Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
Quote Originally Posted by Arcanum
Btw, I think Rocky said it jokingly... or at least, thinking of a joke or small prank being pulled.
yeah, that's closer to what I was saying.

Mike: are INTJs really that observant and pay close attention to details? I thought that was more sensing. Or do you mean they concentrate more on the foreground of things? I could see that being judging.
it's based on myself mostly. maybe i'm more of a split type. but i'll hear voice inflection, eye direction, something out of place. how someone moved, how it might have been different, etc. i can pay close attention to details - depending on what the details are. instructions on how to diffuse the bomb - we would all die. intructions on baking a cake - we would all eat.

the intuition and sensing line always confused me. people say that if your a sensor you enjoy the senses more - scent, vision, etc. however i like smelling thing, i rely on listening to something to identy what's wrong with it. if something looks odd, or smells odd. a scent of a deer, the feeling of the wind and where it's coming from, get the camera out and find it.

i think a sensor is simply less likely to use intuition as a source of information. or is less likely to listen to that voice in their head. i feel we are all sensors. and intuition is an overlay, an extra feature that other's dont' have.