Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
of course theres group think and the desire to fit in and scapegoating and these things happen but at some point don't most people bump into a wall inside themselves where they think "wow this is too far?" do some people not have that wall? the fact that even after her death there are still people celebrating, i don't understand how a sane person can be that lacking in limits. i guess they really must have thought that what she did was so horrible she deserved it, but that's bizarre.
I believe it, my thought is that celebrating is a way for them not to look at the reality and avoid feeling guilty -- think about it, if you are a morally undisciplined person and you are faced at some subconscious level between the choice and patting yourself on the back and reassuring yourself you did nothing wrong and the person who killed themselves is a horrible person that is weak and the world is better without them or to actual feel somewhat responsible for the death of another human being and feel guilty about it which at first glance is going to be the more desirable option. Only the morally disciplined person would actually put themselves through that kind of guilt and pain (imo) -- its easy as an observer to stand back and look at it and make such an observation but when you're in the shoes of the aggressor you are forced between two options of either believing your malicious actions were justified or having to experience guilt and remorse for your actions.

I don't know call me an asshole but that's why I partially support the view of giving bullies a taste of their own medicine. For some they will feel guilty and remorseful and destroy themselves over such an action, and I think those types of people need peace to contemplate their actions and an opportunity for atonement, but some people are just lazy fuckers when it comes to morals and they'll bounce back into a state of self-reassurance of being morally justified unless you push them into feeling a little guilty or like shit, the trick is knowing when enough is enough -- I don't condone revenge or anything like that or going too far, but some people are just lazy, you need to light a fire underneath them for them to get it, otherwise they'll just stay in the same state of self-justification and ignorance. It's a difficult issue and there is a reason people avoid it.

Ghandi and Martin Luther King, I still support that stuff but it's an entirely different situation than this, and the context brings about unique difference from suicide and school bullies.