also develops in contradictions. Forms eternally follow forms. Everything has only a passing being. The dynamic force of life creates the new over and over again — such is the law inherent in reality. — Imperialism and World Economy (1917), Ch. 15

    - But to everything in this world there comes an end; there even comes an end to the torments suffered in those intermediate states of transition when the last secret tear of one's soul is bitterly swallowed, and the crisis passes, resolving itself into some new sort of phase, which even as it comes into existence is fated in turn to pass away, to disappear in the eternal changing of the times and seasons. — How It All Began : The Prison Novel, one of Bukharin's final works while in prison, as translated by George Shriver, (1998), Ch.8

    - We see now that infringement of freedom is necessary with regard to the opponents of the revolution. At a time of revolution we cannot allow freedom for the enemies of the people and of the revolution. That is a surely clear, irrefutable conclusion. — Programme of the World Revolution (1918), Ch. VII

    - Lenin about Bukharin: "Speaking of the young C.C. members, I wish to say a few words about Bukharin and Pyatakov. They are, in my opinion, the most outstanding figures (among the youngest ones), and the following must be borne in mind about them: Bukharin is not only a most valuable and major theorist of the Party; he is also rightly considered the favourite of the whole Party, but his theoretical views can be classified as fully Marxist only with great reserve, for there is something scholastic about him (he has never made a study of the dialectics, and, I think, never fully understood it). — Vladimir Lenin, Last Testament, Letter to the Congress (1922), Letter II
    Last edited by silke; 10-27-2013 at 02:44 AM.

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