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Thread: MBTI INFJ, Socionics WTF?

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    Perpetual Confusion Machine PistolShrimp's Avatar
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    Talking MBTI INFJ, Socionics WTF?

    Hi all!

    I've studied MBTI pretty thoroughly, and have decided to look into Socionics a bit to see if it had anything more to offer. I'm not sure if I've determined my type correctly, though! It took me forever to determine my MBTI type, as I'd typed as INTP for years before realizing that something was really off. Where I'm even less familiar with Socionics, I could use some input on my type from people who know what they're talking about.

    EDIT 12/28:

    The two most common guesses for my type in this thread have been LII and SEI. I know I value and , and others have pointed out that I seem to value and . I probably fall somewhere in Alpha because of this, though I still identify with descriptions of IEI, as well. I have changed my description in hopes that the new information will be more helpful in determining my type; new stuff is in purple.

    I am an introvert, and have been since childhood. I'm artsy and cerebral, feel almost equally right and left-brained, and value logic and emotion almost equally. I love researching topics that interest me in great depth, such as alternative heath care, nutrition, psychology, theoretical physics, biology, art, etc., then moving on to a new obsession and doing the same. Ideas don't have to have a practical value to be worth exploring, though it is better if they do. I also enjoy creating art, be it through writing, photography (see this post: or drawing, and I appreciate surreal and psychedelic art the most. I am terrible at any math more complicated than algebra, and also at chemistry and computer science, trivia, chess ( take way too long to think of a move), and team sports.

    Most people I know describe me as cute, smart, nice, funny, and talented.

    I spend my free time reading, writing, volunteering, cooking/baking, going to art and science museums, photographing, walking, playing video and board games, getting drinks with friends, watching live music in small clubs, and playing the ukulele or piano. I used to take pictures constantly, but cut back because I felt that focusing primarily on photographing an experience prevented me from fully enjoying it.

    One of the happiest times of my life was during my last year of college. I was writing a 40-page pilot for an original animated TV series, producing a photojournalism multimedia project on a famous local artist and activist, composing a piece of electronic music from subway sounds, writing arts criticism, and studying the very basic physics of scenes in popular movies all in one semester, all while dating a sweet guy and keeping an active social life. The other happiest time was when I traveled to Iceland on my own to volunteer with a bunch of interesting people from many different countries. We worked with local gardeners to plant roses and beautify the city parks, and also taught children about recycling. During our free time, we explored the beautiful wilderness, and I was in a constant awe-struck state the whole trip. The people I met were awesome, too!

    I find perception fascinating, and have experimented with hallucinogens and lucid dreaming to alter my own.

    It's not very easy for me to think "outside of the box," but I can definitely do it if I try. Most of the time, however, I tend to adopt points of view that I hear/read about and agree with instead of coming up with my own. I love when someone or something basically yanks my perspective in a new direction.

    My thoughts are rather chaotic and nebulous most of the time, and can cause serious anxiety. I get them under control by going for long walks while listening to music, or by journaling. I am healthier and happier when I am not left alone with my thoughts for too long and I am out and about doing something.

    I try to take no one for granted and want to understand them as best as I can. It's hard for me to take what people say at face value, which is why dating my ILE boyfriend was confusing at first; I kept trying to wring deeper meanings out of his words, when none were there. Incredibly refreshing!

    I also actively challenge pretty much every social norm and conventional wisdom imaginable, though I feel uncomfortable when I do so. For example, I was thinking about the divorce rate and level of cheating that occurs, and realized that monogamy may not be as natural as American culture tells me it is, then read books and articles that confirmed my suspicion. I became very upset for a while because I couldn't easily reconcile this new knowledge with my existing views of love and relationships, and I almost wished I'd never read those books.

    I am sarcastic, and have been told I'm hilarious by quite a few people of many different types. I love people who can cheer me up with a good laugh, as I tend to be a bit negative. If I get into a funk I will eventually snap out of it and realize how ridiculous I'm being, though sometimes it takes someone else to point out that I'm being lame first.

    I'm usually the one in my small group of friends to initiate plans, only because it seems like no one else wants to deal with the details of setting up a time/place to meet that works for everyone, but I don't mind doing this. Maintaining relationships is very important to me, though I'm not nearly as strong in this area as I'd like to be (so-instinct last?). In my romantic relationships, I feel fulfilled when we intimately share our thoughts and ideas about life, there is plenty of cuddling and sex, and we experience new things together. I appreciate intelligence, creativity, warmth, optimism, adventurousness, curiosity and honesty the most in a significant other.

    Here is a video I made for an MBTI forum(complete with derp-face thumbnail):

    Here's another I made for this forum:

    Any hints as to what type I am? Thanks in advance for any help!
    Last edited by PistolShrimp; 10-24-2014 at 03:06 AM.

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    Any reason she's not ILI?

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    right off the bat without getting too in-depth yet, i will say that you should hold off assigning socionic types to people in your life until you figure your own socionic type out. To figure your socionic type you should start getting familiar with the socionic information elements and how they manifest. Right now you are "speaking" MBTI lingo and offering up details about yourself that arent necessarily type related (being cerebral, searching for hidden meanings--can be Ni or Fi or Ne depending on which "meanings" you are talking about, being R or L brained, etc). Your topics of interest and how you listed them all there sort of suggest Ne/Si valuing to me actually in that you have all these eclectic, varied interests (Ne) and some of them deal with Si-related material (alternative medicine/health, nutrition, for example). But of course i dont know enough about you to really make the call as of yet. The point of my comments here is that you are already crossing out quadras and stating you relate to alpha/beta values and not gamma/delta values, before you really understand what the values are.

    Socionics is a complex thing to get a handle on, and it's difficult to explain. So try to keep your mind open at least until you have a good foundation in the concepts. I would recommend an open mind after that too
    Enneagram: 9w1 6w5 2w3 so/sx

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    A lot of MBTI is intuitive. Socionics, in contrast, is very logical, containing both factual and philosophical foundations.

    Rick's site is the best place to start.
    Last edited by tcaudilllg; 12-20-2011 at 10:49 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by WorkaholicsAnon View Post
    right off the bat without getting too in-depth yet, i will say that you should hold off assigning socionic types to people in your life until you figure your own socionic type out. To figure your socionic type you should start getting familiar with the socionic information elements and how they manifest. Right now you are "speaking" MBTI lingo and offering up details about yourself that arent necessarily type related (being cerebral, searching for hidden meanings--can be Ni or Fi or Ne depending on which "meanings" you are talking about, being R or L brained, etc). Your topics of interest and how you listed them all there sort of suggest Ne/Si valuing to me actually in that you have all these eclectic, varied interests (Ne) and some of them deal with Si-related material (alternative medicine/health, nutrition, for example). But of course i dont know enough about you to really make the call as of yet. The point of my comments here is that you are already crossing out quadras and stating you relate to alpha/beta values and not gamma/delta values, before you really understand what the values are.

    Socionics is a complex thing to get a handle on, and it's difficult to explain. So try to keep your mind open at least until you have a good foundation in the concepts. I would recommend an open mind after that too
    Sorry, Google won't let me translate MBTIese to Socionish. You're totally right, though! I get carried away when I first start learning something interesting and can jump to conclusions too quickly. So the information I offered wasn't particularly helpful in determining my type? What should I be focusing on instead?

    I'll be sure to keep an open mind, though; I know I'm completely in the dark about this theory so far!

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    You are most certainly one of those dreamy MBTI INFJs. Assuming that the real you can be imported into socionics from the MBTI survey, the question is are you Fi dominate like the INFj of socionics. If you are, the next question is if you are a "judicious" delta, and if not, are you a "decisive" gamma. If you are the gamma type then you are a ISFj in socionics, also called the Gamma ESI.

    I cannot say what you are. But I could take you as being either INFj or ISFj. Socionics sensors are actually cool. They are not the stooges that the MBTI tends to make them.

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    Hi, I've seen your video. You are SEI type. INFj/EII in Socionics is not INFJ in MBTI. You may be MBTI INFJ but thus far all I can say about MBTI is that it's really odd.

    It's the SEI who are particularly keen to sensory receptors from external environments, such things as the way certain things look, feel, are placed, because of this, they make great photographers because photography is an art form which captures certain sensory information like a peaceful pathway and what particular sensations that gives off or portrays.

    I am Fi, INFj/EII. My primary function deals with judging things of the external world to my subjective moral laws. I am a VERY judgmental person and I react very easily to outside matters to my own views and viewpoints according to what I find is right/wrong. I'm not flexible like perceptual types because I don't adapt easily to changing circumstances.
    Last edited by Beautiful sky; 12-22-2011 at 04:16 AM.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    LII/INTj. I find your experience with MBTI hilarious. What kept you from sticking with INTJ (you mentioned getting that result before)?

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    I'm artsy and cerebral, feel almost equally right and left-brained, and value logic and emotion almost equally. I love researching topics that interest me in great depth, such as alternative heath care, nutrition, psychology, theoretical physics, biology, art, etc., then moving on to a new obsession and doing the same. Ideas don't have to have a practical value to be worth exploring, though it is better if they do. I also enjoy creating art, be it through writing, photography or drawing, and I appreciate surreal and psychedelic art the most.
    okay, I can relate to all you said here, and I am a delta INFj (mbti INFP not INFJ, but this result come from some test which are function oriented, this explain that)...

    I identify with both Beta and Alpha values (stereotypes?)
    Probably. Quadra particularity are not to take in a too concrete manner, its more about somewhat "inner semi-conscious motivation/way to act". Other factor, such as cultural/devellopemental one, are to take into account when it come to taste, way to behave, ect (obvious noid is obvious).

    Ive a strong fondness for various type of art, especially expressionism, impressionism, surrealism and psychedelism (last one especially in music, not too much in other form of art). Thats not for this reason I will suddenly become beta tomorrow.

    From the video only I can say SEI is a possibility, from the text I suggest LII, EII or perhaps ILI. But imo you seem a static type > dynamic one. Too, The fact you identify with an intellectual type (especially 6w5) suggest at least no Fe valuing (speak for 6 and wing), and perhaps more extraverted intuition valuing.
    Last edited by noid; 12-21-2011 at 01:51 PM.
    "The final delusion is the belief that one has lost all delusion."

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    Thank you everyone for the help so far! I really appreciate it, as all of this new information is hard for me to digest.

    Quote Originally Posted by Saberstorm View Post
    I cannot say what you are. But I could take you as being either INFj or ISFj. Socionics sensors are actually cool. They are not the stooges that the MBTI tends to make them.
    Oh I don't have that weird sensor prejudice that many people on MBTI fora seem to have; both my parents are definite sensors, and I really admire who they are and what they've accomplished in life. I've always felt like the oddball in our family, though; I kind of get bored with what they find interesting, and vice-versa. Thanks for the input!

    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post
    It's the SEI who are particularly keen to sensory receptors from external environments, such things as the way certain things look, feel, are placed, because of this, they make great photographers because photography is an art form which captures certain sensory information like a peaceful pathway and what particular sensations that gives off or portrays.

    I am Fi, INFj/EII. My primary function deals with judging things of the external world to my subjective moral laws. I am a VERY judgmental person and I react very easily to outside matters to my own views and viewpoints according to what I find is right/wrong. I'm not flexible life perceptual types because I don't adapt easily to changing circumstances.
    Hi, thanks for watching my video. I don't relate to at all and sounds a lot more like me, so that helps to narrow things down. I like making others feel something, and I wear my feelings on my face; if I'm feeling down or freaking out inside, no matter how I try to hide it, others can tell. Not sure I'm SEI, though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    LII/INTj. I find your experience with MBTI hilarious. What kept you from sticking with INTJ (you mentioned getting that result before)?
    Haha yeah, MBTI is a mess so I decided to focus on cognitive functions to determine my type and realized that I'm not as strong with as I'd like to be. What I'd assumed was I came to think was actually , hence the INFJ MBTI result. Also, I'm absolutely terrible at math and computer science.

    Quote Originally Posted by noid View Post
    From the video only I can say SEI is a possibility, from the text I suggest LII, EII or perhaps ILI. But imo you seem a static type > dynamic one. Too, The fact you identify with an intellectual type (especially 6w5) suggest at least no Fe valuing, and perhaps more extraverted intuition valuing.
    Whoa wait what is static vs. dynamic now? I have so much to leeearrrrnnn! Also, how does 6w5 suggest no Fe? I thought Enneatype is unrelated to cognitive functions.

    Last edited by PistolShrimp; 12-21-2011 at 06:26 PM.

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    Also, I'm not sure I'm understanding properly, either. I mean, who doesn't like pleasurable activities? How would I know how skillfully I produce or experience them?

    I get incredibly bored with repetitive activities such as the stuff I do at my bakery job (putting cookies on trays, dipping hundreds of cookies in chocolate, etc.), but time goes fast while I'm doing them because I get into a "zone."

    I also enjoy debating with people about issues I care about for fun, something that types are described as averse to, though I immediately tense up if other people are fighting and try to get them to chill out.

    I'm also acutely aware of how I'm feeling physically a lot of the time, sit and sleep in weird but comfy positions etc., but when I get really into researching something or talking to somebody in depth, I can go without eating or sleeping for a long time and not really realize it.

    I get annoyed when I see people eating garbage because I know they're mucking up their bodies, and try to get my loved ones to eat better.

    Is any of this ?
    Last edited by PistolShrimp; 12-21-2011 at 03:44 PM.

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    I suggest you read some info from (the static/dynamic stuff was not really a serious info to take into account, thats hard to set stuff in stone for this dichotomie. That was just an impression.), simple source organized like wikipedia.

    At this moment from 2 last post my guess is most likely delta NF; I dont think you are Ni, and thats not for trolling current typing. But you should wait other opinion, Im not the boss of socionic typing

    Also, how does 6w5 suggest no Fe?
    Because (and thats subject to debate but thats my opinion) 6 are most often ESI (ISFj) and EII (INFj), and thats said from various source that 6 is a Fi enneatype (wikisocion, some enneagram description, ect...).
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    Quote Originally Posted by PistolShrimp View Post
    Also, I'm not sure I'm understanding properly, either. I mean, who doesn't like pleasurable activities? How would I know how skillfully I produce or experience them?

    I get incredibly bored with repetitive activities such as the stuff I do at my bakery job (putting cookies on trays, dipping hundreds of cookies in chocolate, etc.), but time goes fast while I'm doing them because I get into a "zone."
    That sounds sorta Ne-like to me. I dont know if Si-egos also feel that too or not.

    I also enjoy debating with people about issues I care about for fun, something that types are described as averse to, though I immediately tense up if other people are fighting and try to get them to chill out.
    No i dont think that's anti-Si... that last part about tensing up when people are fighting though does ring alpha/delta bells for me.

    I'm also acutely aware of how I'm feeling physically a lot of the time, sit and sleep in weird but comfy positions etc., but when I get really into researching something or talking to somebody in depth, I can go without eating or sleeping for a long time and not really realize it.
    First part sounds Si-dom. Last part sounds Ne.

    I get annoyed when I see people eating garbage because I know they're mucking up their bodies, and try to get my loved ones to eat better.
    This def sounds Si-valuing to me.

    Haven't seen your video yet. will take a look in a little bit if it's still up.
    Enneagram: 9w1 6w5 2w3 so/sx

  14. #14
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    my impression is INTj (LII)

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    Quote Originally Posted by noid View Post
    I suggest you read some info from (the static/dynamic stuff was not really a serious info to take into account, thats hard to set stuff in stone for this dichotomie. That was just an impression.), simple source organized like wikipedia.

    At this moment from 2 last post my guess is most likely delta NF; I dont think you are Ni, and thats not for trolling current typing. But you should wait other opinion, Im not the boss of socionic typing

    Because (and thats subject to debate but thats my opinion) 6 are most often ESI (ISFj) and EII (INFj), and thats said from various source that 6 is a Fi enneatype (wikisocion, some enneagram description, ect...).
    I'm actually realizing my enneatype could be off too, as I've been under serious stress for the past few years that may have thrown my focus onto the anxiety more than anything. I was much less anxious and more confident as a child, but I've been praised for my intelligence by those closest to me so perhaps that's why I identify with a head type. I'll definitely give the static/dynamic stuff a read, sounds interesting!

    Quote Originally Posted by WorkaholicsAnon View Post
    That sounds sorta Ne-like to me. I dont know if Si-egos also feel that too or not.
    No i dont think that's anti-Si... that last part about tensing up when people are fighting though does ring alpha/delta bells for me.
    First part sounds Si-dom. Last part sounds Ne.
    This def sounds Si-valuing to me.
    Haven't seen your video yet. will take a look in a little bit if it's still up.
    Thanks again for the help and patience as I bumble through this stuff, haha.

    I probably haven't provided enough details about what I see as my intuitive side, and have been focusing too much on the sensing side.

    I tend to be able to see the big picture easily. For example, I dislike people eating junk primarily because it tears up their body, but I also am unnerved by how the food system as a whole is negatively affecting the environment, the health care system, the energy crisis, animal rights, etc. I see how the issues with the food system lie at the crux of many other issues, and how things need to change for everyone's sake. I also see how the powers at be prevent that change from occurring, just as other powers have tried to prevent inevitable revolutions in the past. I can't clearly see the future as valuing may suggest, but I get a bad feeling about where things are heading. dom types don't sound like big picture thinkers to me from the descriptions; it sounds like they tend to live more in the moment and focus on details. I can admire that, but I'm not sure if I -do- that.

    I can go toe-to-toe with my ILE guy (the one person I am 100% confident in typing) in the abstract stuff, too. For example, he brought up the subject of multiverses and modal realism, claiming that everything that can exist does exist, and I pointed out that in that case a universe would have to exist where multiverses were impossible, possibly negating the theory. I could clearly envision what he was talking about and pinpoint a problem with it without much thought. I also have no problems with catching his jokes that tend to go way over many other people's heads, and playing off of them.

    I'm currently reading an interesting book about the cycles of history and how they relate to the human life cycle and the cycle of the seasons, and have no trouble understanding it. I'm not sure if this sort of thing would interest an dom but it interests me greatly.

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    You're probably a socionics extratim, maybe ILE or IEE.

    We have a lot of socionics articles translated and hosted here.

    If you typed INTP before, I don't see why you can't be logical.

    Anyways, your description of yourself generally focuses on info that does not deal with your subjective states. You also got imo, kinda of EXXp wavey hands when you're explaining stuff.

    Can't be sure, but I think extratim is good.

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    hey pistolshrimp, i cant find your video... link me?
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    have you given any thought to LII typing; @Pistols&Shrimps ??

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    Quote Originally Posted by WorkaholicsAnon View Post
    hey pistolshrimp, i cant find your video... link me?

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    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    You're probably a socionics extratim, maybe ILE or IEE.

    We have a lot of socionics articles translated and hosted here.

    If you typed INTP before, I don't see why you can't be logical.

    Anyways, your description of yourself generally focuses on info that does not deal with your subjective states. You also got imo, kinda of EXXp wavey hands when you're explaining stuff.

    Can't be sure, but I think extratim is good.
    Awesome, I'll check those articles out now! Thanks for the input on my type, as I haven't really considered the extratim possibility, but I think those are my patented Italian-style Wavey Hands more than anything.

    Quote Originally Posted by Trevor Socionics PhD View Post
    have you given any thought to LII typing; @Pistols&Shrimps ??
    Yes, a little bit. It sounds like me in some descriptions, but I don't feel particularly detached or extremely logical. I tend to react emotionally to situations first, and then realize how my reactions are overblown when I stop to think about things. I don't really relate to all of the talk about systematizing and ordering everything; I do that sometimes, but mostly when I'm stressed and looking for a way out of the hole I've dug myself into. I remember fudging numbers all the time in college science labs because I couldn't be arsed to spend time on something so tedious. I'm a weird hybrid of an artist and a scientist, but I'd rather write than do scientific work.

    I can see my being over in Socionics if involves deep insight, as I'm not really focusing much on the future outside of what I'm anxious about at any given time. However, I am highly aware that "Everything changes and nothing remains still... and... you cannot step twice into the same stream" (Plato); this seems like time-sense to me.

    In general, I feel like my focus is more on people than on logic. For example, a few years back, my best friend's grandmother died, and my friend called me sobbing. I consoled her on the phone because I lived on the opposite side of the country and was hurt that I couldn't be there for her. When I got off of the phone, I made her a batch of her favorite cookies, looked up how to make origami flowers and made her a bunch, then overnighted the package to her house with a sympathy card. Logic would've told me she'd get over it soon enough, that I was broke and shouldn't spend the money on shipping, but I felt compelled to do this anyway.

    I'm sure INTjs are capable of sympathy/empathy, but I'm not if my actions are something an INTj would normally do in such a situation.

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    Quote Originally Posted by PistolShrimp View Post
    Awesome, I'll check those articles out now! Thanks for the input on my type, as I haven't really considered the extratim possibility, but I think those are my patented Italian-style Wavey Hands more than anything.

    Yes, a little bit. It sounds like me in some descriptions, but I don't feel particularly detached or extremely logical. I tend to react emotionally to situations first, and then realize how my reactions are overblown when I stop to think about things. I don't really relate to all of the talk about systematizing and ordering everything; I do that sometimes, but mostly when I'm stressed and looking for a way out of the hole I've dug myself into. I remember fudging numbers all the time in college science labs because I couldn't be arsed to spend time on something so tedious. I'm a weird hybrid of an artist and a scientist, but I'd rather write than do scientific work.

    I can see my being over in Socionics if involves deep insight, as I'm not really focusing much on the future outside of what I'm anxious about at any given time. However, I am highly aware that "Everything changes and nothing remains still... and... you cannot step twice into the same stream" (Plato); this seems like time-sense to me.

    In general, I feel like my focus is more on people than on logic. For example, a few years back, my best friend's grandmother died, and my friend called me sobbing. I consoled her on the phone because I lived on the opposite side of the country and was hurt that I couldn't be there for her. When I got off of the phone, I made her a batch of her favorite cookies, looked up how to make origami flowers and made her a bunch, then overnighted the package to her house with a sympathy card. Logic would've told me she'd get over it soon enough, that I was broke and shouldn't spend the money on shipping, but I felt compelled to do this anyway.

    I'm sure INTjs are capable of sympathy/empathy, but I'm not if my actions are something an INTj would normally do in such a situation.
    No the bolded part actually sounds like a Ti/Fe sort of thing to do. Logic of the Ti variety tells you that's what the thing to do is to console someone, and Fe/Si calls for gifts to lessen the pain with something delicious in the stomach and something pretty to look at.

    In the situation you describe above, what i would say would be a more Fi-ego way of handling it would be to have a therapeutic heart-to-heart conversation. I mean this is not to say delta NFs dont send cookie presents (because they definitely do), but i think it wouldn't be the MAJOR avenue of consoling someone. It would be more of an adjunct. But this could have been what you did too, so you could be delta NF. I guess my best guesses are SEI vs EII. The video is limited by the fact that your glasses hide a key part of your face, and by me not having audio here at work.
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    Quote Originally Posted by PistolShrimp View Post
    you cannot step twice into the same stream" (Plato); this seems like time-sense to me.
    Heraclitus, maybe quoted by Plato.

    Quote Originally Posted by PistolShrimp View Post
    In general, I feel like my focus is more on people than on logic. For example, a few years back, my best friend's grandmother died, and my friend called me sobbing. I consoled her on the phone because I lived on the opposite side of the country and was hurt that I couldn't be there for her. When I got off of the phone, I made her a batch of her favorite cookies, looked up how to make origami flowers and made her a bunch, then overnighted the package to her house with a sympathy card. Logic would've told me she'd get over it soon enough, that I was broke and shouldn't spend the money on shipping, but I felt compelled to do this anyway.
    This is something any person can do, however if this is how you act regularly, then ethical is better, how ever it could just be a girl thing. I'm think you're a intuitive 1st function of some sort so that means IP/EP. I'm thinking Static > Dynamic which means EP, can't really tell if you're logical or ethical.

    Also it's very common for Fe valuing types to give other small gifts as acts of appreciation.

  23. #23


    Without being able to see any pictures/video from work, and just going by what you wrote, you seem very Si valuing. You write in specific details, in a clear, convenience/inconvenience sort of way.

    So Si valuing, I was debating between Alpha vs. Delta, and I'd lean more towards Fe-valuing for you. And I can see the introversion some too, so I can understand why people are suggesting INTj and ISFp.

    The jury's still out. I can also see Fi-ego potentially, the INFj suggestion, and Te-seeking. I can't really see ILI for you at all. Would it be ok if I ask a few more questions to get more info?

    When do you ever exert yourself?

    Do you play sports?

    You're in a cafeteria, and someone steals your lunch. What do you immediately do?

    What type of music do you like?

    What do you do currently for work/school?

    What is your favorite color?


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    Correspondances with MBTI are unclear. Some say IJ = Ij, some say IJ = Ip, others say the systems are simply different.

    If you are indeed Ni-Fe, then you should relate to IEI, and in certain other respects to EII. Hell, you may seem pretty ILE too.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    Heraclitus, maybe quoted by Plato.

    This is something any person can do, however if this is how you act regularly, then ethical is better, how ever it could just be a girl thing. I'm think you're a intuitive 1st function of some sort so that means IP/EP. I'm thinking Static > Dynamic which means EP, can't really tell if you're logical or ethical.

    Also it's very common for Fe valuing types to give other small gifts as acts of appreciation.
    LOL, I knew that; my quote was Plato's remix of Heraclitus, of course. I enjoy giving random pastries from the bakery I work at to family and friends, and would probably get more things for them if I could afford them. I definitely feel more than in general, but the position of vs. is hard to determine.

    Quote Originally Posted by WorkaholicsAnon View Post
    No the bolded part actually sounds like a Ti/Fe sort of thing to do. Logic of the Ti variety tells you that's what the thing to do is to console someone, and Fe/Si calls for gifts to lessen the pain with something delicious in the stomach and something pretty to look at.

    In the situation you describe above, what i would say would be a more Fi-ego way of handling it would be to have a therapeutic heart-to-heart conversation. I mean this is not to say delta NFs dont send cookie presents (because they definitely do), but i think it wouldn't be the MAJOR avenue of consoling someone. It would be more of an adjunct. But this could have been what you did too, so you could be delta NF. I guess my best guesses are SEI vs EII. The video is limited by the fact that your glasses hide a key part of your face, and by me not having audio here at work.
    OK, cool! I can see how you drew that conclusion. We did have a heart-to-heart, but there's only so much that can be said, really; words just seem so empty when dealing with a death. As far as my glasses' limiting things, I'll try to dig up some glasses-free pictures and post them here. I don't have many on my computer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mountain LSE View Post
    The jury's still out. I can also see Fi-ego potentially, the INFj suggestion, and Te-seeking. I can't really see ILI for you at all. Would it be ok if I ask a few more questions to get more info?
    Sure thing! Hope this helps some.
    When do you ever exert yourself?
    First thing that came to mind was during sex, haha. Other than that, I lift heavy things at work now and then but am not a huge fan of it. I like to go for long walks in the woods with my headphones on, hiking is nice too though it tires me out because I'm out of shape. Swing dancing is also really fun and I'd like to do it more, but I have cold hands and feel bad for my partner.

    Do you play sports?

    Nope. My parents tried to get me into soccer when I was a kid, but I just sat on defense and picked at the grass. I'm always hyper-reactive about getting hurt, too, so I flinch embarrassingly in a lot of sports whenever a ball comes my way. I did take capoeira (Brazilian martial art/dance) for a while and enjoyed it very much, though. I liked that it involved music, and I got into sort of a trance while practicing it.

    You're in a cafeteria, and someone steals your lunch. What do you immediately do?
    It's hard for me to imagine my reaction, actually. It depends on the person and the situation. I wouldn't want to start a fight, but I NEED MY FOOD and would get pissy if anyone came in between me and my meal. One of my friends would probably get defensive and get it back for me. I don't think I'd confront the person directly, because they could probably kick my ass. I'd probably be too worked-up and upset to eat the meal afterward, anyway.

    What type of music do you like?

    Ambient and electronic stuff like Aphex Twin, Mum, M83, Crystal Castles, Depeche Mode; Indie like Bon Iver, Fleet Foxes; Alternative like Garbage, Pixies, Cure, Weezer; Pop like Lady Gaga and Lily Allen. Not a fan of hip-hop or country.

    What do you do currently for work/school?
    I graduated from a private university in three years, got a B.S. in Photojournalism. Decided Photojo is way too stressful for me, and currently am pursuing an internship as a grant writer for a non-profit dedicated to supporting local farmers markets. I'm also working at a bakery which is pretty boring and repetitive at times, but I love the people I work with so it's ok.

    What is your favorite color?


    So, what's my spirit animal?
    Last edited by PistolShrimp; 12-22-2011 at 01:47 AM.

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    Also, I wish I were SEI, but I don't think I'm my ILE boyfriend's dual. We communicate clearly and understand each other, but sometimes there are long lulls in conversation where neither of us has anything to talk about so we just goof off and make random noises at each other. I do feel strained sometimes around him, like I'm not acting like myself or like I'm doing something wrong. However, most of the time I can relax around him and talk to him about absolutely anything, He has helped me to rediscover my sense of humor, and built my confidence.

    I feel like I can feed his need for reasonably well, too. I know when he needs neckrubs, and he always is amazed that I find just the right spot to focus on. I make sure he eats so he doesn't get woozy because he forgets sometimes, and offer to cook for him though I rarely have the chance. I organize plans for us to do things. I smooth things over to keep the peace when he says something that offends others. I bring an extra pair of earmuffs in case he forgets his hat. I just don't know if this is my strength. I feel like too much of a Negative Nancy sometimes, or that I am overly-critical.

    Added some pics to the 1st post for now.
    Last edited by PistolShrimp; 12-22-2011 at 02:25 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by PistolShrimp View Post
    Also, I wish I were SEI, but I don't think I'm my ILE boyfriend's dual. We communicate clearly and understand each other, but sometimes there are long lulls in conversation where neither of us has anything to talk about so we just goof off and make random noises at each other. I do feel strained sometimes around him, like I'm not acting like myself or like I'm doing something wrong. However, most of the time I can relax around him and talk to him about absolutely anything, He has helped me to rediscover my sense of humor, and built my confidence.

    I feel like I can feed his need for reasonably well, too. I know when he needs neckrubs, and he always is amazed that I find just the right spot to focus on. I make sure he eats so he doesn't get woozy because he forgets sometimes, and offer to cook for him though I rarely have the chance. I organize plans for us to do things. I smooth things over to keep the peace when he says something that offends others. I bring an extra pair of earmuffs in case he forgets his hat. I just don't know if this is my strength. I feel like too much of a Negative Nancy sometimes, or that I am overly-critical.

    Added some pics to the 1st post for now.
    Maybe he's not ILE.
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    Why hasn't anyone linked you to yet? Still one of the best resources. A lot of the stuff I see on wikisocion is over-simplified and way too stereotypical, though it is of course far more comprehensive. Also, if you have trouble understanding or are irked by the elements as defined by socionics, try reading a few descriptions as defined by Jung here (a bit of a long read, but quite insightful concerning at least the strongest and weakest functions).

    As for your info, I will read it a bit later and perhaps even offer my own perspective. Yay.

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    Oh God, you are pure nerd. Alpha all the way, baby. The question is which one? You are not as dialectical (read that as possessed...) as a SEI.

    I therefore conclude that you are an LII.
    Last edited by Saberstorm; 12-22-2011 at 06:09 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by WorkaholicsAnon View Post
    Maybe he's not ILE.
    He is inventive, scatterbrained, blunt, hilarious, prone to starting a bunch of projects but only finishing a few, or having a great idea but not following through (he was going to make me a heart out of LED lights for Christmas). He loves novelty, debate, and loves when I show different perspectives on a topic. The descriptions fit him so well that I'm not sure what other type he could be, but I'll keep my mind open. It's hard enough determining my own type haha.

    Quote Originally Posted by nil View Post
    Why hasn't anyone linked you to yet? Still one of the best resources. A lot of the stuff I see on wikisocion is over-simplified and way too stereotypical, though it is of course far more comprehensive. Also, if you have trouble understanding or are irked by the elements as defined by socionics, try reading a few descriptions as defined by Jung here (a bit of a long read, but quite insightful concerning at least the strongest and weakest functions).

    As for your info, I will read it a bit later and perhaps even offer my own perspective. Yay.
    Awesome, thanks! I've poked around on, and find it informative, though incomplete. I read a lot of the Jung while studying MBTI, but it wouldn't hurt to give it another run-through. And any opinion you have to offer on my type would be appreciated, as I'm still pretty clueless!

    Quote Originally Posted by Saberstorm View Post
    Oh God, you are pure nerd. Alpha all the way, baby. The question is which one? You are not as dialectical (read that as possessed...) as a SEI.

    I therefore conclude that you are an LII.
    LOLWUT, there's a nerd quadra? I don't feel like an LII; some things definitely fit about it, but I smile/emote too much and am generally a warm and approachable person. LII seem more cold and serious from descriptions. Also, the way I walk and carry myself when I'm happy and healthy is almost comical; my friends say I'm "floaty" or "dancing," which I'm not sure could describe an LII.

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    Quote Originally Posted by PistolShrimp View Post
    He is inventive, scatterbrained, blunt, hilarious, prone to starting a bunch of projects but only finishing a few, or having a great idea but not following through (he was going to make me a heart out of LED lights for Christmas). He loves novelty, debate, and loves when I show different perspectives on a topic. The descriptions fit him so well that I'm not sure what other type he could be, but I'll keep my mind open. It's hard enough determining my own type haha.

    Awesome, thanks! I've poked around on, and find it informative, though incomplete. I read a lot of the Jung while studying MBTI, but it wouldn't hurt to give it another run-through. And any opinion you have to offer on my type would be appreciated, as I'm still pretty clueless!

    LOLWUT, there's a nerd quadra? I don't feel like an LII; some things definitely fit about it, but I smile/emote too much and am generally a warm and approachable person. LII seem more cold and serious from descriptions. Also, the way I walk and carry myself when I'm happy and healthy is almost comical; my friends say I'm "floaty" or "dancing," which I'm not sure could describe an LII.
    R u kidding? LIIs are Fe-dual seekers... they can have obnoxious emotionality per my understanding. Re: gait, I read somewhere that people were making an observation that LIIs can sometimes walk a little bit like a frog (which actually did ring true for an LII ex-coworker of mine), so maybe the "floaty, dancing" walk is consistent with LII.

    And yes your bf does in fact sound alpha NT from what you described. I think either ILE or LII can start lots of projects and not finish them. EDIT: just looked at his pic above, and he does actually VI alpha NT too. ur right.

    Your type isn't quite jumping out at me though yet, even with the extra pics. I could see you as LII possibly. So that would make you and your bf mirrors, which is why you dont feel it's duality. Same quadra though, so it's def a good relation anyway.
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    I think it might be a identity relationship, or maybe mirror(can't see this). Identity has a boredom factor but it's a better relationship because people get each other more and value the same information.

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    Quote Originally Posted by PistolShrimp View Post
    LOLWUT, there's a nerd quadra? I don't feel like an LII; some things definitely fit about it, but I smile/emote too much and am generally a warm and approachable person. LII seem more cold and serious from descriptions. Also, the way I walk and carry myself when I'm happy and healthy is almost comical; my friends say I'm "floaty" or "dancing," which I'm not sure could describe an LII.
    You don't seem nearly as natural at it as F-egos are.

    Even when you "chuckle" in your video, it's kind of awkward and deadpan.

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    Any Ne ego is ok imo

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    Instead of reinforcing her false image of the type with terrible stereotypes, some of you could use being a bit more professional.
    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    I think it might be a identity relationship, or maybe mirror(can't see this). Identity has a boredom factor but it's a better relationship because people get each other more and value the same information.
    From what I can tell, there is a huge chance that he is an ESE. But I really can't be sure of it just from photos.

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    He looks like a hobbit.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    Instead of reinforcing her false image of the type with terrible stereotypes, some of you could use being a bit more professional. From what I can tell, there is a huge chance that he is an ESE. But I really can't be sure of it just from photos.
    I don't really see any huge self-image issues or stereotyping going on. Huge chance that he is ESE?

    That guy does not appear to me to be demonstrative.

    BTW, to the OP, you kinda of remind me of Ellen Page.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    I don't really see any huge self-image issues or stereotyping going on. Huge chance that he is ESE?

    That guy does not appear to me to be demonstrative.

    BTW, to the OP, you kinda of remind me of Ellen Page.
    Really? You think LIIs walk "a little bit" like frogs? I haven't noticed it myself but what do I know? With all that dancing I presumably do I could have as well been high.

    In a more serious note: What is a Se demonstrative supposed to look like? I was speculating btw. I have no idea what type he is.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    Really? You think LIIs walk "a little bit" like frogs? I haven't noticed it myself but what do I know? With all that dancing I presumably do I could have as well been high.

    In a more serious note: What is a Se demonstrative supposed to look like? I was speculating btw. I have no idea what type he is.
    I'm not sure I agree with LII walking a little bit like frogs, but body language can provide a lot of information about someone's type. I think the description is kinda of confusing since I don't know what it means by walking like a frog. I mean what WA said wasn't stereotyping, just relating some information she has heard and personal experience. If you think that's stereotyping, I don't think a lot of people see it the same way.

    You said "Huge chance", and nothing at all indicate ESE.

    I think the picture of him and the lack of willpower in completing projects doesn't let me think demonstrative.
    If you want to research demonstratives.

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